A medicine known as the "elixir of immortality"
Release time:2024-06-02 14:44:18
Word Count:6501
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As we age and experience more, we acquire something else and begin to miss the youth we once spent recklessly like flowing water, but it is impossible to go back to the past.
Don't be sad, don't be sad. If you don't want to age like this day after day, try to keep the footsteps of this moment. Recommend a few traditional Chinese medicines and use them dialectically to help combat aging appropriately.
Don't think that the elixirs of immortality are precious Chinese herbs like Ganoderma lucidum. They may be available at a small pharmacy next to your home, and the prices are so cheap that they can leave you speechless.
1、 Licorice
Licorice is the root and rhizome of the perennial herbaceous plant licorice, with a sweet and flat taste. It belongs to the heart, lungs, spleen, and stomach meridians, and has the functions of tonifying the spleen, tonifying qi, moistening the lungs, relieving cough, relieving pain, and alleviating medicinal properties.
Features: Licorice not only relieves cough, but also has a strong anti-aging effect. Modern women face high work pressure, irregular diet and lifestyle, excessive thinking, and are prone to symptoms such as fatigue, fatigue, insomnia, and excessive dreaming.
For these symptoms of heart and spleen deficiency, roasted licorice can be considered a good medicine.
In addition, licorice has the effects of lowering blood pressure, lowering blood lipids, resisting gene mutations, and anti-cancer, making it a very good anti-aging Chinese herbal medicine.
Note: If you have time, you can slightly process the licorice purchased from the pharmacy:
Mix some honey and heat it slightly to make "roasted licorice". Don't underestimate this simple production process, its anti-aging effect of nourishing qi and nourishing the middle will be more effective.
2、 Yuzhu
The efficacy and function of Yuzhu are to nourish yin and moisten dryness, generate fluids and quench thirst. It is mainly used for the treatment of diseases such as lung yin deficiency, dry heat cough, stomach yin deficiency, dry throat and thirst, and internal heat and thirst.
Features: Jade bamboo is a great nourishing yin product, and for those who often eat spicy food, it is the most suitable anti-aging supplement.
Due to the damage to the stomach yin caused by spicy food, symptoms such as restlessness, thirst, and dry mouth and tongue may occur. If jade bamboo is used together with sand ginseng, winter wheat, and licorice, it can nourish yin, moisten dryness, produce fluids, and quench thirst.
Modern research has found that jade bamboo has antioxidant effects, which can regulate immune function, eliminate free radicals, and reduce damage to body tissues, thereby delaying aging.
Attention: Yuzhu can be used as both medicine and food, such as Yuzhu lean meat soup, which can nourish yin, moisten the lungs, and relieve cough; Meanwhile, Yuzhu also contains rich mucin and vitamin A substances, which can make the skin more moisturized and delicate.
3、 Sanqi
Sanqi, a precious traditional Chinese medicine, has the functions of promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and pain, and stopping bleeding. It is mainly used to treat diseases caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis.
Characteristic: Ginseng is a good thing, as we all know. Ginseng is good because it is the best tonic for replenishing qi, but it is not very suitable for ordinary women.
Compared with ginseng, Sanqi is a better choice in terms of cost-effectiveness and applicability.
The anti-aging effect of Panax notoginseng can be described as having both internal and external effects.
Inside: Sanqi can dilate blood vessels, reduce vascular resistance, increase cardiac output, slow heart rate, reduce myocardial oxygen consumption and capillary permeability, and effectively prevent cardiovascular problems.
Outside: Sanqi can nourish blood vessels and remove stasis, and has a good therapeutic effect on facial pigmentation caused by qi deficiency.
Attention: If you buy Sanqi powder, it can be mixed with an appropriate amount of honey to form a paste and applied directly to the face for 10-20 minutes. It has the function of promoting blood circulation, moisturizing the skin, and anti-aging.
Long term facial application can make the skin smooth and tender. If you take Sanqi powder orally with honey water during the application period, the effect will be better.
4、 Astragalus membranaceus
Astragalus membranaceus is a traditional Chinese medicine that supplements qi and deficiency. Its functions include tonifying qi and yang, consolidating the surface and stopping sweating, detoxifying and expelling pus, promoting diuresis and reducing swelling, and so on.
Characteristic: For women, supplementing qi and blood is almost a lifelong task. To achieve sufficient qi and blood, tonifying the spleen is the top priority, and Huangqi is the best Chinese herbal medicine for tonifying the spleen. If used in conjunction with Angelica sinensis, the effect will be even better.
Research has shown that it can comprehensively enhance the human immune system, promote metabolism, regulate blood sugar, lower blood lipids, and also increase the level of antioxidant SOD in the body, with good anti-aging effects.
Attention: When taking Astragalus membranaceus, it should be taken in moderation according to the individual's physical condition under the guidance of a doctor; People who are prone to getting angry should not take it. There are many ways to take astragalus, which can be used as a substitute for tea, porridge, and soup.
5、 Poria cocos
Poria cocos is the fungal nucleus of Poria cocos, which has the effects of promoting diuresis and dampness, strengthening the spleen and calming the mind.
Features: Aging does not only refer to the skin, but also to the gastrointestinal tract, which also needs anti-aging.
If you frequently experience indigestion, loss of appetite, bloating, and a constant rumbling stomach, it indicates that your digestive system is aging, and Poria cocos is the best anti-aging medicine.
If taken together with Codonopsis pilosula, yam, lotus seeds, etc., the effect is extremely good.
The study also found that Poria cocos can regulate the function of the nervous system, effectively prolong the lifespan of brain cells, improve hearing and vision, and enhance intelligence and memory.
Note: Poria cocos is a kind of fungus mushroom with both medicine and food. It is often used in Tonic Diet, such as Poria cocos cake, Poria cocos cake, Poria cocos tea, and so on.