Traditional Chinese Medicine - Alum
Release time:2024-06-05 16:12:18
Word Count:3174
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Drug name: alum
Nicknames: Yuze, Nishi
Source: "Lei Gong Pao Zhi Lun"
Classification: Antiviral, insecticidal, and antipruritic drugs
Origin: Gansu, Hebei, Anhui and other regions
Sexual taste: Cold in nature, sour and astringent in taste; Toxic
Meridian: Meridian of the lungs, spleen, liver, and large intestine
Effect: Stop bleeding and diarrhea, expel phlegm and open and close, detoxify and kill insects, dry dampness and relieve itching
Indications: Scabies, eczema, itching, sores, prolonged diarrhea and dysentery, vomiting of blood under the nose, stroke, phlegm and convulsions, and epilepsy
Character identification
This product is in an irregular crystalline block shape, colorless or white, transparent or semi transparent, with a glassy luster. The surface is slightly smooth or uneven, with fine longitudinal edges and white fine powder attached. Hard and brittle in texture, easy to break. Slightly fragrant and extremely astringent in taste. It is preferable to have a large, colorless, transparent, and impurity free block.
Internal administration: Yanmo, 1-3g; Or into pills or powder.
External use: In moderation, grind and sprinkle; Or blow the throat; Or adjust and apply; Or rinse with water. The use of raw materials tends to detoxify and kill insects, while the use of calcined materials tends to converge and promote muscle growth.
Taboos: Those with weak body and stomach should take it with caution.
chemical composition
Alumnite is alkaline aluminum potassium sulfate [KAl3 (SO4) 2 (OH) 6], of which potassium oxide (K2O) is 11.4%, aluminum oxide (Al2O3) is 37.0%, sulfur trioxide (SO3) is 38.6%, and water (H2O) is 13.0%. Alum is hydrated aluminum potassium sulfate [KAl (SO4) 2 · 12H2O].
pharmacological action 
1. Bile promoting effect: Alum 0.6g/kg was administered duodenally, which significantly increased bile flow in anesthetized rats.
2. The function of coagulation protein: Alum has a strong coagulation protein effect. When a few drops of alum water are dropped into the serum, it can immediately form insoluble substances and precipitate. Low concentrations have astringent, anti-inflammatory, and preservative effects, while high concentrations can cause tissue ulceration. Due to the high irritant effect of oral administration, it is generally only used externally.
Chinese herbal formula
1. Treating bleeding and bleeding: Blow it with dried alum powder. (Saint Ji Zonglu)
2. To treat excessive bleeding and redness in the navel of children: burn white alum with ash and apply it carefully. (Shenghui Fang)
3. To treat throat obstruction, breast moths, and throat wind: two liang of alum, five coins of bile alum, finely ground and blown on the affected area. (Puji Fang "Blowing Throat Powder)
Ancient book records
"Bielu": Remove heat from the bone marrow and remove nasal polyps.
"Rihuazi Bencao": Eliminating wind and fatigue, reducing phlegm and thirst, warming water and organs, treating stroke, loss of voice, and scabies.
"The Classic": It mainly deals with cold, heat, dysentery, leukorrhea, yin erosion, ulcers, eye pain, and firm bones and teeth. Refining bait and wearing it, lightening the body, not aging, and increasing age.