This traditional Chinese medicine is the nemesis of skin itching, specifically for treating urticaria!
Release time:2024-06-03 14:00:43
Word Count:6742
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Mix powder and put it in a cloth bag, wipe it wherever it itches!
Indications: Skin itching.

Usage: Grind 100 grams of Jingjie ear powder and put it into a small bag sewn with a thin cloth. Apply wherever it itches.

Notes: ① Use this method to treat skin itching, regardless of frequency or duration. ② More often than not, this method can only relieve itching and cannot cure the root. It is best to seek professional traditional Chinese medicine doctors for diagnosis and treatment.
Some people cannot drink herbal medicine but want me to treat them, so some practical single and proven formulas come in handy.
Once, a urticaria patient who couldn't drink herbal medicine and wanted me to quickly cure it, I said, "You can use some Western medicine. Isn't it faster to take effect?"
"I used it, it's not very troublesome. When I started using it, the itching decreased. After using it a few times, the itching still lingers. Dr. Ji, can you stop the itching for me first?"
"I'll give it a try." Then I prescribed 100 grams of Jingjie Sui (because the amount was too small for the grinder to grind). After grinding, I instructed the patient to wrap it with a cloth and wipe wherever it itched.
As I was speaking, the patient started itching again. I asked the patient to take a little bit of mustard seed in their hand and directly apply it to the affected area. After three or four strokes, the itching immediately subsided. "So divine," I said
Hehe, I laughed and said, "Use it well when you get home. Not only can it relieve itching, but it can also cure your hives."
Actually, this prescription is for treating skin itching. In 1993, when I was writing prescriptions for my teacher at the internal medicine clinic, many patients with skin diseases also came here for treatment. When encountering patients with itchy skin, as long as the condition was slightly severe, my teacher used Jingjie Sui grinding powder for patients to use, and the results were very fast. For acute and chronic urticaria, not only can it relieve itching, but it can also be cured.
Urticaria is what we often refer to as wind masses, wind bumps, and rubella lumps. It is a common skin disease.
Acute urticaria is characterized by a rapid onset and sudden appearance of skin lesions, which are localized red wind masses of varying sizes. The skin lesions usually persist for half an hour to several hours before naturally subsiding, and patients may feel severe itching accompanied by a burning sensation. Its location of onset is uncertain, and it can occur both globally and locally. Chronic urticaria is a condition in which wind masses occur repeatedly, with a duration of more than 2 months.
The application of Jingjie Sui Yanmo for treatment is not only convenient and simple, but also has a quick effect. With just a few rubs, the itching will immediately disappear.
Oh, when you see this, maybe someone will say, "I'll scratch a few times with my hand, won't it stop itching?"?
Hehe, at first glance, it seems that one has not suffered from urticaria or has not paid attention to the condition of urticaria patients. The itching of urticaria is getting more and more itchy as you scratch it with your hands. Generally, the itching can only be stopped after the scratch is broken. Moreover, when you scratch one area, other areas also start to itch.
There are many people with allergies now, and constantly taking anti allergic Western medicine is not a solution, and the side effects are still so significant. What should we do? Use Jing mustard powder.
Sew a small cloth bag (preferably a thinner cloth) and fill it with some mustard powder. If it itches, take it out and rub the itchy area with it. It's more convenient and simple.
Jingjie Sui is usually sold in traditional Chinese medicine stores. There are basically no counterfeit drugs, only new and old ones. It is best to buy fresh Jingjie Sui. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Jingjie has the effect of dispelling wind and relieving itching, and can dispel wind pathogens in the skin, inner and outer membranes, as well as in the blood. Jingjie ears have a better therapeutic effect on skin itching, urticaria, and other conditions. Topical use directly affects the affected area, and the effect is quick.
The combination of internal and external effects is more effective. As mentioned earlier, external use of Schizonepeta panicle can relieve itching. If combined with internal use of Cicada molt, it can be an added bonus. As for the method of taking cicada molt, we can refer to Dr. Yan Tianshun's experience in treating urticaria in the 9th issue of Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1989: using 15 grams of cicada molt, 60 grams of glutinous rice, and 60 milliliters of yellow wine.
First, stir fry the glutinous rice until it turns brown, put it into a porcelain jar, add 150 milliliters of water, simmer over low heat for one or two minutes, then add yellow wine and crushed cicada molt powder, and fry over high heat for one or two minutes, taking one meal at a time. 20 cases were treated, with mild cases treated once or twice, and severe cases treated three or four times before recovery. It is better if the back cover of the bedtime clothes is slightly sweated off. Li, female, 30 years old. The disease of urticaria has been present for more than half a year. It occurs every time due to wind blowing, undressing, or contact with cold water. It first affects the limbs and then the whole body, causing unbearable itching, accompanied by restlessness and facial swelling. Previously taking traditional Chinese and Western medicine was ineffective in treatment, but the upper method was used. Three doses were administered consecutively, and the symptoms disappeared. Follow up for one year showed no recurrence.
In clinical practice, there are too many patients with skin itching, causing immense pain. Once, while giving an online lecture, I encountered a patient inquiring about the treatment of urticaria. I explained this method to the patient and asked them to give it a try. At this time, one of the following netizens typed and told me that rubbing the affected area with Baijiu had a good effect.
Later, some of my patients also told me how to rub with Baijiu. However, most of them reported that Baijiu can really stop itching. After a few minutes or ten minutes, the itching feeling appeared again, and the effect was not good after using wasabi.
Therefore, those who have not bought thistle can rub the affected area with Baijiu first. Afterwards, it's better to go to the pharmacy to buy some Jingjie. If you have Jingjie ears, it's even better. Let the pharmacy grind them into powder for you, and wrap them with a cloth when you go home. If your skin itches, wipe it off.