Traditional Chinese Medicine - Cherry Blossom
Release time:2024-06-07 12:20:41
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Drug name: Golden Cherry Blossom
Nickname: Sugar jar, prickly head
Source: "Lei Gong Pao Zhi Lun"
Classification: astringent drugs
Origin: Guangdong, Hunan, Zhejiang and other places
Taste: Mild in nature, with sour, sweet, and astringent flavors
Meridian: Kidney, bladder, and large intestine meridians
Effect: Solidify essence and reduce urine, firm collapse and stop menstruation, astringent intestines and stop diarrhea
Indications: Enuresis and slippery semen, frequent enuresis and urination, metrorrhagia and leakage, prolonged diarrhea and dysentery
Character identification
This product is a false fruit developed from the receptacle, which is inverted in shape, 2-3.5cm long, and 1-2cm in diameter. The surface is reddish yellow or reddish brown with raised brown dots, which are residues after the shedding of burrs. There is a disc-shaped calyx residue at the top, a yellow stigma in the center, and a gradually pointed and hard lower part. After cutting, the wall of the receptacle is 1-2mm thick, and there are many hard small achenes inside. The inner wall and achenes have light yellow hairs. Odorless, sweet and slightly astringent in taste.
Internal administration: decoction, 6-12 grams; Or into pills, powder, or ointment.
Taboos: Those with solid fire or evil heat should avoid taking it.
chemical composition
Cherry blossom (fruit) contains citric acid, malic acid, tannin, resin, vitamin C, and saponins 17.12%; It also contains abundant sugars, including reducing sugars of 60% (fructose of 33%), sucrose of 1.9%, and a small amount of starch.
pharmacological action 
Effects on smooth muscles: The water extract of Rosa japonica can inhibit the autonomous contraction of isolated rabbit jejunal smooth muscles, antagonize the spasmodic contraction of rabbit jejunal smooth muscles caused by acetylcholine and barium chloride, rat isolated bladder smooth muscles, and antagonize the contraction response of rabbit thoracic aortic strips caused by norepinephrine. The inhibitory effects on the above three types of smooth muscles show a significant dose-response relationship.
Chinese herbal formula
1. Treating long-term dysentery and rectal prolapse: Stew one or two cherry blossoms (without thorns or kernels) and one egg. (Min Dong Ben Cao)
2. Frequent urination, frequent urination, and uncontrollable urination: a cherry blossom (to remove external thorns and internal flesh) and a pig belly, boiled in water. (Quanzhou Bencao)
Ancient book records
Shu Materia Medica: Treating spleen diarrhea, stopping small and convenient, astringent essence and qi.
Compendium of Materia Medica: Consolidating essence and secreting qi, treating dreams, ejaculating nocturnal emissions, and relieving dysentery and defecation.
In the Compendium of Materia Medica, the golden cherry blossom is taken without reason to satisfy one's desire for pleasure; If one's essence is not solid, what is the blame for taking it.