Just connect here and eliminate all the external cold and internal heat. Many discomforts will disappear unnoticed!
Release time:2024-06-03 17:24:58
Word Count:8919
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Many people know that the Bladder Meridian is the largest detoxification channel in our body, constantly transmitting toxins, such as bowel movements in the large intestine, sweating in the pores, dampness and toxins in the feet, phlegm and turbidity in the trachea, as well as nasal mucus, tears, acne, etc., all of which are detoxified, only partially, and ultimately belong to the Bladder Meridian.
In addition, the bladder meridian also has an important function: to defend against external cold. Traditional Chinese medicine compares the bladder meridian to the barrier of the human body, which is a natural barrier against external wind and cold.
In the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, it is said that the Bladder Meridian: "The great Yang governs the Qi, so one first receives evil."
The meaning is that the Bladder Meridian is the Foot Sun Meridian, which governs the Yang energy of the human body and is the surface of the body. The external wind and cold first invade the Bladder Meridian. We often say that "even immortals fear the wind behind their heads" and "keep their backs warm in winter and their stomachs warm in summer".
If we get cold in the back and wind in the back of the neck and back of the head, we will quickly fall ill. Mild cases can include catching a cold, falling into a pillow, discomfort in the neck, stiffness in the shoulders and back, and severe cases can include stroke, paralysis, and heart problems.
Test if your bladder meridian is unobstructed?
1. From 15:00 to 17:00 in the afternoon, memory loss or drowsiness, back brain pain, and calf pain;
2. Back stiffness, soreness and swelling of the lower back muscles, and pain and stiffness in the back neck;
3. Stiffness in the back of the legs, leg pain, sciatica;
4. Excessive fat on the buttocks, thick thighs, and heavy calves;
5. After getting cold, there is a headache, fear of the cold, tearing in the wind, a stuffy nose, and a lot of runny nose. There is obvious pain in the areas where the bladder passes through, such as the waist, back, shoulders, hips, and back of the legs.
We know its nature, and we also need to know its reasons. Let's take a look at the route of the bladder meridian together to understand why.
The bladder meridian starts from the inner canthus of the eye, runs through the back of the head, buttocks, back of the legs, popliteal fossa, and finally connects to the kidney meridian on the outer side of the little toe.
The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, Lingshu, and Meridians record that the Bladder Meridian states: "It is a disease caused by the main tendon, including hemorrhoids, malaria, madness, pain in the fontanelle and neck, yellow tear discharge in the eyes, epistaxis, pain in the neck, back, waist, buttocks, poplites, kicks, and feet, and the little finger is not used for this disease."
The meaning is that after being sick, the bladder may experience: difficulty urinating, enuresis, madness, head and neck pain, yellow eyes, tears, wind and tears, nasal congestion and mucus, as well as pain in the back, waist, buttocks, and back of the lower limbs.
In addition, the bladder meridian is usually between 15:00 and 17:00, during which time it is very active. It passes through the brain, allowing Qi and blood to be transmitted to the brain. Therefore, learning or working at this time is very efficient. If there is a problem with the bladder meridian, the yang energy cannot be replenished, and the qi and blood above are not enough, the brain will not be sufficient.
So the maintenance of the bladder meridian is very important for our health.
Today, I will introduce a few simple and easy to operate methods for maintaining the bladder meridian. Even if it's too troublesome, few people can persist, and health preservation requires persistence!
Tapping the bladder meridian
The area where the bladder passes through is mostly in the back, and tapping is convenient. You can use a massage hammer to tap from top to bottom, starting from the back, then the buttocks, thighs, and all the way to the calves. At the beginning, tapping may be stiff, there may be changes in the odor and color of urine, or pain points may shift, indicating that the bladder meridian is being cleared and toxins are being metabolized. At this time, it is important to stick to tapping for 10-15 minutes every day until the muscles feel elastic and the color of urine is normal.
Bladder meridian detoxification method: rolling back and forth
Rolling back and forth like an animal can not only clear the bladder meridian, but also exercise the meridian of the governor. The bladder meridian is the largest detoxification channel in the human body and an important barrier for the body to resist external wind and cold. Rolling back and forth can make this meridian unobstructed, making it difficult for external cold to invade, and timely expelling internal toxins. The Du meridian is the meeting of the various Yang meridians, through which the human body's Yang energy is released, serving as the channel for the vitality. Rolling back and forth can enhance the qi and blood supply of the Du meridian, stimulate the innate qi of the kidneys, strengthen the waist and strengthen the kidneys. It's really killing two birds with one stone.
Lying on a supine bed, with legs bent, thighs and calves at an angle of about 90 degrees, and feet close to the bed surface. Slowly move the upper body left and right, one left and one right, rolling 8-10 times. Next, hold the knee with your hands (holding the left knee with your left hand and the right knee with your right hand, folding your calves and thighs naturally), so that your back is arched. First, roll 8-10 times left and right, and then alternate between your back and buttocks, moving up and down from the bed surface 4-6 times.
Stretching Bladder Meridian: Bending and Downward Bending Exercise
This is the simplest and most convenient way to unblock the bladder meridian in the office. By stretching the bladder meridian, it clears the mind and makes the shoulders, neck, back, and legs flexible.
Stand with your legs straight together, bend down and stretch your hands down as much as possible. Keep stretching for 7-8 seconds, relax, and repeat this action 10 times. You will find that the distance between your fingers and the ground is gradually decreasing.
After getting cold, heat therapy on the back
After just getting cold, I am afraid of the cold, have a clear nose, and have a slight headache and cough. I quickly find a way to make my bladder meridian warm up. If there is a heated kang, sleeping on it is best; You can also approach the heater or electric heater on your back to keep it warm. In the office, you can use some heating patches, moxibustion patches, baby warming patches, etc. to apply to the back of the neck and bladder meridian area. When one area is hot, change to another area, from top to bottom. If there is sun, then do sunbathing. Indoor, after being exposed to the sun through the glass, the back will heat up and sneezing a few times will make it much better. If there is really nothing, then hit the wall with your back, from top to bottom, and the back will heat up when hit.
If conditions permit, you can also rub your back with both hands. Every time my child gets cold and coughs, I will rub my hands hot and quickly rub your back up and down. You can rub it through a layer of clothing, or you can apply moisturizer directly on the skin. The important thing is to rub it quickly until your back sweats. To be honest, it's quite tiring, but the effect is very good.
If you don't expel the cold in time after getting cold, the cold energy will enter and heat up, resulting in high fever, sore throat, and body soreness, then scrape on the back bladder meridian from top to bottom, with a slightly heavier force, and the scraping will be faster.
The waist and back are centered around the middle
Many people nowadays suffer from lower back pain, which is also related to lack of exercise and bladder obstruction. The Wei Zhong point is a acupoint on the Foot Sun Bladder Meridian, which also patrols the waist and back. Stimulating it can make the bladder meridian smooth, promote blood circulation, disperse stasis, clear heat and detoxify, and effectively alleviate diseases in the waist and back.
The Wei Zhong acupoint is easy to find, located at the midpoint of the popliteal crease.
1. Sitting down, press the Wei Zhong acupoints on both sides with both index fingers and fingertips, with a moderate amount of pain, one press and one release, for 10-20 consecutive times.
2. Hold an empty fist with both hands and rhythmically strike the Wei Zhong acupoint with the back of the fist, doing 20-40 times in a row.
3. Place your index fingers on both sides of the Wei Zhong acupoint and rub them clockwise and counterclockwise 10 times each.
4. Rub your hands hot and rub your acupoints up and down with both palms, doing 30 times in a row.