Dispelling dampness first strengthens the spleen, strengthening the spleen first elevates yang!
Release time:2024-06-07 13:34:39
Word Count:2848
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As the old saying goes, "Phlegm and dampness lead to various diseases." We all have dampness to some extent, which can easily affect our physical health!
If you don't feel like eating, your stomach swells when you eat something, you sweat frequently, your arms and legs are unusually heavy, and you always want to sleep;
It is very likely that there is too much moisture in the body. People with heavy moisture tend to have a moist and greasy tongue that looks like a beer cap.
Why do we say: dispelling dampness first strengthens the spleen, and strengthening the spleen first elevates yang?
The source of this dampness is the spleen. The spleen and stomach were originally responsible for digesting and absorbing food, but if we don't understand moderation and are unhealthy in our daily diet, the spleen and stomach will be exhausted and unable to digest the food, gradually forming phlegm dampness.
At the same time, the spleen is responsible for lifting and sinking yang, transporting water and grain essence upwards to other organs. However, due to the weakness of the spleen yang, it leads to the formation of "yang transforming qi and yin", resulting in an increase in water dampness.
Many people may have tried using Shen Ling Bai Zhu San and Si Jun Zi Wan to relieve dampness after discovering their problem of heavy dampness, but they relapse as soon as they stop taking the medicine. So what's going on?
Actually, it's because whether it's Shen Ling Bai Zhu San or Si Jun Zi Wan, although they can invigorate the spleen and dispel dampness, they don't have the effect of warming and tonifying Yang Qi.
The Inner Canon states that Yang energy is like the sky and the sun. Therefore, while strengthening the spleen, we should not forget to warm the middle and dispel cold. These types of medicinal herbs are also very common, such as dried ginger, roasted licorice, and so on;
After warming the yang, we need to strengthen the spleen and absorb dampness. We can refer to Poria cocos, Atractylodes macrocephala, Zexie, and so on. If the situation is relatively mild, we can also refer to using Linggui Zhugan Wan for conditioning. One stone, three birds, not only can warm the yang, but also can strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness.
Ling Gui Zhu Gan Wan contains four medicines: Poria cocos, Cinnamon twigs, roasted licorice, and Atractylodes macrocephala. Poria cocos and Atractylodes macrocephala can invigorate the spleen, remove dampness, and promote diuresis; And the cinnamon twig warms the yang and dispels the cold; Licorice can also harmonize various medicines.
It should be noted that although Linggui Zhugan Pill can kill three birds with one stone, its effect is biased towards warming and tonifying, so it is not suitable for patients with yin deficiency; If the symptoms cannot be determined, please do not blindly use medication.