Traditional Chinese Medicine - Talc
Release time:2024-06-02 14:48:16
Word Count:3130
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Drug name: Talc
Nickname: Huashi, Xileng
Source: Shennong Bencao Jing
Classification: diuretic and dampness penetrating medicine
Origin: Shandong, Liaoning, Guangxi and other places
Sexual taste: Cold in nature, sweet and light in taste
Meridian return: return to the bladder, lungs, and stomach meridians
Effect: Diuretic and diuretic, clearing heat and relieving heat, dispelling dampness and astringent sores
Indications: Heat drenching, stone drenching, urinary heat and astringency pain, summer dampness and restlessness thirst, damp heat and watery diarrhea; External treatment for eczema, eczema, and prickly heat
Internal administration: 10-20g, with talcum chunks first fried; Fried with talcum powder.
External use: In moderation.
Taboos: People with spleen deficiency and weak qi, as well as those with slippery essence and heat induced injuries should avoid taking it; Pregnant women should take medication with caution.
pharmacological action 
Talcum powder sprayed on skin and mucosal wounds has a protective effect, while oral administration has a protective effect on inflamed gastrointestinal mucosa; It can suppress vomiting, stop diarrhea, reduce inflammation, and prevent the absorption of toxins.
Chinese herbal formula
1. Treating Qi plastic barrier obstruction, urinary congestion, and pain under the navel: Talcum is divided into eight parts, ground like a noodle, mixed with water and stirred, and taken orally. (Guangli Fang)
2. Difficulty in treating urination, pain in the stem, and acute abdominal pain: divided into talcum, dandelion, and other ingredients, with two flavors on the upper part and a sieve on the lower part. A wine eyed square inch dagger, worn three times a day. (Qian Jin Fang)
3. Treatment for heat drenching, red, astringent, and painful urination: Four liang of talcum, crushed into powder. Take two daggers per serving, stir fry Mutong soup and adjust accordingly, no matter when. (Slippery Stone Powder in the Records of Saint Ji)
Ancient book records
"Tang Ye Ben Cao": Talcum, which can smooth the body and promote diuresis, is used to clear waterways and is the most effective medicine for dryness. The talc and ass hide glue used in Zhuling soup are both slippery to benefit the waterway. Boil scallions, fermented soybeans, and ginger together, remove the residue and clarify for clarity, with a light taste that exudes yang and helps with urination. If urination is self interested, it is not advisable to use it as a solution.
The Compendium of Materia Medica Meng Quan: Talcum can treat thirst, but it is not effective in treating thirst. By using it to benefit the orifices, it can seep away dampness and heat, neutralize the temperament, and quench thirst on its own. If it is natural to have excessive dampness and lust, and people suffer from difficulty urinating and thirst, it is appropriate to use this to relieve it, and thirst will not occur. If there is no dampness or thirst after urination, it is known that there is dryness and heat inside, and dryness should be moistened. If taken by mistake, the body fluids will disappear, and thirst will become excessive.