Chinese medicine, maple resin!
Release time:2024-06-09 18:31:05
Word Count:3880
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1. Aliases

White gum aroma, white gum, maple resin, and gum aroma.
2. Plant morphology
Deciduous trees. The bark is grayish white and smooth when young, and brown and rough when old. Leaves alternate, petioles long; The leaves are heart-shaped and often 3-lobed. When young and on the sprouting branches, the leaves are mostly palmately 5-lobed, with ovate triangular or ovate lobes and serrated edges. Flowers unisexual, monoecious, without perianth; Male flowers are light yellow green in color, with a raceme like inflorescence and numerous stamens, densely forming a spherical shape; Female flowers have a spherical head shaped inflorescence, covered with hairs, and the ovary is semi lower. They are surrounded by many diamond shaped bracts, with two chambers and two styles. The stigma is curved. The compound fruit is spherical in shape, drooping, with thorns on the surface. The capsules are numerous, densely packed within the compound fruit, and long elliptical in shape; Seeds numerous, small, flat. The flowering period is from March to April, and the fruiting period is from September to October.
3. Origin distribution
Born in secondary forests in low mountains and sparse forests in valleys. Distributed in the southern, central, and western regions of China.
4. Harvesting and processing
Cut the tree trunk from July to August to allow resin to flow out, harvest from October to April of the following year, and dry in the shade.
5. Characteristics of medicinal herbs
Irregular block shaped, light yellow to yellow brown, semi transparent or opaque. Crisp texture, with a broken surface luster. The aroma is fragrant and the taste is light.
6. Nature, taste, and meridian tropism
Mild in nature, with a spicy and slightly bitter taste. Return to the lung meridian and spleen meridian.
7. Effect and function
Promoting blood circulation, relieving pain, detoxifying, promoting muscle growth, and cooling blood. It belongs to the category of detoxifying and muscle generating drugs.
8. Clinical applications
Dosage of 1.5-3 grams, preferably taken as a pill powder; Apply in moderation for external use. Used to treat injuries caused by falls, ulcers, swelling and pain, vomiting blood, and external bleeding.
9. Pharmacological research
It has anti thrombotic effects, promotes fibrinolytic activity, increases platelet cAMP, and hemostatic effects.
10. Chemical composition
Mainly containing amburonic acid, amburonic acid, amburonic acid, maple oleuronic acid, lulutong ketone acid, lutong diol acid, and maple oleuronic acid.
11. Taboos for use
Pregnant women are prohibited from taking medication.
12. Compatibility prescription
① Treatment of Echyma: 30g each of Baijiao Xiang, Huangbai, and Soft Gypsum, 15g each of Qingdai and Longgu, finely ground together, and applied with fragrant oil. (Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment)
② Treatment of chancre: Use transparent white gum as the base, add light powder and a little musk, and apply with oil. (Pocket Formula)
③ Treatment for pediatric scabies and miscellaneous ulcers: white gum fragrance, yellow cypress, light powder. The medicine is finely ground, and the sheep bone marrow is mixed and coated with tinea. ("Confucian Affairs and Marriage")
④ To treat golden sores and broken tendons: apply Maple Fragrance (Fat) powder. (Dai Yi De Xiao Fang)
⑤ Treating excessive bleeding in the leaves: Regardless of the amount of white gum fragrance, it is finely ground into powder. Take 6 grams per serving and adjust with fresh water. (Brief Prescriptions for Benefiting All)
⑥ Treating deficiency, fatigue, and hemoptysis: Maple gum is not much, but finely ground into powder. Take 3 grams per serving, stir fry ginseng and glutinous rice to drink, regardless of time. (In the Complete Record of Saint Ji, Du Sheng San)
⑦ Treating nosebleeds: Clam powder, white gum fragrance, etc. Mix with good pine smoke and ink. (Bai Yi Xuan Fang)