The best way to maintain health is not exercise, not sleep, just one word!
Release time:2024-06-07 20:03:04
Word Count:3468
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In the busy modern life, we often pursue various health secrets, hoping to find the golden key that opens the door to health and longevity.
However, the true way of nourishing oneself is actually hidden in the bits and pieces of life. It is not intense exercise or long sleep, but a "micro" philosophy.
1、 Slight hunger in the stomach: 70% full, 3% hungry
The ancients said, "Less leads to gain, more leads to confusion." This sentence also applies to our dietary habits.
In today's material rich world, excessive satiety not only fails to bring health, but may also become a breeding ground for diseases.
Cheng Yanqiu, one of the Four Famous Dans of the Republic of China, died young due to long-term binge eating and drinking, ultimately leading to health problems. This sounded the alarm for us: "Dietary frugality is the best way to ward off illness."
Health is nurtured from the mouth. So, when eating on a daily basis, take one less bite, eat 70% full, and keep 30% hungry, allowing the stomach and intestines to rest appropriately, so that the body can be healthier.
2、 Slight sweating in the body: moderate exercise, prolonging life
"Life has a limit, but if it goes too far, it will lead to disaster." This sentence reminds us that exercise and health also need to be moderate.
As one ages, excessive sweating can lead to significant deficits in the body. Research has shown that just ten minutes of activity per day can effectively extend lifespan.
The master of Chinese culture, Liang Shuming, is a good example. He maintained health and vitality through moderate exercise, such as walking and practicing Tai Chi, at the age of 95.
Sweating a little can help us clear toxins from the body and give the body a thorough cleaning.
So, in daily life, it's better to do some labor within your ability, or go for a walk and do some slow paced exercises to make your body sweat slightly and maintain vitality.
3、 Mentally foolish: open-minded mindset, joyful life
"Half foolish, half foolish, half drunk, half awakened, half immortal." This sentence tells us that there is no need to worry about everything in life. Sometimes being a little confused can actually bring us more happiness.
Every meal of delicious food is about blending various flavors, and life is no exception. Only by tasting all the flavors of life can one taste sweetness amidst bitterness and encounter surprises amidst troubles.
"Although the road may be bumpy, let the world follow its course." Health preservation is important in nourishing the heart. With a big heart and a wider chest, the pain naturally subsides. A small heart and shrewdness make life tighter.
In the future, be a happy "fool", be clear headed in your work, be slow in your behavior, be more carefree in situations, and be indifferent to worldly affairs, in order to achieve a happy life.
Academician Zhong Nanshan once said, "The length of life does not depend on disease and aging, but on bringing the correct lifestyle into life." This sentence expresses the true essence of health preservation.
On the long journey of life, may each and every one of us be able to live well in the present moment, adhere to the "micro" principle, keep our stomachs slightly hungry, our bodies slightly sweaty, and our minds slightly foolish, forge a good city for our bodies, build an umbrella for our souls, resist external diseases and troubles, and from then on, be healthy, have a stable heart, worry free, and stay healthy until old age together!