Traditional Chinese Medicine - Beehive
Release time:2024-06-05 15:06:11
Word Count:2417
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Drug name: Beehive
Nickname: wasp nest, beehive
Source: Shennong Bencao Jing
Classification: Antiviral, insecticidal, and antipruritic drugs
Origin: National average production, more in the south
Sex and taste: mild in nature, sweet in taste
Gui Jing: Gui Wei Jing
Effect: Attack poison and kill insects, dispel wind and relieve pain
Indications: Carbuncle, furuncle, scrofula and scabies, itchy rash, rheumatic pain, toothache, sore throat, swelling and pain
Character identification
This product is in the shape of a disc or irregular flat block, some resembling a lotus house and of varying sizes. The surface is grayish white or grayish brown, with many neat hexagonal pores on the ventral surface, with pore sizes of 3-4 mm or 6-8mm; There is one or several black short handles on the back. Lightweight, tough, and slightly elastic. Mild in flavor and pungent in taste. Crispy or hard materials cannot be used for medicinal purposes.
Internal administration: decoction, 3-6g.
External use: In moderation, mix with ground oil and apply; Or boil water to rinse and wash the affected area.
Taboos: Use with caution for those with weak blood deficiency; People with poor kidney function should avoid using it.
chemical composition
The beehive contains beeswax, resin and its volatile oil (dew beeswax oil), protein, iron, calcium, etc.
pharmacological action 
1. Anti inflammatory effects: It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
2. Antitumor effect: In vitro experiments can inhibit human liver cancer cells; The methylene blue method has an inhibitory effect on gastric cancer cells.
3. Effects on the cardiovascular system: It has a promoting effect on blood coagulation, can increase heart movement, short-term decrease in blood pressure, and has a diuretic effect.
Chinese herbal formula
1. Treatment of Bee Sting: Expose the honeycomb powder, apply pig ointment, and apply it (Qian Jin Fang)
2. To treat salivation in the mouth: finely grind the honeycomb ashes, mix with good wine, and apply thinly under the throat. (Shenghui Fang)
Ancient book records
Diannan Materia Medica: Treat all deficiency syndromes, impotence and childlessness, and adopt medication.
The Shennong Classic of Materia Medica: It mainly focuses on the characteristics of convulsions, cold and hot evil energy, epilepsy, and intestinal hemorrhoids.
"Rihuazi Bencao": treating toothache, dysentery, mastitis, bee stings, and ulcers.