Traditional Chinese Medicine - Fangfeng
Release time:2024-06-04 13:15:19
Word Count:3271
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Drug name: Fangfeng
Nickname: Tongyun, Baizhi
Source: Shennong Bencao Jing
Classification: Antitumor drugs
Origin: Hebei, Heilongjiang, Sichuan and other regions
Sex and taste: slightly warm in nature, spicy and sweet in taste
Meridian return: return to the bladder, liver, and spleen meridians
Effect: dispelling wind and relieving external symptoms, stopping spasms, overcoming dampness and relieving pain
Indications: External wind cold, headache, dizziness, strong neck, wind cold dampness, joint soreness, limb spasms, tetanus
Character identification: This product is conical or cylindrical in shape, with a tapered lower part and some slightly curved. It is 15-30cm long and 0.5-2cm in diameter. The surface is grayish brown or brownish brown, rough, with longitudinal wrinkles, most of the transverse long pores like protrusions, and dotted fine root marks. There are obvious dense ring patterns on the root head, and some of the ring patterns have residual brownish hairy leaf bases. Lightweight, loose in texture, prone to breakage, uneven in cross-section, brownish yellow to brown in skin, with cracks, and yellow in wood. The gas is unique and the taste is slightly sweet.
Internal administration: decoction, 5-10g; Or into pills or powder.
External use: In moderation, boil and rinse with water.
Taboos: Not suitable for those with yin and blood deficiency, heat disease, and wind activity.
chemical composition
This product contains volatile oil, mannitol, β - sitosterol, bitter glycosides, phenols, polysaccharides, and organic acids.
pharmacological action 
This product has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, analgesic, anticonvulsant, and anti allergic effects. Fresh juice from Fangfeng has certain antibacterial effects on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. The decoction has varying degrees of inhibitory effects on Shigella, Streptococcus hemolyticus, and enhances the phagocytic function of mouse peritoneal macrophages.
Chinese herbal formula
1. In the treatment of avalanche: To prevent wind, remove the reed head and stir fry it to the end. For each serving of two coins, mix the batter and wine, and add the batter and wine. (After Experience)
2. Treating spontaneous sweating: one or two each of Fangfeng and Huangqi, and two or two of Baizhu. Take three coins per serving, one and a half minutes of water, and fry three slices of ginger. ("Danxi Heart Technique" Jade Screen Wind Powder)
3. Calm the wind and smooth the qi, treat the constipation and astringency of the elderly's large intestine: one or two pieces of Fangfeng and Fructus Aurantii (stir fried with bran) each, half a liang of licorice as powder, take two coins of white soup before each meal. (Simplified and Unilateral)
The ancient book records in "Bencao Qiuyuan" that it is used to detoxify various heat medicines such as Aconitum, Genkwa, and wild mushrooms. "Record of Famous Doctors": Pain in the side, wind blowing on the head and face, limb spasms, and internal spasms in the nipple. The Shennong Classic of Materia Medica states: The main wind causes dizziness and pain in the head, evil wind, wind evil, blindness and lack of vision. The wind travels throughout the body, causing pain and numbness in the joints and joints, and full of annoyance.