A traditional Chinese medicine that nourishes the five organs, nourishes the heart and blood, nourishes the liver and yin, nourishes the spleen and lungs, and fills the kidney essence, helping you pro
Release time:2024-06-10 12:33:08
Word Count:3066
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Today, I would like to share with you a traditional Chinese medicine that is believed to have the effect of prolonging life and benefiting the lungs, spleen, and kidneys. It is said that in Taoist practice, there is a way of clearing valleys, which is to not eat grains, but to use this traditional Chinese medicine to supplement energy. Therefore, it is also known as "immortal surplus food". This traditional Chinese medicine is called "Huangjing"!

In the "Lei Gong Pao Zhi Lun", it is mentioned that the medicinal properties and taste of Huangjing are sweet and flat, belonging to the lung meridian, spleen meridian, and kidney meridian. It has the effects of nourishing qi and yin, moistening the lungs, strengthening the spleen, and tonifying the kidney. This means that it helps to enhance the body's qi and blood function, nourish the lungs, enhance spleen function, and is beneficial for kidney health.
Firstly, let's talk about the importance of moistening the lungs. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, the lungs are considered delicate organs that prefer wetness and dislike dryness. It is believed that lung function can only function normally when there is sufficient body fluid in the lungs. On the contrary, if the body fluid in the lungs decreases, lung fire will relatively increase.
Symptoms such as lung deficiency, dry cough with no or little phlegm, as well as dry mouth, thirst, and restlessness may occur. It may even lead to mouth and tongue sores, gum swelling and pain, and other conditions. Huangjing has the characteristic of softness, which can nourish yin and produce fluids, replenish body fluids in the lungs, moisturize the lungs, and alleviate symptoms of dryness in the lungs.
Huangjing is beneficial for strengthening the spleen. Because the taste of Huangjing belongs to the sweet taste, which belongs to the spleen and can effectively nourish the spleen and stomach. Generally speaking, the most taboo drugs for the spleen are greasy drugs, as these drugs may interfere with the normal operation of the spleen and affect its function.
Huangjing is completely different from general greasy drugs. Although it has a soft and moisturizing characteristic, it does not have a greasy effect. On the contrary, it not only does not affect the normal function of the spleen, but also plays a role in strengthening the spleen, helping to alleviate fatigue, loss of appetite, and indigestion caused by spleen and stomach weakness.
Finally, the benefits of Huangjing to the kidneys. The kidney essence, which stores the source of life, is considered an important substance for "governing bone and generating marrow". When the kidney essence is sufficient, the human body's legs and feet are strong and agile, while also helping to maintain a clear mind and quick thinking
If there is insufficient kidney essence, it may lead to osteoporosis, lower back pain and leg pain, as well as decreased energy, forgetfulness, and memory loss. Huangjing can help supplement kidney essence, promote bone marrow growth, and thus improve these conditions.