Traditional Chinese Medicine, Soy Yellow Rolls!
Release time:2024-06-02 18:04:16
Word Count:5301
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1. Aliases

Soybean rolls, yellow rolls, soybean rolls, rolled stems, and bean stems.

2. Plant morphology
Annual herb, 50-150 centimeters tall. The stem is thick and sturdy, with many branches, usually upright or spreading upwards, densely covered with yellow brown long hard hairs. Three compound leaves, petiole 20 cm long, densely covered with yellow long hard hairs, stipules not, lanceolate or broadly ovate, leaflets ovate, long ovate or narrowly ovate, leaflets on both sides usually narrow ovate, apex blunt or acute, base circular, wide wedge-shaped or nearly truncate, entire, both sides covered with yellow or white hard hairs, lower part denser. The raceme is short, axillary, with 2-10 flowers per month. The bracts and bracts are lanceolate, the calyx is green, bell shaped, and the apex is 5-toothed. It is covered with yellow or white long hard hairs, the corolla is butterfly shaped, white, light red or purple, and 10 or 9 stamens are combined with 1 free flower. The ovary is linear elliptical in shape, covered with yellow hard hairs. The style is short, and the pod is rectangular in shape, with a short stalk, drooping, yellow green or yellow brown, densely growing hard hairs. 2-4 seeds, ovoid or nearly spherical, with yellow, green, brown, black, etc. seed coat. The flowering period is from June to July, and the fruiting period is from July to September.
3. Origin distribution
Cultivated throughout China. Northeast and North China have the widest cultivation areas.
4. Harvesting and processing
Soak the soybeans in water until they swell, drain the water, cover with a damp cloth, rinse with clean water once a day, and when the sprouts grow to 0.5-1 centimeters, spread them out and dry them in the sun.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
The seeds of this product are oval or kidney shaped, slightly flattened, 0.7-1.4 centimeters long and 0.5-0.8 centimeters wide; The surface is grayish yellow, black brown, or purple brown, shiny, with horizontal wrinkles. On one side, there is an elongated navel, which is 0.2-0.3 centimeters long. The seed coat often cracks, breaks, or falls off. The cotyledons are yellow, thick, and the embryonic roots are slender, extending beyond the seed coat, curved, and 0.5-1 centimeters long; Crunchy and prone to breakage. There are also a few undeveloped seeds with intact seed coats. Odorless, with a light taste and a greasy sensation.
6. Nature, taste, and meridian tropism
Mild in nature and sweet in taste. Guipi Meridian, Stomach Meridian, and Lung Meridian.
7. Effect and function
Penetrating evil and relieving external symptoms, promoting diuresis and relieving heat. Xin Liang Jie Biao Yao belongs to the subcategory of Jie Biao Yao.
8. Clinical applications
Dosage 9-15 grams, decoct soup and take orally. Used for catching a cold during summer, heavy body soreness, chest tightness and abdominal distension, and difficulty urinating.
9. Pharmacological research
It has inhibitory effects on pneumococci, Staphylococcus aureus, and other bacteria. It also has antiviral effects and can be used for viral colds and influenza.
10. Chemical composition
Contains asparagine, choline, xanthine, and hypoxanthine, as well as calcium, potassium, silicon, etc. In addition, it is rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, as well as glycine, leucine, isoleucine, etc.
11. Taboos for use
Do not use if there is no dampness or heat.
12. Compatibility prescription
① To treat head wind, dampness and numbness, muscle contraction and knee pain, heat accumulation in the stomach, and astringent stools: 1 liter of soybean yellow roll (stir fried), 15 grams crispy. For the end, take a spoonful of warm water before eating and two times a day. (Huangjuan San in "Pu Ji Fang")
② Treating water diseases, swelling all over the body, shortness of breath, and astringency in bowel and bowel movements: 30g each of soybean yellow rolls (stir fried with vinegar) and rhubarb (slightly simmered and peeled). Crush Luo into powder. Take 6 grams per serving. When lying down, stir fry scallions and orange peel soup to benefit the large intestine. (Soy Powder from "Saint Ji Zonglu")
③ Treating phlegm and fire in the elderly, frequent coughing, chest and rib fullness, pain in one hundred knots, weak body shape and qi, and low intake of food: 1 pound of soy roll, sun dried and stir fried, made into fine powder. Take 3 grams every night and mix with black date soup. (Fang Mai Zheng Zong)
④ Treating Yin eclampsia and slow shock, taking too many warm and hot medicines, but generating heat syndrome, can actually lead to sudden shock; Also used to treat vomiting insects: 30g each of soybean yellow roll (sun dried), Guanzhong, Banlangen, and licorice (roasted). Above is the fine end. Take 1.5g or 3g per serving, boil in white water, and take in cold. In severe cases, take 9 grams of medication and add a few drops of oil to the serum water before frying. (General Principles of Pediatric Health)
⑤ To treat children's pinching and trembling: use bean sprouts from birth, mash them, mix milk with children to eat, or grind them raw to extract juice, and take a small amount. (Shenghui Fang)
⑥ Treatment for black nevi, black and dry face, and moisturizing hair: Roll one liter of soy yellow and stir fry until fragrant. Take a spoonful of hollow warm wine. (Puji Fang)