High uric acid is mostly due to eating! If you dont want to get gout, you must avoid eating these common foods
Release time:2024-06-03 17:18:11
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Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia are the familiar "three highs" and also the three major killers of health. But while we are still struggling with the three highs, the fourth high has quietly arrived - it is high uric acid!
The national incidence rate of hyperuricemia is 13.3%. There are about 170 million people nationwide, more than 114 million people with diabetes, 200 million people with hypertension and 300 million people with hyperlipidemia.
Uric acid is garbage!
Uric acid is the metabolic waste of the human body. There is a funnel in the human body that contains uric acid. Once there is too much uric acid in the funnel, or if there is a problem with the funnel, uric acid will be carried into the bloodstream, which is called high uric acid.
Where it sinks, where it hurts!
When the uric acid in the blood reaches 420 (360 in females), it will deposit in many organs and tissues, causing various diseases.
1. Deposited in cartilage
Triggering gouty arthritis. More than 50% of gouty arthritis occurs in the big toe, and after repeated attacks, it may also occur in other joints such as the feet, ankles, and knees.
2. Deposited in the kidneys
Causing gouty nephropathy. In severe cases, renal insufficiency or even failure may occur.
3. Deposited in the urinary tract
Causing urinary tract stones.
4. Aggravating cardiovascular disease
Research shows that the incidence rate of acute myocardial infarction in patients with hyperuricemia is 26% higher than that in normal people.
5. Aggravating metabolic diseases such as diabetes
20%~50% of hyperuricemia patients have diabetes.
High uric acid: a disease caused by eating!
Hyperuricemia is a type of wealthy and noble disease, which can be considered as a disease caused by eating. Animal organs, seafood, mushrooms, beans, and other foods are rich in purines. Although they are all nutritious and good, eating too much can cause an increase in uric acid.
1. Eat less of these:
Beer: Beer contains a large amount of purines, and one bottle of beer can double the uric acid level.
Hot pot: Boiling hot pot once consumes 10 times or even dozens of times more purine than a regular meal.
Seafood: Seafood with high purine content includes anchovies, sardine, hairtail, herring, mackerel, oysters, clam crags, scallops, etc.
Viscera: Animal organs contain more purines than seafood; Eat at most once or twice a month, each time not exceeding 100 grams.
Gao Tang: Gao Tang contains high levels of fat and purines, and is acidic, which is not conducive to the excretion of uric acid.
2. Eat more of these:
● Drink plenty of water
Ensure an appropriate amount of drinking water every day, preferably plain water or light tea water, which can promote urination and help eliminate uric acid.
750 grams of fresh vegetables per day
Vegetables contain a large amount of elements such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Eating 750 grams of vegetables every day is beneficial for improving urine alkalinity and promoting uric acid excretion.
● Moderate to mild exercise, weight control
Moderate exercise can reduce fat accumulation in the body, improve metabolic function, and facilitate the excretion of uric acid. Reminder: Vigorous exercise can lead to an increase in uric acid, and moderate intensity exercises such as brisk walking and jogging can be chosen.
A wonderful formula for reducing uric acid
Boiling fresh corn stalks and corn bracts in summer and drinking them can increase the alkaline storage in the body, which helps to reduce uric acid and has a particularly good effect. If you have high uric acid, you can give it a try.
In addition to boiling water for corn, you can also try these two uric acid lowering dietary recipes:
Papaya Cheqian Coix Seed Drink: Rapidly Lowering Uric Acid
Recipe: 30g papaya, 30g dried Plantago asiatica, 20g coix seed
Method: Boil for 20 minutes, remove any residue and serve as tea drink. At the beginning, it is best to persist in drinking for a week, and the effect is better to drink three times a day. In the later stage, it can be consumed according to individual treatment conditions.
Effect: This is a dietary therapy prescription specially designed by Professor Liu Xiangyuan from Peking University for gout patients. It has a good effect on treating gout and is not as difficult to swallow and adhere to as traditional Chinese medicine. This flavor has the fragrance of papaya, which is both delicious and reduces uric acid, making it a blessing for gout sufferers.
Luffa tea soup: auxiliary treatment for gout
Recipe: 150g luffa, 5g green tea, 1 onion, and an appropriate amount of salt.
Method: Peel the loofah and cut it into 1 centimeter thick thin slices; Wash the scallions and cut them into sections for later use; Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, first add luffa, scallions, and salt, wait for the luffa to soften, then soak in green tea to taste.
Effect: It has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, dispelling wind and clearing collaterals, and diuresis. It has a certain alleviating effect on gout, but can only be used as an auxiliary treatment and cannot replace medication.
Reminder: Luffa tea soup should not be consumed on an empty stomach. Anemia patients and menstrual women should drink it with caution.
Massage 6 major acupoints: strengthening the kidneys and excreting uric acid
1. Taixi Cave
The Taixi acupoint is the "Yangtze River" that gathers the vital energy of the kidney meridian. Taixi acupoint is the original acupoint of the kidney meridian, so ancient people called it "one of the nine acupoints for returning yang", believing that it has extremely high ability to return yang and save adversity. When massaging, there is no need to stick to the method, it takes about 5 minutes each time.
2. Qihai Cave
The Qihai acupoint is known as the "sea of primordial qi" of the human body, which is a key place for the evaporation of yang qi and yin liquid in the body, causing yin to liquefy and generate cloud qi, and nourishing the whole body.
Ancient doctors believed that frequent massage or moxibustion of the Qihai acupoint could lower the heart fire to the kidneys, and increase the kidney water to the heart and lungs. Its effect was similar to making the sun rise and illuminate the rivers and seas.
The method of massaging this acupoint is to tap it with your thumb. When you feel a sour or swollen sensation or a feeling of air walking up and down in this acupoint, continue to massage for 10 minutes. You can massage this acupoint once a day.
3. Yongquan Cave
Yongquan acupoint is a "longevity acupoint" that nourishes the kidneys and strengthens the essence. The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon states: "The kidney originates from a gushing spring, and the gushing spring is the heart of the foot."
Regularly massaging the Yongquan acupoint can stimulate kidney qi, unblock the meridians of the kidney meridian, harmonize kidney qi and blood, adjust and improve kidney function, and make people have sufficient kidney essence, clear ears and eyes, full energy, and strong walking ability.
Place the tip of the thumb or index finger at the Yongquan acupoint in the foot center and rub it back and forth, preferably 100 times a day.
4. Mingmen acupoint
The Mingmen acupoint is located in the lower back, above the midline, at the depression below the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra.
When pressing with fingers, there is a strong tenderness. This acupoint is the foundation of the five organs and six viscera, the root of the twelve meridians, the source of breathing, and the foundation of the three jiao. It is generally regarded as the gateway to life and the place where semen evaporates. It can improve the situation of insufficient kidney qi and energy decline, and has the effect of consolidating the foundation and nourishing the essence.
5. Guanyuan acupoint
Guanyuan acupoint is a place where one's true essence is sealed. Guanyuan is an important acupoint for male health care, with functions such as tonifying the kidney and strengthening yang, tonifying deficiency and benefiting damage.
Finding Guanyuan is also very simple. On the midline of the human body, measure a distance four fingers wide from the navel downwards, which is the Guanyuan acupoint.
When massaging, first use Guan Yuan as the center and rub the left or right palm counterclockwise and clockwise for 3-5 minutes. Then, press the Guanyuan acupoint with your breath for 3 minutes.