Irregular menstruation, beware of ovarian problems
Release time:2024-06-05 16:03:19
Word Count:3228
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Does it have an impact on pregnancy to only have menstruation every two to three months?
For most women, menstruation is a cycle of 21-35 days. Menstrual cycles exceeding 35 days may be physiological or pathological.
Generally speaking, the occurrence of menstruation is closely related to ovulation. Delayed menstruation often results in the absence of ovulation. At this time, gynecological ultrasound examination is performed. If there is no organic lesion, it is mostly rare ovulation, also known as delayed ovulation, which is characterized by a long but regular menstrual cycle. In clinical practice, there are cases where menstruation occurs only once every 3 months, and there are also cases where menstruation occurs only once a year. This type of situation does not affect fertility, but the chances of pregnancy are indeed lower than those with a normal menstrual cycle. If ovulation and menstruation occur every month, there is a chance of conception every month; If you only ovulate once every 3 months and have one menstrual cycle, then you only have one chance of conception after 3 months. However, although there are fewer chances of conception, the reproductive function of this group of people is not a problem. If the ovulation period can be captured in a timely manner, pregnancy can also be successful.
Pathological menstrual cycles are longer and more common in ovulation dysfunction, such as polycystic ovary syndrome. The patient underwent gynecological ultrasound examination, which revealed multiple small follicles in both ovaries, all of which were undelivered eggs. If there is no ovulation, menstruation will not occur. At the same time, hormone level testing can be performed to confirm the diagnosis.
What are the main symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome?
Patients with polycystic ovary syndrome often have high levels of androgens, often manifested as anovulation and menstrual disorders. Gynecological ultrasound shows polycystic changes in the ovaries, and blood tests show elevated levels of testosterone or dehydroepiandrosterone. These are the differences in clinical indicators among patients with polycystic ovary syndrome compared to the general population.
From a symptomatic perspective, patients with polycystic ovary syndrome often exhibit hirsutism and excessive sexual hair, such as women with long beards - thick and hard lip hair, excessive hair on the external genitalia and anus, and dense hair in the middle of the lower abdomen. Acne is also a common symptom in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome, often manifested as acne in areas with strong oil secretion such as the face and back.
For patients with polycystic ovary syndrome, traditional Chinese medicine requires differentiation of symptoms and treatment such as warming the kidney and tonifying yang, or strengthening the spleen and regulating qi, in order to regulate hormone levels and promote ovulation. At the same time as treatment, attention should also be paid to lifestyle adjustments, such as ensuring sufficient sleep, maintaining a comfortable mood, not being too anxious, having a balanced and nutritious diet, trying to eat less high-calorie, fatty, and greasy foods, and maintaining good exercise habits.