Is it hot and hot, causing a sore throat? Boiling lotus with it can clear heat, reduce fire, and moisturize dryness
Release time:2024-06-10 13:43:04
Word Count:3533
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The recent weather has been hot and stuffy, not only causing emotional "heat up" and making people restless, but also making the body particularly prone to "heat up" and experiencing various discomforts:
Occasionally experiencing oral ulcers and blistering at the corners of the mouth
Always feeling hot and restless all over, unable to fall asleep at night
Frequent dry mouth, bitter taste, and even unpleasant odor

This is because in summer, the yang energy rises, causing an imbalance between yin and yang in the human body. Accidentally, it can cause a fire on the body. Therefore, timely extinguishing the fire is particularly important.

"Anoectochilus roxburghii and Ophiopogon japonicus lean meat soup" is a good "Tonic Diet for reducing fire"
"Golden Lotus" is known as the "King of Medicine" and "Golden Grass". Its medicinal value is extremely high, with the effects of clearing heat and detoxification, relieving cough and asthma. Regular consumption can also harmonize the five organs, protect the liver and protect the liver.
Maidong is a common Chinese medicinal herb that has the effects of nourishing yin, tonifying the lungs, clearing the heart, and relieving restlessness. It can effectively alleviate symptoms such as excessive heat and discomfort in the throat.
In addition, this soup also includes fig, which nourishes yin and moistens the lungs, and lily, which nourishes the heart and calms the mind.
Cooking with a combination of various ingredients can not only clear heat and detoxify, eliminate throat irritation, but also improve summer restlessness and poor sleep.
Required ingredients
8g Golden Lotus, 20g Ophiopogon, 20g Lily
3 figs, 200g lean meat
(The above ingredients are for 2-3 people)
Production steps
1. Clean the Golden Lotus thoroughly
2. After cleaning Ophiopogon japonicus, figs, and lilies
Soak in an appropriate amount of water for more than half an hour
3. Cut the lean meat into slices and set aside
PS: Lean meat can also be replaced with other meats, such as duck, pork ribs, etc
4. Put all the ingredients together into the pot
Add an appropriate amount of clean water
Boil for about 1 and a half hours
5. Before cooking, according to one's own taste
Add an appropriate amount of salt to season~
Taking a sip, there is a faint medicinal scent of lotus on the lips and teeth. Upon closer inspection, there is also the fragrance of winter wheat, figs, and lilies. Paired with lean meat, the taste is even more rich and layered.
This soup not only clears heat and reduces fire, but also relieves symptoms of sore throat. Especially suitable for people with recent throat discomfort to drink~
However, it is also important to note the following points:
Not suitable for people with stomach cold and body deficiency to consume
Golden thread lotus has a cold nature and is not recommended for people with stomach cold and body deficiency to avoid causing greater harm.
Pregnant women and infants should not consume it
This special group needs to pay extra attention to their diet as their gastrointestinal function is relatively weak, and consumption may cause discomfort symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea.
It's best not to eat with crucian carp
Because this soup contains Ophiopogon japonicus, which conflicts with the ingredients in crucian carp, it can easily cause discomfort symptoms.
Finally, I would like to remind everyone to eat more heat clearing and detoxifying foods in summer (such as bitter gourds, mung beans, etc.), and to eat less spicy and greasy foods. I wish everyone a comfortable summer~