Release time:2024-05-25 14:01:50
Word Count:1973
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Lily is a famous health food and commonly used traditional Chinese medicine. It is named "Lily" because its bulb petals are tightly held and "dozens of pieces are stacked together", resembling a white lotus medicine. People often regard lilies as symbols of unity, friendship, and harmonious cooperation. During festive occasions, there is a custom among the people to exchange lilies or make them into pastries to entertain guests. Cantonese people prefer to use lilies and lotus seeds in a pot of sugar water to moisten the lungs and replenish qi.
For people with poor bronchi, consuming lilies can help improve their condition, as lilies are rich in water and can quench thirst and moisten dryness. Lily mainly contains various alkaloids and nutrients such as colchicine, which have good nutritional benefits, especially for symptoms such as postoperative weakness and neurasthenia. Lily can significantly inhibit the mutagenic effect of aflatoxin and is commonly used as an adjuvant therapy for diseases such as leukemia, lung cancer, and nasopharyngeal carcinoma in clinical practice. Regular consumption has the effect of moistening the lungs, clearing the heart, and regulating the body. It can relieve cough, stop bleeding, stimulate appetite, and calm the mind. It helps to enhance physical fitness, inhibit the growth of tumor cells, and alleviate radiation therapy reactions. Clinical observations have found that lilies have the effect of treating stomach pain caused by heat stagnation.
Suitable for people: It is a food suitable for all ages.
Applicable amount: 30g per fresh product.
Reminder: It is recommended to choose fresh lilies for dietary therapy. Lily is a medicinal and edible glutinous rice tonic that can be used all year round, but it is more suitable for consumption in autumn. Lilies tend to be cooler in nature, and are not suitable for coughing due to wind cold, bleeding due to deficiency cold, and loose stools due to spleen deficiency.