The efficacy and function of grass fruit
Release time:2024-05-31 12:08:50
Word Count:1232
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Caoguo is a traditional Chinese medicine derived from the dried and mature fruit of the ginger plant Caoguo. Its efficacy is to dry and warm the middle, intercept malaria and eliminate phlegm. It is used to treat internal obstruction of cold and dampness, abdominal distension and pain, bloating and vomiting, malaria cold and heat, plague fever, etc. Caoguo has a spicy and warm nature, and belongs to the spleen and stomach meridians. As a plant of the ginger family, it is similar to many other plants in the same family, containing rich volatile oils and a fragrant aroma.
Caoguo is a traditional Chinese medicine with the same medicinal and edible properties, which can be used as both medicine and food. As a food, grass fruit is mainly used as a fragrant seasoning, such as adding grass fruit to stew meat to enhance its aroma and flavor. Modern pharmacological research has found that Caoguo has functions such as regulating gastrointestinal function, relieving pain, and resisting pathogenic microorganisms. Many classic formulas also contain grass fruit, such as the famous formula Dayuan drink in Wu Youke's "Wen Yi Lun" during the Ming Dynasty, which contains grass fruit and is mainly used to treat epidemics or malaria.