Dont miss this "super fruit" in early summer, it can promote bowel movements, prevent cancer, and protect blood vessels! The taste is amazing
Release time:2024-06-02 12:57:56
Word Count:5556
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May and June are the season when a large number of plums are on the market.
Plums taste sour, sweet, and delicious, which is quite beneficial to the human body. Today, the editor is going to talk to you about this low-key health fruit~
It is known as the "super fruit", which can promote bowel movements, protect blood vessels, and prevent cancer
Li, also known as Li Shi, Bu Li, Jia Ying Zi, Shan Li, etc., has a variety of varieties and unique flavors.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that plums have a sweet and sour taste, a cool nature, and have the effects of clearing liver heat, soothing liver qi, promoting fluid production, promoting blood circulation and diuresis, appetizing, and aiding digestion. They are particularly suitable for those with insufficient stomach yin, dry throat, thirst, and poor urination.

From the perspective of modern nutrition and medicine, the benefits of plums to the human body are countless.

1. Free of fat, low in calories, and low in sugar content
Plums are high in water content, fat free, low in calories, low in fructose content, low in GI value, and are not easy to cause rapid blood sugar rise after eating. They are suitable for diabetes patients and obese people to use moderately.
The research of Texas Ecological Agriculture Research Institute found that plums contain bioactive ingredients, which may be able to resist obesity related diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
2. Appetizing, aiding digestion, and promoting bowel movements
Plum contains organic acids such as malic acid, which can stimulate the secretion of digestive glands (stomach acid, digestive enzymes) in the human body, enhance appetite, and facilitate food digestion. It is a good dietary therapy for functional dyspepsia, chronic liver disease, and loss of appetite.
In addition, it also contains abundant vitamins and dietary fiber. Dietary fiber not only promotes gastrointestinal peristalsis, but also combines with harmful substances in the intestine to promote their excretion from the body.
3. Supplementing potassium and protecting blood vessels
Plums contain various minerals, especially potassium, which is quite abundant. Potassium is an important mineral that can regulate heart rhythm, nerve conduction, and muscle contraction in the human body.
However, people generally sweat a lot in summer, and potassium ions in the body are easily lost. Therefore, eating some plums appropriately can help dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, prevent cholesterol deposition in arteries, and thus protect blood vessels.
4. Excellent antioxidant capacity
Research in the United States shows that the antioxidant content of a plum is equivalent to that of a handful of blueberries.
Blueberries have the highest antioxidant plant nutrients and are considered the most effective natural antioxidants discovered by humans, but they are expensive and have limited sources.
Therefore, Catherine Collins, chief nutritionist at St. George's Hospital in London, stated that plums are cheap, fat free, and have low calories. Eating two or three plums a day can meet the body's nutritional needs for antioxidants, comparable to the nutritious blueberries.
5. Cancer prevention and immune enhancement
Plums contain phytochemicals such as polyphenols, flavonoids, aromatics, and coumarins. These plant compounds have antioxidant, tumor and cardiovascular disease prevention, immune enhancement, and anti-aging effects.
According to the Daily Mail in the UK, plums have made remarkable achievements in delaying aging and preventing diseases, earning them the nickname of the new generation of "super fruits".
6. Promote hemoglobin production
Li Zi can promote hemoglobin production and also have certain benefits for anemia.
After talking so much about the benefits of plums to the human body, do you want to quickly buy some to satisfy yourself?
Don't worry, there are some precautions when eating plums. After listening to the editor, it's not too late to eat again.
Eating plums without paying attention to these three points can harm health and health
1. Don't eat too much
Even when plums are ripe, they still have a slightly sour taste because they contain a lot of plant acids and tannins. If consumed too much at once, it can cause gum soreness and gastrointestinal discomfort.
In addition, eating more plums can help damp produce phlegm and damage the spleen and stomach. This is also mentioned in many traditional Chinese medicine classics.
For example, Sun Simiao said, "Do not eat too much, it will make you feel weak.". According to "Diannan Bencao", "Do not overeat, as it may damage the spleen and stomach.". The "Sui Xi Ju Diet Manual" also states that "eating more phlegm can help damp and cause malaria, especially for those with spleen deficiency".
2. Some people are not suitable to eat
For people with chronic gastritis, eating plums can easily cause pantothenic acid; For patients with gastric ulcers, plums can cause more adverse irritation. Therefore, these two types of people should try to eat less or avoid eating as much as possible.
3. Do not eat nuclear food
Plum seeds contain cyanide glycosides, although the content is not high, there is no need to worry too much if bitten occasionally. However, it is best not to eat plum seeds for nothing. It is also best to remove the plums when squeezing juice.
Finally, I would like to remind everyone that when eating plums, it is best to wash the fresh plums and eat them together with the skin. Because many antioxidants and beneficial coloring compounds are distributed in the fruit peel.