Traditional Chinese Medicine - Red Stone Lipid
Release time:2024-06-08 17:25:46
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Drug name: Red Stone Fat
Nickname: Honggaoling, Chifu
Source: Shennong Bencao Jing
Classification: astringent drugs
Origin: Fujian, Henan, Jiangsu and other places
Sexual taste: Warm in nature, sweet, sour, and astringent in taste
Meridian: Meridian of the stomach and large intestine
Effect: astringent intestines to stop diarrhea, astringent and hemostatic, astringent sores and promote muscle growth
Indications: Prolonged diarrhea and dysentery, purulent and bloody diarrhea, rectal bleeding, metrorrhagia and leakage, persistent ulcers and ulcers, soaking of wet sores and pus, and external bleeding
Character identification
This product is a block like aggregate, in an irregular block shape. Pink, red to purplish red, or with alternating red and white patterns. Soft in texture, fragile, and some sections have a waxy luster. Strong water absorption, with a sticky odor, light taste, and no grainy texture when chewed.
Internal administration: decoct soup, 10-15g. It is advisable to decoct the residue first, take the juice, and then add it to other herbs for decoction; Or into pills or powder.
External use: In moderation, grind and sprinkle or adjust.
Taboos: Those with damp heat accumulation and diarrhea should avoid taking it; Pregnant women should take medication with caution; Not suitable for use with cinnamon.
chemical composition
The main component of hematite is hydrated aluminum silicate, which also contains a considerable amount of iron oxide and other substances. Its composition is: silicon 42.93%, aluminum 36.58%, iron oxide and manganese 4.85%, magnesium and calcium 0.94%, and water 14.75%.
pharmacological action 
1. The impact on the blood system: Chitosan has the effect of increasing white blood cells, red blood cells, hemoglobin, and thymus and spleen weight, and can significantly shorten coagulation and bleeding time.
2. The impact on the digestive system: Aluminum silicate contained in red stone fat can adsorb toxins in the digestive tract, such as phosphorus, mercury, bacterial toxins, abnormal fermentation products, and inflammatory exudates, and can cover the intestinal mucosa to reduce irritation to the gastrointestinal tract, exhibiting an adsorptive antidiarrheal effect.
Chinese herbal formula
1. To treat cold and slippery large intestine, and to ejaculate during urination: one or two red stone fat, one or two dried ginger, half a liang pepper, both used as powder, vinegar, and a large amount of wolfberry. Drink 50-70 pills of hollow and pre meal rice. (Translated into English)
2. For those who treat Shaoyin disease and promote pus and blood circulation: one pound of red stone fat (half used, half sieved), one or two dried ginger, and one liter of glutinous rice. Take three different flavors, seven liters of water, boil the rice until hot, remove any impurities, and warm it for seven times. Take a square inch dagger of red stone fat inside, three times a day. If one dose heals, do not take the rest. (Peach Blossom Soup in "Treatise on Cold Damage")
Ancient book records
Compendium of Materia Medica: Nourishing heart and blood, generating muscles, thickening the intestines and stomach, removing dampness and dampness, and reducing prolapse.
The Shennong Classic of Materia Medica states: jaundice, dysentery, purulent and bloody intestines, red and white blood under yin erosion, evil energy and swelling, gangrene, hemorrhoids, and ulcers, as well as head ulcers and itching.
Famous Doctor's Record: It mainly nourishes the heart and qi, brightens the eyes, benefits the essence, and treats abdominal pain and diarrhea, as well as red and white dysentery and small conveniences, as well as carbuncles, ulcers, and hemorrhoids. Women may experience collapse, leakage, difficulty giving birth, and inability to produce the placenta.