Health Preserving Tonic Diet Recipe Seasonal Health Preserving Tonic Diet Recipe
Release time:2024-06-01 17:28:09
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1、 Eight health preserving Congee for nourishing liver and spleen
1. Pig Liver Congee -- Nourishing Liver and Spleen
Method: 250g japonica rice, 100g pig liver, 8g shredded ginger, 20g chopped green onion, and some salt are cooked into Congee.
Efficacy: Pig liver Congee has the function of enriching blood, improving eyesight, nourishing liver and spleen, and is suitable for patients with weak qi and blood, sallow complexion, dry eyes, liver disease, etc.
Tip: Pig liver with discoloration or nodules due to illness should be avoided.
2. Spinach Congee -- nourishing blood and stopping bleeding
Method: 500g spinach, 200g japonica rice, 2g pepper, proper amount of salt, cooked into Congee.
Efficacy: spinach Congee has the functions of nourishing blood, stopping bleeding, astringing yin, moistening dryness, and facilitating the intestines and stomach. It is suitable for patients with blood deficiency and intestinal dryness at ordinary times, especially the elderly with chronic constipation, habitual constipation, hemorrhoids, blood in the stool, poor urination, hypertension and other patients.
Tip: After washing spinach, blanch it in boiling water and then add it to Congee to remove some oxalic acid.
3. Millet and jujube Congee -- nourishing blood and calming nerves
Method: 150g millet, 60g red dates (cored), add some water, and cook a total of Congee.
Efficacy: millet and red jujube Congee has the functions of tonifying the middle and supplementing qi, strengthening the spleen and stomach, nourishing blood and calming the nerves. It is suitable for patients with insufficient qi and blood, chronic dyspepsia, neurasthenia, insomnia and amnesia.
Tip: Red dates must be cored before they can be used in Congee, otherwise they will be too hot and dry to eat.
4. Black Rice and Codonopsis Congee -- Supplementing Middle School and Benefiting Qi
Methods: 15 grams of Codonopsis pilosula and Poria cocos, 5 grams of ginger slices, 100 grams of black rice, 60 grams of rock sugar, add some water, and cook a total of Congee.
Efficacy: Black rice Codonopsis pilosula Congee has the function of tonifying the middle and qi, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and is suitable for patients with qi deficiency and weakness, spleen and stomach weakness, general fatigue and weakness, loss of appetite, and thin stool.
Reminder: People with damp heat or stomach heat should not consume it.
5. Chrysanthemum Congee -- heat clearing and detoxification
Method: 150 grams of japonica rice, 15 grams of white chrysanthemum, 5 grams of medlar, some rock sugar, add water to cook Congee.
Efficacy: Chrysanthemum Congee has the function of clearing away heat, detoxifying, nourishing the liver and improving the eyesight. It is suitable for patients with wind heat cold, dizziness, red eyes, swelling and pain, wind heat of the liver meridian, skin ulcers and carbuncle.
Reminder: Yellow chrysanthemum is commonly used for dispersing wind heat, while white chrysanthemum is commonly used for clearing and calming the liver.
6. Radish and rice porridge -- appetizing and invigorating spleen
Method: 250g white radish, 100g japonica rice, 8g shredded ginger, 3g refined salt, add some water, and cook it into Congee.
Efficacy: Radish japonica rice porridge has the functions of appetizing and invigorating the spleen, dissipating qi, relieving thirst and relieving thirst. It is suitable for patients with weak digestion and excessive phlegm due to excessive consumption of fat, sweet and thick food, and children with food accumulation.
Reminder: White radish tends to be cold and beneficial to the intestines. Those with spleen deficiency and diarrhea should eat it with caution or in moderation.
7. Sesame Congee -- moistening lung and nourishing liver
Method: 250 grams of japonica rice, 50 grams of sesame (stir fried and finely ground), and some rock sugar, cooked into Congee.
Efficacy: Sesame Congee has the functions of moistening the lung and liver, nourishing essence and hair, moistening intestines and relieving constipation. It is suitable for patients with liver and kidney insufficiency, hair whitening, hair loss, lung dryness, cough and constipation.
Tips: Sesame Congee is very suitable for pregnant women to eat and has the function of lactation.
8. Chrysanthemum Congee -- Xiaotan Drink
Method: 500 grams of chrysanthemum, 200 grams of japonica rice, 5 grams of ginger, 3 grams of refined salt, 1 gram of pepper, add some water, and cook a total of Congee.
Efficacy: Garland chrysanthemum Congee has the functions of harmonizing the spleen and stomach, facilitating the second stool, and eliminating phlegm, which is suitable for patients with hernia pain caused by liver qi discomfort, poor urination, hot lung cough, and phlegm thick cough.
Tip: Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum has a slightly cold nature and can damage the spleen and stomach yang qi, so it should not be consumed excessively; People with weak spleen and stomach should not consume it for a long time.
Drink Congee for health, but pay attention to the following issues when cooking a bowl of health Congee
2、 Recommend 6 summer health soups
(1) Summer Health Soup - Rice Soup
Rice soup contains a certain amount of nutrients. Elderly people who suffer from diarrhea and dehydration should drink it frequently, which has certain significance in reducing symptoms and early recovery.
(2) Summer Health Soup - Vegetable Soup
Various fresh vegetables contain a large amount of alkaline substances and are easily soluble in soup. Drinking vegetable soup regularly (alternating consumption of various fresh vegetables) can maintain a normal alkaline state in the body's blood, maintain acid-base balance, prevent blood acidification, and increase the intake of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which is greatly beneficial to human health.
(3) Summer health soup - Tomato and egg soup
Tomatoes are sour, sweet, and delicious, as well as rich in various vitamins. They can be eaten raw and cooked, making them both a fruit and a good vegetable. Eggs not only contain high levels of excellent protein, but also have a digestion and absorption rate of over 95%, making them a great protein supplement. The two make soup, alternating yellow and red, which is both beautiful and delicious, making it the most ideal tonic.
(4) Summer Health Soup - Bone Soup
As people reach middle and old age, various organs and tissues in the body begin to gradually age. In addition, microcirculation disorders can easily lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Most elderly people lack calcium and suffer from varying degrees of osteoporosis. Bone soup not only contains rich calcium, but also special nutrients and collagen, which can clear microcirculation and supplement calcium.
(5) Summer Health Soup - Winter Melon and Coix Seed Soup
Take 50g of coix seed and 500g of winter melon and boil them together to drink soup. It can clear heat, relieve heat, invigorate the spleen, diuresis, dispel fire and detoxify, and is a good soup for relieving summer heat.
(6) Summer Health Soup - Green Bean Soup
Mung beans have a sweet taste and a cool nature. They can enter the heart and stomach meridians, clear summer heat, promote diuresis and dampness, and can treat various diseases such as fever or self perceived internal heat in summer, and damage to the heat energy. Drinking mung bean soup often in summer can cool down and relieve heat.
3、 Four healthy recipes to help you prevent diseases and maintain health in autumn
1. Fried Shredded Pork with Bitter Melon
Formula of Tonic Diet: 50g pork, 300g balsam pear, appropriate seasoning.
Production method: Cut the pork into shreds, add yellow wine and starch, mix well, and stir fry in a hot oil pan over high heat until well cooked; Leave a little base oil in the pot, add sliced bitter gourds, add salt, and stir fry with shredded meat; Finally, add white sugar and monosodium glutamate and stir fry slightly to serve.
Usage: Consume freely.
Edible efficacy: Clearing heat and relieving heat, appetizing and removing dampness, tonifying the spleen and kidneys. Suitable for fever, red eye, sores, and dysentery.
2. Mung bean and red jujube Congee
Tonic Diet formula: 100g mung beans, 15 red dates, and some brown sugar.
Preparation method: Wash mung beans and red dates and put them in a pot. Add an appropriate amount of water and cook until the beans are rotten. Add brown sugar and serve.
Usage: Consume freely.
Edible efficacy: It has the effects of clearing heat, relieving heat, strengthening the spleen, and protecting the liver. Suitable for heatstroke, anemia, fatigue syndrome, scurvy, peptic ulcer, chronic hepatitis, malnutrition edema and other diseases.
3. Banana and mung bean Congee
Tonic Diet formula: 60g green beans, 2 bananas
Production method: First, remove the stem of the banana and clean it thoroughly. Cut the banana skin into small pieces and stir quickly in a home juicer. Filter the juice and put it in a cup for later use. After washing out the mung beans, put them in a clay pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, remove from the heat, let it cool, take the mung bean soup, transfer it to banana juice, mix well, and it is ready.
Usage: Drink separately in the morning and evening every day.
Edible efficacy: It has the effects of clearing heat, removing annoyance, diuresis, and reducing blood pressure. Suitable for heatstroke, anorexia, malnutrition and edema.
4. Goji and Yam Soup
Tonic Diet formula: 150g Huai yam, 25g Chinese wolfberry, 50g Euryale, 4 pork loins, 5 pieces of ginger.
Production method: Cut open the pork waist, remove the white film, rinse with clean water to remove urine odor. Wash the Huai yam, Gou Ba, and Euryale seeds and put them together with the cut pork loin into a pot. Add an appropriate amount of water, heat over high heat, and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for 2 hours until the soup is ready.
Usage: Twice a day, take in the morning and evening separately.
Edible efficacy: Tonifying the kidney and stopping bleeding. Suitable for vaginal diseases, as well as symptoms such as red and white vaginal discharge, slightly sticky and odorless texture, dizziness, restlessness and heat, insomnia and excessive dreaming, red tongue with little coating, and slight pulse count.
4、 Four Winter Health Preserving Soup for Stomach Health
1. Pork Tripe Soup with White Pepper
Ingredients: 15g white pepper, 1 pork belly, a little salt, cooking wine, and MSG each.
Method: Take white pepper and crush it slightly. Wash pork belly repeatedly with salt or cornstarch. Put the crushed white pepper into the pork belly, then tie the head and tail tightly with thread, add an appropriate amount of water, and simmer for about two hours over low heat. When the soup is thick and the stomach is rotten, just add an appropriate amount of salt. This quantity can be used by 2-3 people. Pig tripe can be sliced and mixed with raw oil and soy sauce for meals.
Effect: Potted pork belly with white pepper has a strong and fragrant aroma, which has the effect of dispelling cold and warming the stomach. At the same time, it can assist in the treatment of stomach cold, abdominal pain, vomiting clear saliva, or stomach and duodenal ulcers caused by deficiency cold.
2. Perilla, ginger, and jujube soup
Ingredients: 10g fresh perilla leaves, 3 pieces of ginger, and 15g red dates.
Method: First, wash the red dates in clean water, then remove the date pits, and then cut the ginger into slices. Cut the fresh perilla leaves into shreds, ginger slices, and red dates, and put them into a clay pot filled with warm water. Cook over high heat, then simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Then take out the perilla leaves and ginger slices, and continue to cook over low heat for 15 minutes.
Effect: This soup has the function of warming the stomach, dispelling cold, and aiding digestion and qi circulation.
3. Red dates, yams, and pork belly soup
Ingredients: 100g of red dates, 200g of yam, approximately 250g of pork belly half, and 10g of ginger slices.
Method: Put the washed and cut large pieces of pork belly into a pot filled with water and cook over high heat for 1 hour. Then add yam and continue to cook for 30 minutes. Then, put the red dates and ginger slices into the pot and cook for 15-20 minutes.
Effect: Yam has a sweet and flat taste, and has effects such as nourishing qi, strengthening spleen, and stopping diarrhea. Red dates have the effects of invigorating the spleen, benefiting the stomach, nourishing qi and blood, and nourishing blood and calming the mind. Pig stomach has the effect of tonifying deficiency and strengthening the spleen and stomach.
4. Stewed chicken with ginseng, qi, and monkey head mushrooms
Ingredients: 100g Monkey Head Mushroom, 1 hen (about 750g), 10g each of Astragalus membranaceus, Codonopsis pilosula, and jujube, appropriate amounts of ginger slices, scallions, Shaoxing wine, clear soup, and starch.
Method: Wash and remove the stem of the monkey head mushroom, let it swell, squeeze out the water, slice and set aside. Put all the ingredients into a stew pot and simmer slowly over low heat.
Effect: This soup has the effects of tonifying qi, strengthening the spleen, and nourishing the stomach.