Most of the dampness in the body is due to the weakness of the spleen and stomach and the disorder of water and grain transportation. The drugs for removing dampness (that is, dehumidification) usually include orange peel, poria cocos, lotus leaves, corn whiskers, winter melon peel, astragalus membranaceus, dangshen, etc. traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations can choose Shenling Baizhu Pill, Jianpi Pill, Guipi Pill, Xiangsha Liujunzi Pill, Erchen Pill, Buzhong Yiqi Pill, Pingwei Powder, etc. for conditioning. When there is moisture in the body, it can also be regulated through the following methods:
1、 To control diet: Do not eat too much raw, cold, or greasy food, especially cold drinks, sweets, and fried foods. These foods can damage the function of the spleen and stomach, leading to a weaker spleen and stomach, and thus increasing the body's moisture.
2、 Don't stay up late: Don't get angry or get angry, don't smoke or drink alcohol. Can eat celery, radish, cabbage and other foods rich in dietary fiber, can also use lotus seeds, Euryale, Coix seed and other congee to drink.
3、 Moderate exercise: Outdoor exercise should be done appropriately. Exercise can increase body metabolism, regulate spleen and stomach function, and promote the elimination of moisture in the body.
4、 Physical therapy: Moxibustion, sweat steaming, massage and other methods can be used to strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness.
What are the drugs for dehumidification?
Release time:2024-05-23 19:38:12
Word Count:1444
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