What to eat for cardiovascular disease
Release time:2024-05-27 15:16:23
Word Count:1020
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Patients with cardiovascular diseases should pay attention to the following points in their diet:
1. Limit total calorie intake: Regardless of the type of food consumed, it is important to limit total calorie intake, meaning that one should not eat too much or too much at once;
2. Low sodium and high potassium diet: Low sodium, the World Health Organization requires a daily sodium intake of less than 5g, while China's guidelines require a sodium intake of less than 6g; A high potassium diet means eating more fruits and vegetables, especially foods with high potassium content such as bananas and oranges;
3. Exercise more and control weight: Exercise can prevent many cardiovascular diseases and is beneficial for preventing tumors;
4. Dietary structure: The Chinese Guidelines for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease require a daily supplement of 300g of dairy, 300-350g of vegetables, 200-350g of fruits, 120-200g of poultry and eggs, and 250-400g of grains and millet. This is a relatively good food structure.