Traditional Chinese Medicine - Asarum
Release time:2024-06-03 14:31:32
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Drug name: Asarum
Nickname: Xicao, Shaoxin
Source: Shennong Bencao Jing
Classification: Antitumor drugs
Origin: Shandong, Anhui, Zhejiang and other places
Sexual taste: Warm in nature, spicy in taste, with slight toxicity
Guijing: Guixin, Lung, Kidney Meridian
Effect: Open the orifices, warm the lungs and dissolve drinks, relieve external heat and dispel cold, dispel wind and relieve pain
Indications: Wind cold cold, external sensation of Yang deficiency, headache, toothache, rheumatic pain, nasal reflux, nasal abyss, phlegm and cough, and syndrome of mental confusion and closed orifices
Character identification: Similar to North Asarum, but with slender rhizomes, 5-15cm in length, 1-3mm in diameter, and 0.2-1cm in internode length; The leaves are thin, heart-shaped, and have a weak odor. Seoul Asarum: very similar to Chinese Asarum, but usually with dense hairs on the back of the leaves and hairy petioles. The cultivated leaves have a higher density of hairs and are difficult to distinguish from Asarum. North Asarum: often curled into clusters, the rhizome is irregularly cylindrical, 1-10cm long, with a diameter of 2-4mm; The surface is grayish brown, rough, with segments, and the internodes are 2-3mm long. The root is slender, densely packed on nodes, 10-20cm long, with a diameter of approximately 1mm; The surface is grayish yellow; Brittle in texture, easy to break, with a yellow white cross-section. Basal leaves have long and smooth petioles, with intact leaves flattened and forming oval or renal shaped hearts. The apex is acute or blunt, and the base is deep heart-shaped, 4-9cm long and 5-13cm wide. The surface is dark green, with hair on the upper veins and dense hair on the lower veins. Occasionally, flowers are seen, purple brown, hemispherical. The perianth lobes are folded from the base and attached to the perianth tube. The aroma is fragrant, the taste is spicy, and there is a slight tingling sensation on the tongue.
Usage&Taboos for Internal Administration: Jiantang, 1-3g; Take 0.5-1g of the powder each time. External use: In moderation, rinse with crushed powder, nose blowing, or boiling water. Taboos: Patients with yin deficiency, yang hyperactivity, headache, lung dryness, yin dryness, and cough should avoid using it; Not suitable for use with quinoa.
Chemical composition
This product contains volatile oil, which is mainly composed of various components such as methyl eugenol, asarone, and camphor; In addition, it contains N-isobutyldecatetraenamine, racemic demethylaconitine, sitosterol, stigmasterol, etc.
pharmacological action 
The volatile oil, water, and alcohol extracts of Asarum have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, anticonvulsant, and local anesthetic effects, respectively; High doses of volatile oil can first excite and then inhibit the central nervous system, exhibiting certain toxic side effects.
Chinese herbal formula
1. To treat bad breath and hidden tooth swelling and pain: simmer with Asarum to obtain concentrated juice, and vomit hot and cold. (Shenghui Fang)
2. Treatment for cold and nasal congestion: Asarum, Perilla, Fangfeng, Almond, Platycodon grandiflorus, Mint, Mulberry bark, decocted. (Fang Mai Zheng Zong)
3. To treat migraine: Divide realgar (ground) and asarum (removed from the seedling leaves, as the final) into equal parts, add two ingredients, and then grind well together. After taking one word, the pain on the left side enters the right nose, and the pain on the right side enters the left nose. (From Shengji Zonglu to Lingsan)
Ancient book records
The Shennong Classic of Materia Medica states: main symptoms include cough and reflux, headache and brain activity, hundred knot constriction, rheumatic pain, and muscle death. Bright eyes, sharp nine orifices.
"Bielu": Warm the middle and lower Qi, break phlegm, promote water flow, open the chest, eliminate throat obstruction, epilepsy, and lower breast nodules. Sweating is not enough, blood is not enough, it soothes the five internal organs, benefits the liver and gallbladder, and promotes the circulation of essence and qi.
"The Treatise on Medicinal Properties": Treating cough, adverse wind, and excessive wind. Hand and foot cramps, soothe the five organs and six viscera, add courage, remove skin, rheumatism and itching, can stop eye wind and tears, brighten the eyes, open the chest, relieve toothache, treat blood stasis, and relieve lower back pain in women.