Playing with mobile phones for revenge during holidays, beware of developing "phone anxiety disorder"
Release time:2024-06-04 11:47:24
Word Count:4859
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Many people keep their phones in hand
Even many people take advantage of the holiday to play with their phones in retaliation
Day and night, addicted to mobile phones
Be careful of getting "mobile phone anxiety disorder"
What is "mobile anxiety disorder"?
The manifestations of "mobile anxiety disorder" are diverse, in addition to being suspicious and feeling low, it may also lead to auditory hallucinations, sleep disorders, etc., which greatly affect the quality of life. Some patients always feel that their phones are ringing, even if there are no new calls or messages, they should always open their phones to check. They often feel restless, constantly in a state of anxiety, and themselves are also quite tired. There is also a type of patient who often worries about being "radiated" by their phone, always feeling the "radiation wave" of the phone in their ears. Even if they leave the phone or turn it off, this anxiety state will not disappear.
Be wary of the "information traps" set by mobile phones
Sometimes mobile phones set up many "information traps" to lure people into a vicious cycle of "negativity, temporary happiness, and even more negativity".
When people are facing anxiety or unease caused by stress, the brain will direct the body to engage in some "happy activities" in order to protect the mental health of the human body. At this time, many fragmented pieces of information on the internet are frantically "grabbing" everyone's time. Many people subconsciously open their phones to watch short videos, play games, or watch live broadcasts, engage in impulsive consumption, and so on.
These behaviors are the result of dopamine secretion in the brain, which can make the human body feel some temporary happiness and satisfaction under stress. But after watching countless short videos, playing games all night, and other behaviors, many people find themselves wasting a lot of time. The "satisfaction" that should have been after relaxing and resting has turned into a "guilt" that wastes time, so they will fall into deep self blame and become even more anxious.
Do not overuse your phone
Excessive use of mobile phones can also affect a person's attention and thinking abilities.
Multimedia tools can lead people into a continuous "multitasking" state: jumping from one app to another, repeatedly "jumping horizontally" in one short "small task after another," causing people to be in a state of "concentration transfer concentration" for a long time, which may eventually weaken their thinking ability and attention. So, many people experience a sense of sluggishness and brief amnesia after using their phones for a long time, forgetting what they have just done.
Excessive use of mobile phones can disrupt normal lifestyle patterns, seriously affect sleep quality, cause physical fatigue and neurasthenia, leading to decreased physical function and mental exhaustion. Modern medical research has shown that staying in bed at night and using products with electronic light-emitting screens for more than an hour can inhibit the production of melatonin and may also lead to insomnia. Long term disruption of the biological clock may lead to a decrease in the body's metabolic function and immune system, thereby increasing the incidence of illness.
Restore a calm mind
Starting from "quitting mobile phones"
For patients with severe mobile phone dependence and mobile phone anxiety, it is necessary to first recognize that these two symptoms do not belong to the serious pathological category. In terms of coping strategies, actively adopting communication with others, outdoor walks or reading, etc., effectively diverting attention and overcoming psychological dependence.
Get rid of the constraints of mobile phones
1. Develop a reasonable plan for mobile phone usage, set the time period and duration of mobile phone usage, and gradually reduce dependence on mobile phones.
2. Cultivate your own interests and hobbies, actively participate in various activities, interact more with family and friends, increase opportunities for face-to-face communication, and reduce dependence on mobile phones.
3. Maintain good sleep habits and avoid using your phone half an hour before bedtime.
4. Cultivate self-regulation ability, engage in meditation, relaxation training, etc.
In addition, when mobile anxiety occurs, self-regulation methods such as slow breathing and muscle relaxation can be used to alleviate anxiety. Meanwhile, actively participating in other activities such as walking and listening to music can also help reduce dependence on mobile phones. The method of "quitting mobile phones" can start by gradually reducing the daily use of mobile phones, and the usage time can gradually decrease. It is recommended to use mobile phones for a total of no more than 4 hours per day, and gradually extend the time of not using mobile phones.