Traditional Chinese Medicine - Perilla Leaves
Release time:2024-06-04 14:23:30
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Drug name: Perilla Leaf
Nicknames: Red Su, Fragrant Su Ye
Source: "Record of Famous Doctors"
Classification: Antitumor drugs
Origin: Hubei, Jiangsu, Henan and other regions
Taste: Warm in nature, spicy in taste
Meridian return: return to the lung and spleen meridians
Effect: Relieve external cold, promote Qi and stomach circulation, regulate Qi and stabilize pregnancy, and detoxify fish and crabs
Indications: Cold and cold, cough and nausea, spleen and stomach qi stagnation, chest tightness and vomiting, pregnancy vomiting, fish and crab poisoning
Traits identification: The leaves of this product are often wrinkled, curled, and broken. The intact ones are flattened and oval in shape, with a length of 4-11cm and a width of 2.5-9cm. The apex is long pointed or acute, the base is circular or wide wedge-shaped, and the edge has circular serrations. Purple on both sides or green on the upper surface, purple on the lower surface, sparsely covered with grayish white hair, with many concave glandular scales on the lower surface. The petiole is 2-5cm long, purple or purple green. Crisp texture, with tender branches, the diameter of the branches is 2-5mm, purple green, and there is pulp in the middle of the cross-section. The air is fragrant and the taste is slightly spicy. Usage&Taboos
Internal administration: decoction, 5-10g.
External use: mash and apply, grind and mix, or wash with decoction.
Taboos: Those with yin deficiency, qi deficiency, and warm diseases should take it with caution.
chemical composition
Perilla leaves contain volatile oils such as perilla aldehyde, limonene, β - syringene, α - coumarinene, linalool, etc.
pharmacological action 
1. Antibacterial effect: Perilla leaves can inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus in vitro.
2. Sedative effect: Water extract of wild perilla leaves or perilla aldehyde orally administered, prolonging the sleep time of cyclobarbital; Water extract orally administered reduces the amount of exercise in rats. The effective ingredients of the methanol extract of wild perilla to prolong the hypnotic effect of cyclohexobarbital are dill oil brain and nutmeg ether.
Chinese herbal formula
1. Treating crab poisoning: Boil perilla juice and drink it. (Synopsis of the Golden Chamber)
2. To treat the cold and qi in the death: three liang of dried Su leaves, four liang of aged orange peels, four liters of wine, boil one and a half liters, and divide into two portions. (Mending the Rear Elbow)
3. To treat cough and shortness of breath: one or two stems and leaves of perilla (file), half a liang of ginseng, mixed with two flavors, roughly mashed and sieved. Take a dagger of three coins per serving, one cup of water, fry until 70%, remove the dregs, take it warm, and try again daily. (Purple Perilla Soup from "The Records of Saint Ji")
According to the ancient book "Bielu", it governs the lower qi and dispels the cold. The Encyclopedia of the Origin: It can dispel the evil of blood vessels.
Compendium of Materia Medica: Perilla, a necessary medicine in modern times. It has a spicy taste, is divided into qi, a purple color, and is divided into blood. Therefore, with orange peel and sand kernel, it can promote qi and prevent miscarriage; Like Huoxiang and Wuyao, it warms the middle and relieves pain; Like Xiangfu and Ephedra, it can cause sweating and relieve muscle damage; Tong Xiong Qi and Danggui, then mix and disperse blood; Like papaya and magnolia, it can dispel dampness and relieve heat, and treat cholera and athlete's foot; Like Platycodon grandiflorus and Fructus Aurantii, it benefits the diaphragm and widens the intestines; Like almonds and radish seeds, it can reduce phlegm and calm asthma.