Meridian health preservation method
Release time:2024-05-29 12:36:55
Word Count:7595
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Meridians are the general term for meridians and collaterals, referring to the channels through which Qi and blood circulate throughout the body. It is an important basis for human health, health preservation, and disease elimination.
So here are some answers for you one by one. I hope these meridian health methods can be helpful to you!
Gallbladder Classic: Make your hair black and shiny
The gallbladder starts from the midpoint of the buttocks, slides straight down the thighs, and ends at the bottom of the ankles. When bile secretion is insufficient, the human body cannot effectively break down the fats in food, and hair will appear oily.
Therefore, it is recommended that you vigorously tap the gallbladder meridian every day, 200 times on each side, to increase the speed of bile secretion and make your hair healthy and shiny.
In addition, tapping the gallbladder can also help the thighs eliminate the accumulated fat on the outside, making the thigh lines look better!
Bladder meridian: helps you remember well
The bladder meridian starts from the Baihui acupoint on the top of the head, extends to the back and buttocks, and stops at the heel. Traditional Chinese medicine generally believes that the true effective position of the bladder meridian starts from the waist, so you only need to tap the lower body.
Frequent tapping of the bladder meridian can improve the quality of blood supply to the brain, stimulate the activity of brain nerve cells, and enhance your memory!
From 15:00 to 17:00 in the afternoon is the running time of the bladder meridian. At that time, tapping can effectively reduce "noon fatigue" and make your energy particularly abundant!
Stomach Meridian: Make your face turn pale and red
The stomach meridian starts from under the clavicle, runs along the breasts, passes through the abdomen, reaches the front of the legs, and ends between the fourth toe. The blood supply to the face mainly relies on the stomach meridian, and the glossiness of the face and the elasticity of the skin are related to the blood supply to the stomach meridian.
If wrinkles suddenly appear on the face, it is likely caused by the deficiency of qi and blood in the stomach meridian.
The tapping time for the stomach meridian is from 7am to 9am. If you persist in tapping, you will find that your face is pale with a hint of red. Even if you stay up late, you will not appear too haggard!
Large Intestine Meridian: Helps you metabolize and remove dirt
The large intestine meridian starts from the Yingxiang acupoint next to the nasal wing, passes through the neck, runs through the arms, and ends at the tip of the index finger.
Frequent tapping on the large intestine meridian can clear the intestines and moisten the stomach, making your metabolism smooth and have a strong descaling effect, making your skin smooth and breath fresh!
The working time of the large intestine meridian is from 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. It is recommended that you tap it before breakfast to help the body metabolize the garbage deposited in the body at night!
Triple Jiao Classic: Boosts your immune system
The Sanjiao meridian starts at the growth point of the fishtail pattern at the corner of the eye, and ends between the ring finger and the silk and bamboo hole. In traditional Chinese medicine meridian health preservation, the Sanjiao meridian is the overall commander of human health functions. It can facilitate the smooth cooperation and consistent pace of various organs. Some Chinese medicine scholars also equate it with the lymphatic system, indicating its extraordinary function.
Frequent tapping on the Sanjiao meridian can enhance the body's immune system and prevent you from suffering from minor illnesses!
The running time of the Triple Jiao Jing is from 21:00 to 23:00. It is recommended that you drink as little water as possible before tapping. The Triple Jiao Jing also manages the flow of water and fluid, as excessive accumulation of water in the body can make your eyelids feel swollen and swollen the next morning!
Pericardial Meridian: Helps You Don't Eat Fat
Starting from the Tianchi point one inch outside the nipple to the end of the middle finger tip, it is the pericardial meridian. The beginning of the pericardial meridian is located on the periphery of the heart. In traditional Chinese medicine, the pericardium is a thin film outside the heart. When external pathogens invade, the pericardium blocks the front of the heart, providing a certain protective effect.
Frequent tapping of the pericardial meridian not only improves heart function, enhances breathing and blood flow, but also has a certain lipid-lowering effect.
From 19:00 to 21:00 in the evening is the running time of the pericardial meridian. If you tap the pericardial meridian after dinner, it can smoothly eliminate cholesterol accumulated in the blood from the body, accelerate the metabolism rate of food and fat in the body, and even if you eat a lot, you don't have to worry about gaining weight!
Heart Meridian: Accurate Self Examination Method
The Heart Meridian starts under the armpit and ends at the tip of the little finger, running through the inner side of the upper arm. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the Heart Meridian can reveal accurate health indicators of the human body, making it a worthwhile health self-test method.
The specific method is very simple: first extend your hand forward, 15 seconds later, lay it down at an angle of 45 °, 10 seconds later, and then raise your arm vertically. If your blood flows smoothly and the prominent veins disappear, it indicates that your indicators are normal and you don't need to worry about health. If the prominent veins disappear slowly, it indicates that you are fatigued and urgently need to relieve pressure. We suggest taking the opportunity to have a good sleep!
Small intestine meridian: possessing slender arms
The small intestine starts from the Qingming acupoint half an inch inside the corner of the eye, passes through the cheeks, neck, arms, and ends at the tip of the little finger. The function of the small intestine is digestion and absorption. If its function weakens, loose meat will appear in the arms.
To have slender arms, it is necessary to frequently knead the small intestine meridian.
The specific method is very simple. Raise your hand and pinch the inside of your arm with your fingertips, preferably with a slight pain. By doing this frequently, the muscle blood flow near the small intestine is unobstructed, and you can confidently show off your good figure!
Lung Meridian: Helps prevent dryness in your skin
Connect a straight line from the depression of the scapula, along the inner side of the arm, to the inner end of the thumb, which is the human lung meridian. "The lungs control the skin and hair". While tapping the lung meridian frequently, ensure at least 1500 milliliters of water intake per day, which can transport water through the lung meridian to the dermis and prevent your skin from becoming dry!
When tapping the lung meridian, from the upper arm to the upper part of the wrist, you can use a half empty fist to tap. Due to the small area of the palm, it is recommended to use the thumb of the other hand to press from the wrist to the inside of the thumb to make the acupoint sufficiently stressed.
In addition, from 3 to 5 o'clock in the morning is the period when the lung meridian is in operation, so theoretically, tapping the lung meridian is more effective at this time. If you don't want to disturb your sweet sleep, you can use tapping the lung meridian as the first lesson of morning exercise!