Does a cup of coffee a day wake up and harm the body?
Release time:2024-06-05 16:51:12
Word Count:3310
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In today's fast-paced life, having a cup of coffee in hand seems to have become a common phenomenon, and "coffee culture" is deeply integrated into many people's daily lives. Whether at home, in the office, or in various social occasions, coffee plays a very important role and frequently appears in people's lives. So, what are the effects of drinking coffee on the human body?
Coffee can accelerate body renewal
Drinking coffee in moderation has many benefits for the general population.
Helps with defecation: Caffeine can effectively stimulate the secretion of digestive fluid by gastrointestinal glands, stimulate the secretion of various gastrointestinal hormones by neuroendocrine cells, and promote the digestion and absorption of food. After stimulation of the gastrointestinal smooth muscle, the motor function is correspondingly enhanced, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, help food move towards the distal end, and thus facilitate defecation.
Preventing the formation of gallstones: The caffeine contained in coffee can stimulate gallbladder contraction, promote bile excretion, and reduce cholesterol concentration, preventing its precipitation due to high concentration and the formation of stones.
Improving memory: Caffeine can stimulate the central nervous system through the blood-brain barrier, promote brain activity, make the mind clear and responsive, and can also concentrate, improve memory and work efficiency.
Antioxidant: Coffee contains a certain amount of antioxidant - chlorogenic acid, which can help the body eliminate free radicals that cause skin aging, thereby delaying aging.
Promoting energy metabolism: Caffeine can accelerate the body's metabolism rate, increase calorie expenditure, promote fat burning, accelerate fat breakdown, thereby reducing fat, tightening the skin, and effectively slimming down.
Coffee, drink the right amount
When the daily intake of caffeine is below 400 milligrams, it can increase the body's excitability. Related studies have shown that if the daily intake of caffeine exceeds 400 milligrams, the concentration of caffeine in the blood will sharply increase, which may cause mental states such as dizziness, accelerated heartbeat, excitement, anxiety, and even arrhythmia in severe cases.
Causing nervousness: Consuming moderate amounts of caffeine can help improve alertness, sensitivity, memory, and attention. Once consumed excessively, it can produce a stimulant like effect and lead to neuroticism. For people who are prone to anxiety, consuming caffeine may lead to symptoms such as sweating in the palms, palpitations, and tinnitus.
Aggravating hypertension: Caffeine can raise blood pressure, and if combined with emotional stress, the risk can double. Therefore, hypertensive patients should especially avoid drinking beverages containing caffeine during high work pressure to prevent elevated blood pressure.
Inducing osteoporosis: Caffeine itself has a good diuretic effect, which can improve the body's metabolic ability while consuming calcium in the body. If coffee is consumed in large quantities for a long time, it can easily cause bone loss and have adverse effects on the preservation of bone mass. Especially for menopausal and elderly women, the threat of calcium loss and osteoporosis caused by caffeine intake is greater.