A great prescription for tonifying deficiency and fatigue, suitable for both qi and blood deficiency, as well as spleen and stomach weakness!
Release time:2024-06-02 17:24:14
Word Count:8225
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Xulao, a traditional Chinese medicine disease name, also known as Xushang, is a general term for various chronic weakness symptoms caused by weak endowment, acquired loss of nourishment, external and internal injuries, etc. The main pathogenesis is the decline of visceral function, loss of qi, blood, yin and yang, and long-term disappearance. The main clinical manifestation is the deficiency syndrome of the five organs.
1. Symptomatic features: commonly seen include mental fatigue, physical fatigue, palpitations, shortness of breath, haggard face, sweating and night sweats, or restlessness of the five hearts, or fear of cold limbs, weak pulse, and other symptoms. If the course of the disease is long and the deficiency persists for a long time, the symptoms may gradually worsen.
2. It has pathogenic factors that cause fatigue and a long medical history.
3. Exclude similar symptoms. Emphasis should be placed on excluding deficiency syndrome types in tuberculosis and other diseases.
I don't know if anyone has ever encountered someone in their daily life who looks pale and speaks weakly. She doesn't even want to move when asked to do anything.
Usually when climbing stairs or running a few steps, I feel panting. Walking seems like a gust of wind can blow away.
If this situation occurs in a short period of time, it is normal, but if it exists for a long time, everyone needs to pay attention!
This group of people often see themselves thin and fatigued. There are often symptoms such as loss of appetite, palpitations, shortness of breath, irregular bowel movements, and susceptibility to catching a cold.
In fact, this is what we often refer to as a sub healthy state, or immune dysfunction. How to put it, it means going to the hospital for examination without any organic lesions.
But I just feel very tired all day long, don't want to do anything, don't want to move, always feel uncomfortable all over, but I can't explain the reason. I want to adjust, but I don't know where to start. At this time, yam balls are very suitable.
"Deficiency and fatigue are the main causes of various diseases, and the wind and energy are all affected by various diseases." Dioscorea pill is derived from the "Jin Kui Yao Lue - Treatment and Combination of Blood Bi Deficiency and Labor Disease Meridian" chapter.
There are many situations of physical fatigue, such as deficiency of both qi and blood, causing poor sleep, fatigue, dizziness, dry skin, and yellowish complexion;
For example, weak spleen and stomach can cause indigestion, loose stools, bloating and diarrhea, low energy, yellowish complexion, and emaciation; Kidney deficiency causes mental fatigue, lethargy, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, insomnia and excessive dreaming, and amenorrhea in women.
The above situations can all be treated with "yam pills". Zhongjing is stingy and the most stingy doctor in history. He achieved the highest efficiency with the lowest cost. Known as the "king of tonics," people with weaker bodies tend to have stronger tonifying effects with yam pills.
The formula is: 30g of raw yam, 10g each of Angelica sinensis, Cinnamomum cassia, Shenqu, raw Rehmannia glutinosa, and soybean yellow rolls; Braised licorice 28g; Ginseng 7g; 6g each of Chuanxiong, Baishao, Atractylodes macrocephala, Ophiopogon japonicus, and Almond; Bupleurum, Platycodon grandiflorum, Poria cocos 5g each, ass hide glue 7g; 3g of dried ginger, 3g of white grass, 6g of Fangfeng, and 100 jujubes (with jujubes removed from the pit).
Production method: Crush these twenty-one medicinal herbs into fine powder, and then use honey to rub these powder into balls. A meatball weighs about 6 grams.
Usage and Dosage: If you only take it as a daily health supplement, take one pill per day on an empty stomach. Students with physical weakness can take two pills a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. (Take Huangjiu on an empty stomach)
Dioscorea yam pills are a prescription for tonifying the body and preventing various diseases.
Dioscorea pills are not well-known among us ordinary people, possibly due to their rich medicinal taste and relatively complex preparation. But in fact, we take out some of the medicines in the yam pills separately.
Rehmannia glutinosa, Angelica sinensis, Paeonia lactiflora, and Ligusticum chuanxiong are famous blood tonifying formula Siwu Tang, followed by ginseng, licorice, Poria cocos, and Atractylodes macrocephala, which is the first four gentlemen's soup for tonifying qi. Siwu Tang combined with Sijunzi Tang is the holy herb of Qi and blood tonifying, Bazhen Tang.
Red licorice, bupleurum, cinnamon twigs, dried ginger, ophiopogon japonicum, ginseng, ass hide glue, jujube, etc. are the combination of red licorice soup, small bupleurum soup, etc. The whole composition is composed of dried ginger and jujube to nourish yang deficiency.
Ass hide glue from ophiopogon japonicus is used to nourish yin and supplement yin deficiency. Nourishing Qi and nourishing Yin.
Platycodon grandiflorus, almonds, bupleurum chinense, and japonica. Platycodon grandiflorus combined with bupleurum chinense is the main ingredient for ascending, while japonica combined with almonds is the main ingredient for descending, with one ascending and one descending. Tune up and down, promote internal and external communication, and harmonize qi flow.
Actually, you will find that it is a perfect tonic soup. There are many medicines available, but each one is essential. Looking at this prescription, one's heart is filled with admiration. It is truly a stroke of genius, worthy of being a famous prescription for eternity.
Who is suitable for eating yam balls?
Many people still feel empty and do not receive tonics. Taking some tonics can lead to excessive heat. What should they do? You can try yam balls.
Dioscorea pills are the only nourishing medicine in Zhongjing formula that can be consumed without the need to clear the body.
Dioscorea pill is known for its deficiency in energy and labor, while traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the "hundred diseases of wind and energy". The evil energy in the body that is weak is not easily dissipated, while Dioscorea pill is very gentle in nourishing the body. After eating it, the body becomes more and more energetic, and the wind and evil gradually dissipate.

If one's physical fitness is very poor, gets sick frequently, and catches a cold every two days, not only is the kidney weak, but also the spleen and stomach weak, and all five organs and six viscera weak. Eating yam pills is particularly symptomatic for such people. People with particularly weak bodies, or those who are seriously ill, weak, and do not want to eat, can take three pills a day to slowly recover their appetite and physical strength, and can also be more tolerant of hunger.

According to the "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber", the dosage of yam pills is one hundred pills. It is a treatment of one hundred pills. One pill a day, eating one hundred pills, is more than three months.
That is to say, taking this medicine should not be rushed, there should be a course of treatment, and one should persist in treating certain diseases. It is best to take it 100 days a year for three consecutive years.
Dioscorea pills are suitable for long-term use, especially for menopausal, elderly, and young people with physical weakness. They can be eaten regularly as health supplements. After eating for 3 months, they can be stopped for a month before taking again.
The Zhongsheng formula and medicine are closely connected, often not directly stating the principles and methods, but reflected in the formula and medication. Dioscorea pills have the effect of fixing and absorbing various essential substances in the human body.
Having a thin and weak physique, repeatedly suffering from deficiency of positive qi, insufficient qi and blood combined with various diseases of wind and qi, all chronic deficiency and damage diseases, such as prolonged illness, weakness, fatigue, pain all over the body, intolerance to wind and cold, intolerance to work, loss of appetite, slippery bowel movements, excessive urination, long-term nocturnal emissions or vaginal discharge, body heat, anemia, and weight loss.