The ancients had a wonderful recipe for beauty, whitening and lightening spots, adding color and fragrance. Come and learn it now
Release time:2024-06-05 15:03:58
Word Count:5293
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There are a wide variety of skincare products circulating on the market today, and their beauty effects vary greatly, indicating the modern people's emphasis on skincare and beauty.
In fact, ancient people had unique insights into beauty and skincare, some of which are even used today. Next, we will explain some beauty remedies recorded in ancient books.
Gynecological holy herb motherwort
Empress Dowager Liu Yan Fang
In the "Secret Essentials of the Outer Platform" written by the Tang Dynasty physician Wang Tao, it is recorded that Wu Zetian used a beauty preserving secret formula - the nearly effective Empress Dowager Empress Zetian's formula for refining motherwort to retain beauty (hereinafter referred to as "the formula for retaining beauty").
Liuyan Fang has the effect of moisturizing the face. According to the book, when you first use this formula, you will feel that the skin on your face and hands is smooth and the skin tone is glossy; If used continuously, the skin will become full of qi and blood, bright and shiny, better than ordinary people; If used daily for years and months, even women in their forties and fifties can still have skin that looks like a fifteen year old girl. Only one flavor of motherwort is used in the formula. Motherwort is a sacred herb in gynecology. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it has a bitter and pungent taste, a slightly cold nature, and belongs to the liver, pericardium, and bladder meridians. It has the effects of promoting blood circulation, regulating menstruation, diuresis, reducing swelling, clearing heat, and detoxifying. It can treat menstrual disorders, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, lochia, edema, and oliguria.
Modern pharmacological research has shown that the phenolic substances such as flavonoids in motherwort have antioxidant effects; At the same time, applying fresh motherwort juice to the skin can stimulate fibroblasts in the dermis, promote their synthesis and secretion of collagen and elastin, help restore skin elasticity and vitality, and have a preventive effect on skin aging.
The beauty preserving formula can tender and whiten the skin, and is suitable for elderly people with dark, withered, and cracked skin, as well as patients with melasma. However, it should not be used by individuals with skin injuries, ulcers, or infections, as well as those who are allergic to the ingredients of the prescription.
In addition, the common motherwort facial mask and motherwort cleanser on the market may have a certain whitening effect, but you must buy products with formal makeup brands.
A Simple Method for Making Motherwort Beauty Preserving Formula
【 Composition 】 Motherwort, flour, water
【 Preparation Method 】 Take fresh motherwort, wash it (make sure to remove the soil from the roots), dry it in the sun, and burn it to ashes. Mix motherwort ash with flour and water to form a ball, pinch it into a pill, and dry it in the sun. Put charcoal fire into the stove, place the pills on top of it, and place a layer of charcoal fire on top of the pills. Bake over low heat for 24 hours. After the pill turns white, take it out, crush it with a jade tool, and grind it into powder.
【 Instructions 】 Take out an appropriate amount of medicinal powder, mix and mix 5 grams of talcum powder and 0.5 grams of safflower per 50 grams of medicinal powder, and use for washing hands and faces.
Colorful and Fragrant Red Jade Cream
Whitening, anti spot and wrinkle removal
"Natural beauty is hard to give up, once chosen by the king's side. Looking back, there is a smile full of beauty, and the six palaces are pink and colorless." This is from the Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi's "Song of Everlasting Sorrow", which describes Yang Yuhuan, one of the four great beauties of ancient China. It is rumored that Yang Taizhen Hongyu Cream is a secret formula used by Yang Yuhuan for beauty. Long term use will make the skin as bright and beautiful as red jade.
This prescription is included in the "Lu Fu Ban Fang" written by the Ming Dynasty physician Gong Tingxian, and has the effects of moisturizing the skin, whitening and removing spots. Fangzhong bitter almond has a moisturizing and greasy texture, which can moisturize the skin when applied externally; Talcum powder has a cold and slippery nature, which can help smooth the pores and orifices of the skin; Light powder can remove facial dirt, but it has certain toxicity and is no longer used. It can be replaced with non-toxic and whitening pearl powder.
This cream is suitable for people with dry skin, but should not be used for those with skin trauma, ulcers or infections, as well as those who are allergic to the ingredients of the prescription.
A Simple Method for Making Red Jade Cream
【 Composition 】 50g bitter almond (peeled), 50g talcum, 50g pearl powder, 0.1g borneol, 0.1g musk
【 Preparation Method 】 Grind bitter almonds, talcum, and pearl powder into small powder, and put the powder into a bowl; Add water to the pot, bring it to a boil, then turn it to medium low heat and steam the bowl for 10-20 minutes; Add a little ice flakes and musk to the bowl, and finally mix the ice flakes, musk, and steamed powder with egg white. It is ready to use.
【 Instructions 】 After waking up in the morning and washing your face, apply the red jade cream to your face.