【 Folk Secret Recipe 】 A magical secret recipe for treating tinnitus and deafness
Release time:2024-06-09 14:39:06
Word Count:6879
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Tinnitus and deafness are common symptoms of ear diseases. Tinnitus refers to the conscious ringing in the patient's ears, such as the sound of cicadas or tides. Deafness refers to varying degrees of hearing loss or even loss. Tinnitus can be accompanied by deafness, which can also develop from tinnitus.
Fang 1. Blowing Air Method to Stop Tinnitus
First, let the tinniter have cold water in their mouth. The operator stands on the side of the tinniter, twists the tip of their ear with their hand to straighten the external ear canal, and puts the other hand in front of the tinniter. Then, gently blow a breath into the tinniter's external ear canal and signal them to swallow water quickly. Repeat 1-2 times to immediately eliminate the tinnitus.
Fang 2. Scallion, Date, and Gui Yuan Fang
【 Recipe 】 150g scallion white, 150g red dates, 120g longan.
【 Usage 】 Boil first and then add 2 flavors, then add scallion white, cook and serve.
【 Effect 】 Assists in the treatment of postoperative tinnitus and deafness, as well as dizziness, dark eyes, and soreness in the waist and knees.
[Source] Folk remedies.
"Fang 3" Black Bean Stewed Dog Meat
The specific method is to take 500g of dog meat, cut it into small pieces, 100g of black beans, add scallions, ginger, salt, five spice powder, and a small amount of sugar to stew and eat together. Black beans have a sweet and cold taste, a black color, and can enter the kidney meridian. They can nourish the kidneys, nourish the blood, brighten the eyes, and prevent tinnitus.
Dog meat, also known as "fragrant meat", not only has a rich and fragrant taste, but also "nourishes lung qi, solidifies kidney qi, strengthens spleen and stomach, strengthens waist and knees", "nourishes blood vessels, thickens intestines and stomach, and benefits essence". Dog meat is shared with black beans, and both kidney yin and kidney yang are replenished. Regular consumption can effectively improve symptoms such as tinnitus and soreness in the waist and knees, especially for elderly tinnitus patients with relatively weakened kidney function. The effect is extremely good.
Fang 4
18g fresh Acorus calamus, 18g fresh papaya, 30g mulberry parasitic, 6g small fennel, 18g September chrysanthemum root, 6g Sichuan beef knee. 1500 ml Baijiu.
The specific preparation method is: mash the above medicines into coarse powder, add Baijiu to immerse the medicine, and drink it after 7 days. 10-20 milliliters each time, can be consumed in the morning. This medicinal wine is mainly used to treat elderly people with kidney deficiency and spleen weakness, manifested as leg pain and soft feet, weak gait, dizziness, tinnitus, and low digestive function.
The prescription for medicinal wine was drafted by Zhang Zhongyuan, a Qing official imperial physician, on the 10th day of September in the 32nd year of the Guangxu reign, for the late Empress Dowager Cixi. According to the pulse records of Empress Dowager Cixi at that time, her "weak kidney elements, inability to dissolve water in the spleen, and insufficient yang qi" resulted in symptoms such as dizziness, yang deficiency and evil wind, indigestion of grains, weakness in walking, and tinnitus.
Fang 5
Take 100g of chrysanthemum brain tender head and 50g of water chestnut slices, add water as usual to cook soup, season with salt, and drink frequently.
Take 1 or 2 doses per day for 5-7 consecutive days. Chrysanthemum brain (also known as chrysanthemum leaves, roadside yellow, and yellow chrysanthemum) is a wild vegetable commonly found in Jiangsu, Hunan, and other regions.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that chrysanthemum leaves have a sweet and spicy taste, a cool nature, and have the effects of clearing heat, calming the liver, and brightening the eyes. Its inulin also has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, blood pressure lowering, antioxidant and other effects
Fang 6. Acorus calamus and licorice soup
【 Recipe 】 60g of Acorus calamus and 10g of raw licorice.
【 Usage 】 Take one dose daily, decoct in water and take twice. Long term patients should take Liuwei Dihuang pills or decoctions at the same time.
【 Effect 】 Indicating treatment for tinnitus.
[Source] Shaanxi Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1992 (6).
Fang 7
Take 15g of black sesame seeds, stir fry them slightly and grind them into mud. Add some rice and cook Congee. Sesame is a sweet and smooth product, with effects such as nourishing the liver and kidneys, nourishing essence and blood, moistening the five organs, and promoting black hair.
It has therapeutic effects on dizziness, dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, premature whitening of hair, post disease hair loss, and intestinal dryness and constipation caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency. It is often used to cook Congee, which can not only make the tinnitus and deafness disappear, but also make the hair black and bright.
Fang 8. Sheep Liver and Spinach Soup
100g lamb liver, 200g spinach, appropriate amount of scallions, ginger, salt, and cooking wine. Wash the sheep liver and slice it thinly; Wash spinach thoroughly, blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then remove and chop into small pieces; Wash the scallions and chop them into small pieces; Cut ginger into shreds. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add sliced lamb liver, shredded ginger, chopped scallions, and cooking wine, bring to a boil over low heat, add chopped spinach, and boil for 3-5 minutes. Season with salt and serve. Take one dose daily for 15-20 consecutive days.
Fang 9. Century egg Congee for Tinnitus
1 Century egg, proper amount of rice, 50g of mussel, Congee cooked with water, and Congee cooked with salt and a little MSG seasoning. 1 dose daily, effective if taken regularly.
"Fang 10." Pinching Fingers to Treat Tinnitus
When tinnitus occurs, pinch the three joints of the ring finger in both hands for one minute. Twice a day, the therapeutic effect is immediate and there are no side effects. Pause when experiencing fever or finger injury.
"Fang 11." Refers to the method of stopping tinnitus in middle-aged and elderly people using a plug
When middle-aged and elderly people have tinnitus, they can try to press their little thumb into the ear and eye as much as possible, squeeze it tightly, and then quickly pop it out. After several repetitions, it can effectively alleviate the symptoms of tinnitus.
Fang 12. Breath Holding Method to Stop Tinnitus in the Elderly
When tinnitus occurs, hold your breath for as long as possible, and then slowly exhale. Generally, holding 2-3 breaths can stop tinnitus.
Fang 13. Sweet Wine Boiled Black Chicken
【 Recipe 】 1 white haired black bone male chicken, 120ml sweet wine.
【 Usage 】 Cook cooked food together, take 5-6 pieces in a row.
【 Effect 】 Assists in the treatment of tinnitus and deafness caused by kidney deficiency, as well as soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, impotence, and nocturnal emissions.
[Source] Folk remedies.
