Raise your hand thirty times a day like this, eat well, sleep well, have a rosy complexion, and never grow old
Release time:2024-06-02 15:45:15
Word Count:6131
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According to statistics, about 500 million people worldwide suffer from stomach diseases, and China has 120 million, making it a "major country in stomach diseases".
When it comes to the stomach, we have to mention the spleen. In traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen and stomach are a good pair.
If the stomach is compared to a granary, the spleen is the transportation company. The food we eat will be initially ground and digested in the stomach, and then it will be digested again by the spleen to remove the dross and transport the "essence" - nutrients to the whole body.
So, if the stomach function is not good, the transportation capacity of the spleen will naturally be affected.
Drinking cold drinks and eating raw vegetables often can easily cause cold air to enter the body and harm the spleen and stomach; Hunger and overeating, uncontrolled diet, can cause significant damage to the spleen and stomach; In addition, we often say "sad spleen", losing temper and feeling stuffy can damage the health of the spleen.
How can we know if our spleen and stomach are good? In fact, some signs of the body will tell you.
01 Your spleen and stomach are good or bad
Just check yourself and you'll know
Dim complexion and yellowish complexion
If the qi and body fluids of the spleen are insufficient, it cannot provide sufficient nutrition to the body, resulting in a slight yellowing of the whole person, which is a manifestation of spleen deficiency.
Red, yellow, black nose
If the nose and wings turn red, it may be due to heat in the spleen and stomach, and it is actually hot. People like this usually have a large appetite, but after eating, they are prone to hunger.
In addition, if the nose turns yellow, it reflects insufficient yang energy in the spleen and stomach, which may be caused by eating too much cold food.
When the nose and hair are black, it may indicate that the condition of the spleen, stomach or other organs has reached a serious level. It is best to go to the hospital for examination and treatment.
Lips without blood color
In the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, it is mentioned that the lips are the organs of the spleen. It means that problems with the spleen and stomach can be seen through the lips.
Usually, people with good spleen and stomach tend to have rosy lips and moderate dryness and dampness. On the contrary, dry lips, frequent peeling, and lack of blood color all indicate that the person's spleen and stomach are not very good.
Sleeping and drooling
There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine: "The spleen governs saliva." Therefore, the water and qi of the spleen are expressed through this "saliva.".
A person with a good temper needs saliva to work properly, helping us swallow and digest food. If one has a weak temper, saliva will not stay in the mouth honestly and will overflow during sleep.
Frequent constipation
The poor transportation ability of the spleen and stomach prevents the transportation of nutrients to various organs, leading to a lack of motility in the large intestine and causing constipation.
02 Nourishing the spleen and stomach is nourishing life
To have a good spleen and stomach, three parts rely on treatment and seven parts rely on nourishment.
But nourishing the spleen and stomach is not a one-time effort, and we need to make some changes in our lifestyle. In addition, we need to do some simple exercise to regulate it.
Eat the right food and have a regular diet
A fast-paced life also requires eating on time and in moderation, which is the first step in maintaining the spleen and stomach.
In addition, during the scorching summer, in order to nourish the spleen and stomach, it is necessary to change inappropriate methods of heat dissipation, such as eating cold drinks before meals. Cold drinks have the effect of constricting blood vessels in the stomach and reducing the secretion of digestive fluid, which is very detrimental to digestion.
Due to the correspondence between yellow food and the spleen in the Five Elements, eating soybeans, pumpkins, potatoes, corn, bananas, etc. in summer can promote spleen and stomach health.
Single arm lift, adjustable spleen and stomach
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the key to regulating the spleen and stomach is to follow the changing laws of the qi mechanisms of various organs.
Stomach qi governs descending and temper qi governs ascending. It means that food decays through the stomach and needs to go down into the small intestine for the next digestion and absorption. Temperament conveys the essence of food to the lungs and then to other tissues and organs.
Through the orderly movement of the spleen and stomach, the whole body can receive sufficient nourishment.

The single arm lifting movement recorded in the Eight Section Brocade is very useful for regulating the spleen and stomach by utilizing this mechanism.

1. Stand up, bend your knees slightly, hold your palms up in front of your lower abdomen.
2. Flip your left palm, lift it up, and turn your right palm and press it down next to your right crotch.
3. Spread your palms up and down, while standing straight with your legs, stretching your entire body apart.
4. Maintain for 2 seconds at a time, return both hands to their original state, close in front of the lower abdomen, and relax the whole body.
5. After completing the set, switch to the right hand and repeat it 30 times.
Attention: When lifting the arm, slowly inhale and slightly retract the lower abdomen. When lowering the arm, exhale slowly and release the lower abdomen slightly.
You who love to laugh, your spleen and stomach are not too bad
Negative emotions can affect the regulatory function of the liver, and "liver qi invading the stomach" and "liver qi multiplying the spleen" mean that liver qi can affect the spleen and stomach.
When you are angry or anxious, your stomach will turn red like your face due to congestion; When you are sad or depressed, your stomach will turn pale and reduce the secretion of gastric juice.
So, smiling a little more in daily life is the best gift for the spleen and stomach, and it's also a magic weapon for being young for ten years!