A formula with weight loss effects, soaking two medicinal herbs in water, reducing phlegm accumulation, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and even slimming down!
Release time:2024-06-03 16:11:24
Word Count:7726
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Some people carefully control their intake to control their weight, while others eat and drink recklessly and still have a light weight. Of course, there are some objective factors, such as genetics and individual differences, among them.
A friend asked: Why do I still gain weight even though I have a diet control?
The four habits that are most easily overlooked for gaining weight
1. Stay up late frequently
It is difficult for a person to truly rest without entering deep sleep at midnight (23-1 o'clock).
After a precious time, even if you try to catch up on sleep, the next day you will still suffer from this overdraft, resulting in poor energy, reduced physical activity, reduced energy expenditure, and weight gain.
From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the more you stay up late, the more hungry you will be because staying up late will make you eat more late night snacks.
In addition, staying up late can harm yin. The next day, there will be more deficiency fire in the body. With more deficiency fire, people will want to eat more to suppress it, and they will become increasingly overweight.
Poor diet
It's you eating food, not food eating you.
When you eat food, it means that you can digest it well, use it for your own benefit, help replenish qi and blood, and enhance your energy and spirit every day.
The so-called food that eats you is either thick and heavy in the mouth, making you feel uncomfortable after eating, or eating very late, and your spleen and stomach do not have as much work ability.
So the indigestible semi-finished products became phlegm and dampness garbage, unable to nourish themselves, causing people to gain weight.
3. Lack of exercise
Many people sit for a whole day, have a car when they go out, and lie on the sofa when they go home, with very little activity and slow blood circulation.
So phlegm dampness is stored in tissues, organs, and blood, causing blockage of meridians, qi and blood stasis. At the same time, phlegm and dampness condense into fat, causing people to gain weight.
4. High pressure
When you feel stuffy, you will feel dizzy, headache, bloating, and always feel a stream of air blocking there.
When you vent, this situation will improve a lot because the liver likes to regulate, just like the branches and leaves of a tree like to stretch.
And negative emotions can cause liver qi to be stagnant, forming turbid qi, causing qi stagnation and blood stasis. Liver depression can counteract spleen soil, while qi stagnation can lead to poor spleen deficiency and poor transportation and transformation ability, resulting in phlegm dampness.
Modern people exercise less, their meridians are blocked, Qi stagnation and blood stasis are not conducive to the elimination of phlegm, dampness, turbid Qi, and waste in the body, so they are getting fatter.
If you have the above four habits, you need to pay attention to daily conditioning.
Soak two medicinal herbs in water to drink, it's really convenient for weight loss and slimming down
Today, I will share with you another prescription that Zhang Zhongjing specializes in weight loss: Zhizhu Tang.
Just two herbs, soak in water and drink, it's simple and convenient. Combined with daily diet, exercise, and physical and mental conditioning, the slimming effect will be even better.
Why is this prescription focused on weight loss?
Because Zhang Zhongjing stated in "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" that this prescription mainly regulates the following symptoms: the heart is firm, large as a disc, and the edge is like a spinning disc.
Let's see how vividly our medical sage depicts it. The heart refers to the abdomen, including the entire gastrointestinal tract. Many people are obese and overweight in this area.
Heart firm means that there is a lot of flesh in the abdomen, which is bulging and hard. This is what makes phlegm and dampness drink.
Looking at the next sentence, it's even better. It's as big as a plate, which means that this person's belly is round and huge like a plate. Look at the belly of a fat person, whether it's a beer belly or a military belly, is it as huge as a plate?
So, Zhang Zhongjing's prescription is specifically designed for obese people.
1 Fructus Aurantii
Zhishi is a fierce warrior who mainly reduces excess fat on your body through the method of digestion, obstruction, and defecation. It has a miraculous effect on those who are obese and accompanied by poor bowel movements or constipation.
Fructus Aurantii can clear the nine orifices, and anything that doesn't have the necessary orifices can be opened, sweeping away any swelling throughout the body.
Whether you have a full chest, bloating in your stomach, or swelling and pain in your flanks or abdomen, once you use Zhishi, the evil energy in your body will flow downwards, and the bloating will be completely eliminated through defecation or exhaust.
The main function of Fructus Aurantii is to broaden the chest and lower the qi.
Make your heart open and comfortable, let the upward and downward energy flow, and the biggest feeling that many people feel when using Zhishi is one word: refreshing. The stool is very refreshing and pleasant, never dragging or sticking to the toilet.
Zhishi removes all kinds of garbage stuck to your intestines, including phlegm, dampness, blood stasis, and water. With the momentum of autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, you will feel very relaxed and consume Zhishi first.
Zhishi weight loss is a way to solve the problem of obesity through digestion and digestion.
2. Atractylodes macrocephala
Fructus Aurantii is a type of Qi reducing and Qi breaking substance. If used alone for a long time, it will consume Qi and people with Qi deficiency cannot tolerate it.
So a wonderful medicine to make up for the deficiency of Fructus Aurantii is Atractylodes macrocephala. Zhi Shi Xia Qi, Bai Zhu Bu Qi.
Fat people often suffer from qi deficiency. They can ride a car without walking, sit without standing, lie down without sitting, and cry out all day long. These are all manifestations of qi deficiency, so they use Baizhu to replenish qi.
Fat people have more water and dampness, while Atractylodes macrocephala strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness.
Many people think that obesity is just eating too much meat, so they try their best to lose weight with hawthorn, which is a meat reducing food, but it has no effect. I never imagined that my obesity was caused by excessive body moisture.
The spleen is a storage organ for phlegm, which makes people fat and has more phlegm and dampness. Atractylodes macrocephala strengthens the spleen and transforms phlegm, fundamentally solving the source of phlegm and dampness.
Fat people tend to have spleen deficiency. Atractylodes macrocephala can strengthen the spleen. Once the spleen and stomach are in good condition, the phlegm and dampness on the body will be dissipated and will not be produced.
It can be seen that a single herb of Atractylodes macrocephala can solve the problem of obesity from multiple aspects. If Zhishi is the way to solve obesity, then Baizhu is the way to solve obesity.
Solving both the source and destination together, addressing both the symptoms and the root cause, with both tonifying and relieving symptoms, Bai Zhu tonifying, Zhi Shi relieving symptoms, increasing and decreasing symptoms, Bai Zhu elevating and Zhi Shi lowering symptoms, taking into account both entry and exit as well as elevation and descent
As for how long it will take to drink? This is really hard to say. Everyone has different physical constitutions and varying degrees of obesity. Generally speaking, it is recommended to try drinking for a month.
That's all for today's weight loss tips, hoping to inspire friends who want to lose weight.