Traditional Chinese Medicine - Manjingzi
Release time:2024-06-06 13:00:18
Word Count:3621
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Drug name: Manjingzi
Nicknames: Little Knife Bean Vine, White backed Grass
Source: Shennong Bencao Jing
Classification: Antitumor drugs
Origin: Shandong, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and other places
Sexual taste: Slightly cold in nature, sweet and bitter in taste
Meridian return: return to the bladder, liver, and stomach meridians
Effect: Evacuate wind heat, clear and benefit the boss
Indications: Wind heat, cold, headache, dizziness, red eyes with tears, unclear vision, swollen and painful gums, dizziness, and rheumatic pain
Character identification
The fruit is spherical with a diameter of 4-6 mm. The surface is gray black or black brown, covered with gray white powdery furry fur, with 4 longitudinal shallow grooves. When observed under a magnifying glass, dense light yellow dots can be seen. The top is slightly concave, with detached stigma marks, and the base has gray white persistent sepals and short fruit stalks. The calyx is 1/3-2/3 of the length of the fruit, with 5 toothed lobes, of which 2 are deeper, grayish white, and densely covered with fuzz. Lightweight, tough and not easily broken. The cross-section of the fruit skin is grayish yellow with brown dots arranged in a ring, divided into 4 chambers, each chamber containing 1 seed. The seed kernel is yellow white and oily. The air is unique and fragrant, with a light and slightly spicy aroma.
Internal administration: decoction, 5-9g; Soak in wine or into pills or powder.
External use: apply by tamping.
Taboos: Patients with blood deficiency, fire, headache, dizziness, and stomach deficiency should take medication with caution.
chemical composition
This product contains volatile oil, mainly composed of zein and pinene, as well as berberine, fatty oil, alkaloids, and vitamin A.
pharmacological action 
1. Hypotensive effect: Manjingzi has a significant antihypertensive effect, which is related to the parasympathetic nervous system induced by the excitation center.
2. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects: The methanol extract from the fruit of Lonicera japonica has an inhibitory effect on the acetic acid writhing reaction; It can also increase the pain threshold caused by hot plates and the pain threshold caused by carrageenan inflammation; It has a certain inhibitory effect on the permeability of abdominal capillaries.
Chinese herbal formula
1. To treat wind and cold invading the eyes, swelling and pain causing tears, astringency, swelling and shyness: Manjingzi costs three yuan, Jingjie and Baiji each cost two yuan, Chaihu and Fangfeng each cost one yuan, licorice costs five cents, boiled in water. (Compendium of Materia Medica)
2. Treatment for improper diet and eye disorders during labor: one or two Huangqi and ginseng each, eight yuan of roasted licorice, two and a half yuan of Manjingzi, three yuan of Huangbai (stir fried four times with wine), and three yuan of white peony. Chew on it and fry it in water for 3-5 yuan per serving. (Manjingzi Soup from "Orchid Room Secret Collection")
Ancient book records
"Famous Doctor's Record": Removing long worms, leading to wind and headache, tinnitus in the brain, and tears in the eyes. Benefiting Qi, making it shiny and greasy.
The Shennong Materia Medica Classic: It mainly focuses on the cold and heat between muscles and bones, dampness, numbness, and contraction, brightening the eyes, strengthening teeth, promoting the nine orifices, and removing white insects.
"Compendium of Materia Medica": Manjing is solid, with a light qi and a pungent taste. Its body is light and floating, and it rises and disperses. Therefore, the main symptoms are head and face wind deficiency.