Huoxiang can not only supplement rich nutrients for the human body, but also prevent and alleviate various diseases.
Release time:2024-06-01 13:28:14
Word Count:8759
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Huoxiang is a wild herbaceous plant that can be used as medicine. However, its flat leaves can be used as vegetables for people to eat or soaked in water to drink. It can not only supplement rich nutrients for the human body, but also prevent and alleviate various diseases. So, what are the specific effects of Huoxiang liquid? Below, the editor will take everyone to learn more.
The efficacy and function of Huoxiang leaves
1. Eye protection
Huoxiang leaves are rich in vitamin A, which can promote human eye development, improve retinal function, and prevent retinopathy. Regular consumption of Huoxiang liquid can improve vision and alleviate eye fatigue. In addition, it has a significant preventive effect on the high incidence of night blindness in humans.
2. Moisturizing the intestines and defecating to prevent diarrhea
Huoxiang leaves contain a large amount of cellulose, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, accelerate the generation and excretion of feces in the body, and effectively alleviate human constipation. In addition, Huoxiang liquid also contains a certain amount of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial ingredients, which can eliminate bacteria in the human intestine, maintain normal intestinal function, and have a certain preventive effect on enteritis and dysentery that often occur in summer.
3. Preventing heatstroke
In summer, people are most suitable to eat more patchouli leaves, which are excellent ingredients for preventing heatstroke. They can clear heat and detoxify, relieve heat and dampness, and reduce the occurrence of various heatstroke symptoms. In addition, when people experience heatstroke in the summer, they can also pair the leaves of patchouli with orchids for consumption, which can help the symptoms of heatstroke disappear as soon as possible.
4. Strengthening the spleen and stomach
Eating more patchouli leaves in daily life can also strengthen the spleen and stomach, prevent spleen stomach disharmony, and reduce the occurrence of adverse symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. In addition, Huoxiang liquid has mild properties and can alleviate stomach colds. When people experience pain and vomiting due to cold, eating more Huoxiang leaves can improve symptoms. In addition, Huoxiang leaves can also sweat and relieve external symptoms. After being used as medicine, it can be used for the treatment of adverse symptoms such as fever and chills in humans. When treating, Huoxiang leaves, perilla, and tangerine peel are taken together, and the treatment effect is particularly good.
Nicknames: Paixiangcao, Wild Huoxiang
Huoxiang is the stem and leaf of patchouli or Huoxiang, a plant in the Lamiaceae family. It mostly grows on mountain slopes or roadsides and is distributed in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Henan, Guangdong, Fujian, Yunnan and other places. Harvest mostly in the summer and autumn seasons, remove impurities, and then cut into sections for use. Take multiple decoctions of soup or pills or powder for internal use; For external use, rinse with boiled water or apply with burnt ground powder
Nature and taste belong to the meridian: nature is slightly warm, taste is spicy; Return to the lung, spleen, and stomach meridians.
Effect: Indications: Relieve heat and relieve external heat, dispel dampness and harmonize the stomach. Used for summer colds, nasal abyss, chest and abdominal distension, vomiting, diarrhea, pregnancy vomiting, and tinea on the hands and feet.
Taboos to take: Those with yin deficiency and excessive fire should avoid taking it.
Summary of Ancient Books:
Materia Medica Justice: It is the most effective medicine for dispelling haze and dampness, while assisting the spleen and stomach in regulating qi. It is the most effective medicine for dampness, spleen yang stagnation, fatigue and weakness, unwillingness to eat, and tongue coating turbidity and dirt.
Famous Doctor's Record: Treating Feng Shui Poison Swelling, Removing Evil Qi, Treating Cholera, and Heartache.
The Compendium of Materia Medica states that treating spleen and stomach reflux is the most essential medicine.
Selected Good Recipes:
Fang 1
Formula: 9 grams each of Huoxiang, Chuanxiong, and Peilan, and 3 grams each of Xixin and Baizhi
Method: Boil the upper medicine in water and extract the juice
Usage: Take 1 dose daily, rinse regularly, and can also be consumed
Effect: Has a certain effect on bad breath
Fang 2
Formula: 10g each of Huoxiang (lower back), Su Ye, Peilan (lower back), Bai Shao, Ge Gen, and Huangqin, and 6g each of Xiangshe (lower back), Huanglian, Muxiang, and Guizhi.
Method: Boil the upper medicine in water and extract the juice
Usage: Take 1 dose daily, divided into 2 doses.
Effect: This formula can promote fragrance, clear heat, and stop diarrhea. It is used for those with initial symptoms of dysentery, such as fever, aversion to cold, nausea, and abdominal pain, with sudden onset and subsequent worsening.
Fang 3
Recipe: 10g of Huoxiang, 12g of perilla, 9g each of Poria cocos, Chenpi, Houpu, and Dafu pi, 6g each of Platycodon grandiflorus, Atractylodes macrocephala, Pinellia ternata, Angelica dahurica, and ginger, 3g licorice, and 3 jujube.
Method: Boil the upper medicine in water and extract the juice.
Usage: Take 1 dose daily, in 3 doses.
Effect: Relieve external heat, aromatize turbidity, suitable for external pathogenic factors such as wind cold or heat dampness, inhibit stomach qi, and reduce vomiting caused by loss of appetite, accompanied by fever and aversion to cold.
Fang 4
Recipe: 90g of Huoxiang, 75g of roasted licorice, 60g each of Banxia Qu, Baizhu, Chenpi (removed from white), Houfangpu (removed from rough skin, roasted with ginger juice), and Kujijigeng. 30g each of Dafu Pi, Bai, perilla, and Fuling (removed from skin)
Method: Crush the upper medicine into powder
Usage: Take 9 grams each time with ginger and jujube soup, or decoction in water. Take 1 dose daily, divided into 2 doses.
Effect: Suitable for feeling vomiting, diarrhea, etc. caused by the evil of cold and dampness
Fang 5
Recipe: 12g each of Huoxiang and Baizhi, 30g of Wangen powder, 10g of Muxiang, 6g of Gonglilac
Method: Boil the upper medicine in water and extract the juice
Usage: 1 dose daily, rinse multiple times
Effect: Relieve fire and disperse lumps, used for bad breath.
Note: This formula should not be decocted for a long time, and should not be used for patients with oral ulcers
Fang 6
Recipe: 10 grams of Huoxiang, Fructus Aurantii, and Angelica dahurica each, 15 grams of Daqingye, 12 grams of Talcum and Coix seed each, 6 grams of Mint and Coptis chinensis each, and 3 grams of raw licorice
Method: Boil the upper medicine in water and extract the juice
Usage: Take 1 dose daily, divided into 2 doses.
Effect: Clear heat, cool blood, detoxify, suitable for children with hand, foot, and mouth disease
Fang 7
Recipe: 24g Lu Xiang, 21g Gan Song Xiang, 15g Ling Xiang, 3g Ding Xiang, 1.5g sandalwood, agarwood, and musk each
Method: Crush and grind the sweet pine incense, then add sandalwood, agarwood, Lingling incense, patchouli, and cloves in sequence. Grind and grind well, finally add musk, mix well, and put it into a silk bag for later use. Usage: Wear in underwear.
Effect: Aromatic deodorization, suitable for those who sweat and smell
Fang 8
Formula: 10g each of Huoxiang, Fangfeng, Licorice, Gardenia, Forsythia, and Xuanshen, and 30g gypsum
Method: Soak all the above-mentioned traditional Chinese medicines in a clay pot with water for 30 minutes, then heat and boil for 30 minutes. Pour out the medicinal juice and continue to add water to the pot. After boiling for 20 minutes, filter out the residue and extract the juice. Mix the medicinal juice obtained from the second decoction.
Usage: Once in the morning and once in the evening, one dose per day, continuous use for 7-10 days as one course of treatment.
Effect: Clear stomach fire, detoxify and cool blood.
Fang 9
Recipe: 10g each of Huoxiang, Cangzhu, and Houpu, 6g each of Chenpi, 5g each of Licorice and Pinellia ternata, ginger slices, and 2 Chinese dates
Method: Boil the above traditional Chinese medicine with water until it reaches 200 milliliters, filter the residue and extract the juice
Usage: Warm clothing
Effect: Soothing the stomach and suitable for vomiting.
Fang 10
Recipe: 5g each of Huoxiang and Honeysuckle, 2g licorice
Method: Add boiling water to all the above-mentioned traditional Chinese medicines and brew for about 10 minutes
Usage: Drink frequently as a substitute for tea, with 10 days as one course of treatment
Effect: Detoxifying, clearing heat and turbidity
Reminder: Everyone's physical condition is different. The prescription provided in the article should be adjusted according to the situation of the enthusiast. It is recommended to seek guidance from a professional doctor.