Fat people have inflammation all over their bodies, dont let fat shorten your lifespan!
Release time:2024-06-10 15:05:23
Word Count:4049
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Do you have any overweight people around you? Usually, overweight people give the impression of poor physical strength, lack of work, and a tendency to sweat There is even a phrase specifically used to describe the group of overweight people - "ten fat people and nine empty people.".

Why do overweight people appear to be very big, but in reality they are weak and powerless?
Because their excessive fat releases a substance that causes deficiency. Applying the most popular concept nowadays, this substance can lead to chronic inflammation, and the physical condition becomes weakened. The emergence of various chronic diseases is the result of chronic inflammation. From this, it can be seen that weight loss is not just about looking good, but also about "anti-inflammatory", which is the best prevention for many diseases.
When you see this, some people may ask why doctors only say there is "inflammation" when you have a sore throat or diarrhea. Why do you also need "anti-inflammatory" when you are not sick? If you want to know why, you first need to understand what this "inflammation" is.
What is inflammation?
What we usually refer to as inflammation or inflammation is often infectious inflammation caused by bacterial infections. When bacteria invade the body, immune cells in the blood quickly surround the bacteria, resulting in local manifestations of redness, swelling, heat, and pain, which is commonly referred to as inflammation.
But sometimes, without bacterial invasion, immune cells can also surround their own tissues, forming an "immune complex". This "immune complex" can also cause inflammation, which becomes the cause of many diseases. For example, "glomerulonephritis" that requires kidney replacement in severe cases, or "rheumatoid arthritis" that causes permanent deformation of joints, are both "inflammations" caused by "immune complexes" and belong to immunological diseases.
The relationship between obesity and inflammation
Why is obesity related to inflammation?
In principle, you are not gaining weight, but getting inflammation! Specifically, adipose tissue belongs to one of the endocrine organs, just like the pancreas secretes insulin, adipocytes can also secrete many "immune factors".
When the COVID-19 was the most serious, many young patients died after infection, but the real cause of death was not the "COVID-19 virus" itself, but the "immune storm" generated by itself. In an immune storm, various immune cells in the human body produce a large amount of immune factors, which not only kill external enemies but also encircle the body itself, thereby exacerbating inflammation and even fatal.
For fat people, their adipose tissue will continuously secrete "immune factors", which will not cause "immune storm", but will make the whole body in a state of "chronic inflammation". diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, cancer, dementia, etc. are the result of chronic inflammatory stimulation, "cytokines" self injury, and this is why "anti-inflammatory" is increasingly concerned by modern medicine.
Anti inflammatory foods
You have many choices
With the introduction of the concept of "anti-inflammatory", many so-called "anti-inflammatory foods" have also emerged on the market. Most of this is conceptual because fundamentally, foods with low calories and less processing are considered "anti-inflammatory foods", such as whole grains and fruits, deep green leafy vegetables, nuts, and fish rich in unsaturated fatty acids.
If these foods can still have the function of strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness in traditional Chinese medicine, the anti-inflammatory effect will also be enhanced! Because the obesity of Chinese people is mostly due to "wet obesity", and the weight loss of "wet obesity" people must strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness.
From this perspective, selecting foods that meet the conditions, such as Codonopsis pilosula, Poria cocos, yam, white hyacinth beans, lotus seeds, Coix seed, and Euryale seed, is a more powerful "anti-inflammatory" ingredient.