Eternal Famous Prescription - Treating Upper Heat and Lower Cold
Release time:2024-06-02 14:32:56
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Acne on the face, oral ulcers, soreness in the waist and knees Attack, supplement, and apply together, it's so useful!

Why does it cause upper heat and lower cold?
Because there was too much movement up there.
Eyes constantly moving, looking at phones; Mouth keeps moving, eating all kinds of junk food, drinking all kinds of chilled drinks, and taking all kinds of antibiotics;
My mind is constantly moving, and all kinds of thoughts are rushing in like a tide. After worrying about national affairs, I am also worried about my own small matters
The only thing that doesn't move is the lower body, always sitting.
Too much movement on top, insufficient blood, and excess qi is fire. This fire could have led to the bottom, warming our hands and feet.
But due to prolonged sitting and dietary reasons, the middle energizer's spleen and stomach are blocked, and the fire is blocked. What should we do?
I had to rebound, so there was a rise in heat and a fall in cold.
Specifically, the symptoms of upper fever include: getting hot easily, acne on the face, oral ulcers, sore throat, dry and astringent eyes, and sometimes bleeding gums and nosebleeds
The symptoms of lower cold include: irregular bowel movements, loose stools, soreness in the waist and knees, cold hands and feet, frequent urination, and menstrual pain caused by cold uterus
Simply put, upper heat and lower cold are a series of symptoms caused by the blockage of the middle energizer, the excess of yin in the lower energizer, and the rise of deficiency yang.
It is important to remember that the upper heat and lower cold are not necessarily due to your severe yang deficiency, but rather because the fire in your body has not been utilized.
A person with true yang deficiency will show signs of coldness throughout their body, not just in their lower body.
How to regulate upper heat and lower cold?
Zhang Zhongjing not only gave us ideas, but also gave us formulas, which are so good.
The idea is: to open up our middle burner spleen and stomach, and then draw the fire from above downwards, so that it flows up and down, naturally making it neither hot nor cold.
Opening up the spleen and stomach in the middle energizer is to nourish the body, and the presence of evil in the qi cannot be eliminated. The downward movement of fire is to dispel evil, and the dual approach of supporting the body and dispelling evil is to treat both symptoms and root causes. Isn't it wonderful?
Let's take a look at Zhang Zhongjing's prescription, which is the famous licorice heart purging soup:
15 grams of roasted licorice, 9 grams of Scutellaria baicalensis, 9 grams of dried ginger, 9 grams of Pinellia ternata, 12 large dates (broken), and 5 grams of Huanglian.
The above six flavors are boiled with 2 liters of water, 1.2 liters are taken, the residue is removed, and then 600 milliliters are fried. Warm coat 200 milliliters, three times a day.
Attention, when boiling medicine, be sure to remove the residue and pour out the soup before boiling.
We need to follow Zhang Zhongjing's approach so that the drugs in the prescription can be used in combination with cold and heat, with the aim of achieving maximum efficacy.
Let's analyze Zhang Zhongjing's formula.
To break through the middle burner, the first step is to establish the middle burner and stabilize the qi of the spleen and stomach. Zhang Zhongjing used roasted licorice, dried ginger, and jujube.
Are you guys familiar with these three medicines. By the way, these are the three ingredients in Zhang Zhongjing's spleen tonifying and stomach nourishing medicine, as well as one ingredient of ginseng.
If appetite is weak and the spleen and stomach are very cold, and you are not short of money, you can add 6g of ginseng.
What should I do if there is evil energy in the middle burner?
For example, if there is dampness, accumulation of food, or lumps, Pinellia ternata will come in handy. Its function is to reduce stress, such as vomiting or hiccups, and it can be cured. Is stomach qi mainly reduced.
Huanglian Huangqin
What if there is a virtual fire on top? Not afraid, we have dried Huanglian and Scutellaria baicalensis. These two medicines can clear the fire on the upper burner and also remove all obstacles such as blockages and nodules in the middle burner.
This prescription has ups and downs, defenses and attacks, as well as warm and cool medicines.
Unlike some doctors who only use cooling medicine when they see a fire, the fire is temporarily removed and quickly counterattacked, and it is more intense and frequent than last time.
This creates a vicious cycle, causing unbearable suffering for patients.
Where is the magic of licorice heart clearing soup? Zhang Zhongjing said in "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" that this prescription treats fox confusion disease.
What is Fox Puzzle Disease? Let's put it this way, it can treat any disease of the mucosal system, especially for various inflammations that repeatedly persist in the head and face.
For example, many people have oral ulcers, such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, keratitis, gingivitis, conjunctivitis, chronic gastritis, and gastric ulcers.
For example, diseases such as enteritis, hemorrhoids, and reproductive mucosa can also be treated, such as vaginitis, and even have certain effects on gastric cancer and colon cancer.
Why does coldness actually cause "fire"?
Everyone has experienced "excessive heat", such as the hot weather in summer causing dryness and heat in the body, sores on the mouth and tongue, dry stools after eating food that causes excessive heat, irritability and internal heat in people with liver fire, and "yin deficiency and excessive heat" in people with prolonged illness.
In the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, it is said: "Nowadays, those who suffer from fever are all affected by typhoid fever and the like... If a person's injury is caused by cold, it is called illness heat."
Here, it is pointed out that cold is the cause of fever. If the cold evil is too strong, what the body shows is heat syndrome or heat disease, which means that deficiency fire is actually caused by cold.
When modern people mistakenly eat various cold fruits and vegetables regardless of the season, and when people use air conditioning for a long time in summer
When women try to show off their figure by wearing as little clothing as possible, a large amount of cold and dampness is quietly entering their bodies, causing the natural kidney fire to decrease and the deficiency fire to increase.
At present, cold and cool medicines that can clear fire, clear fire, and lower fire are commonly used for treatment. This makes it easier to treat fire by adding cold to the cold and adding deficiency to the deficiency.
In fact, there is no symptomatic treatment for this.
But if you want to remove the cold and dampness from the body, you need to nourish the kidneys and use warm and warm food.
Warm therapy, isn't this adding fuel to the fire?
Indeed, people with deficiency fire generally have the condition of "deficiency not being replenished", but this situation of not being replenished is just an illusion.
Heavy cold and dampness in the body can easily cause blockage of meridians, making it difficult to dissipate heat, and making it easy to feel stuffy and hot.
Compared to the elderly, children have smooth meridians and fast heat dissipation, so they are the least afraid of heat in summer and still play in the sun on hot days.