Traditional Chinese Medicine - Bile Alum
Release time:2024-06-06 16:37:36
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Drug name: Bile alum
Nickname: Stone Gall, Black Stone
Source: "Pinhui Jingyao"
Classification: Spit medicine
Origin: Yunnan, Shanxi, Jiangxi and other places
Sexual taste: Cold in nature, sour and spicy in taste; Toxic
Meridian: liver and gallbladder meridians
Effect: Spit and salivate, detoxify and absorb dampness, dispel corrosive sores
Indications: Obstruction of wind and phlegm, sore throat, epilepsy, ingestion of toxins, redness of the eye caused by wind, chancre, oral ulcers, pterygium, and persistent ulcers
Character identification
This product is an irregular block shaped crystal with varying sizes, dark blue or light blue, semi transparent. Exposed to dry air, slowly weathered, heated and burned, losing crystalline water and turning white. When exposed to water, it turns blue again. Crunchy, fragile, and soluble in water. Odorless and astringent in taste.
Internal administration: 0.3-0.6 grams, taken with warm hydration.
External use: In moderation, grind and sprinkle or adjust to take; Or dissolve with water and wash externally.
Taboos: Those with physical weakness should avoid taking it.
chemical composition
The main component of bile alum is hydrated copper sulfate (CuSO4 · 5H2O).
pharmacological action 
1. The impact on the digestive system: Bile alum has a choleretic effect.
2. The corrosive effect: A concentrated solution of bile alum can cause local mucosa, congestion, edema, erosion, and ulcers, which can be relieved.
3. The effect of inducing vomiting: After oral administration, it can stimulate the peripheral nerves of the gastric wall to reflect to the vomiting center of the medulla oblongata, causing reflex vomiting.
Chinese herbal formula
1. Treat hundred insects in the ear: Pour it with bile alum powder and vinegar. (Qian Jin Fang)
2. To treat rheumatism and redness: Three coins of bile alum, braised and ground, soaked in soup and washed daily. (Ming Mu Shi Fang)
3. Treating pain and persistent pus and blood in nail gangrene and pterygium: half a liang of stone bile, finely calcined, applied to the ulcer, twice or three times a day. (Shi Dan San in the "Records of Saint Ji")
Ancient book records
The Shennong Materia Medica Classic: It focuses on improving eyesight, causing pain in the eyes, golden sores, various pains and spasms, female yin erosion pain, stone drenching, cold and heat, collapse of middle and lower blood, and calming of pathogenic gases.
The Compendium of Materia Medica states that stone bile has a converging and ascending nature, can produce wind, heat, phlegm, and saliva, disperse wind, wood, and fire, and can also kill insects. Therefore, it has a miraculous effect in treating throat and mouth ulcers.