Honey water, is it good to drink in the morning or at night? Soak in warm water or cold water? If you dont understand, drink it and it will instantly become "harmful honey"
Release time:2024-06-10 17:31:12
Word Count:7466
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Speaking of honey, everyone is familiar with it. Who doesn't have many bottles at home!
Many people tend to drink a glass of honey water for daily health preservation or when encountering minor illnesses and pains.
However, brewing honey water may seem simple, but there are actually quite a few tricks involved.
To put it bluntly, if some details are ignored, not only is it unhealthy, but it may also harm the body!
Today, let's talk about honey and other things~

First of all, what are the benefits of honey?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that honey has a sweet taste, a mild nature, and can enter the lungs, spleen, and large intestine meridians. It has the effects of nourishing, nourishing, moisturizing, detoxifying, and relieving pain. It is used for symptoms such as cough caused by lung dryness, constipation caused by intestinal dryness, epigastric pain, water and fire burns, oral ulcers, and skin ulcers.
Among them, the most popular benefits are moisturizing the intestines and relieving cough.
In the past, honey was popular among constipation patients as a treatment for constipation. And to this day, honey is still the first recommended dietary therapy for defecating, moistening the intestines, and treating many gastrointestinal diseases.
Honey can indeed relieve cough. However, in the view of traditional Chinese medicine, not every type of cough is suitable for eating honey. Honey is more suitable for patients with lung dryness cough, because for those who suffer from heat damage to the lungs, moistening dryness can relieve cough.
And Western medicine also gave honey a thumbs up.
Modern pharmacological research suggests that honey has pharmacological effects such as moistening the intestines, protecting the liver, protecting the heart, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects.
Reminder: For some diseases, honey plays a more auxiliary therapeutic role and needs to be consumed for a certain period of time before it becomes apparent.
Next, let's talk about the time to drink honey water——
When is the best time to drink honey soaked in water?
Someone wants to say: Drinking honey water is not so troublesome. I can drink it whenever I want!
Actually, it's not the case. Drinking honey water requires a certain amount of time——
1. Drinking in the morning: moistening the intestines and promoting bowel movements
After a night of sleep, some of the water in a person's body has been excreted.
Drinking a small cup of honey water on an empty stomach in the morning can not only replenish water, but also increase nutrition and promote bowel movements.
2. Afternoon meal: replenishing energy
Afternoon tea time (15:00-16:00) happens between lunch and dinner, making it the most tiring and hungry time of the day for people.
Drinking a glass of honey water at this time can replenish sugar and energy, allowing the chaotic brain to wake up in the fragrant aroma.
3. Drinking before meals: suppresses stomach acid
Honey has a regulatory effect on the secretion of gastric acid.
Therefore, for patients with excessive stomach acid, drinking a small cup of warm honey water an hour and a half before meals can inhibit the secretion of stomach acid and reduce irritation to the gastric mucosa.
4. Drinking before bedtime: calming the mind and aiding sleep
Honey has the effects of regulating the nervous system, relieving nerve tension, and promoting sleep. Drinking a glass of honey water before bedtime can soothe emotions and improve sleep quality.
However, do not drink too much honey water before bedtime. A small cup or a few sips is enough to avoid frequent waking up and affecting sleep.
In short, everyone can choose a suitable time to drink honey water according to their own situation.
In addition to time, it is also important to pay attention to the following points when drinking honey water.
Drink honey water, pay attention to these two points
1. The water temperature for brewing
Brewing with different water temperatures results in different health benefits——
① Hot water brewing: major taboos
Honey is rich in enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. Excessive water temperature can damage the nutrients and bioactive substances in honey.
② Warm water brewing: tonifying
Soaking honey in warm water at 40-60 degrees Celsius preserves its nutrients intact and is easily absorbed by the human body. The Compendium of Materia Medica records that brewing honey with warm water can nourish the spleen and stomach.
Therefore, for those with spleen and stomach deficiency and weak constitution, it is advisable to brew honey with warm water.
③ Cold water brewing: clearing heat
According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, brewing honey with cold boiled water can clear heat, moisturize dryness, and detoxify. Therefore, people with hot air, acne, constipation, etc. are suitable for brewing honey with cold water.
2. Three types of people are not suitable for eating
① Babies under one year old
Eating honey for infants and young children can easily cause poisoning, and in severe cases, it can be fatal.
② Patients with diabetes
Honey is particularly effective in raising blood sugar, which is not suitable for diabetics.
③ People using cold medicine
Many cold medicines, such as Tylenol, Ganlike, and Ganmaoqing, contain the antipyretic and analgesic ingredient acetaminophen. When it comes into contact with honey, it forms a complex that affects the body's absorption rate and weakens its efficacy.
So, if patients are taking this type of cold medicine, it is not advisable to take honey at the same time.
In addition to soaking honey in water to drink, you can also add some ingredients for better health benefits——
Soaking honey in water and adding one treasure has better health benefits!
1. Honey+Orange
Ingredients: 50g honey, 100g orange.
Method: Wash the oranges, squeeze the juice together with the belt meat, mix with honey, and then drink.
Effect: It can regulate phlegm and relieve cough.
2. Honey+corn
Ingredients and preparation method: 1 cucumber and 1 corn, juice, and add an appropriate amount of honey.
Effect: It can alleviate thirst caused by heat and dampness, and also moisturize the intestines.
3. Honey+milk
Ingredients and preparation method: Prepare 1 gram of pearl powder, 50 grams of honey, and 50 grams of milk, mix and drink.
Effect: Used for stomach pain, gastric ulcers, moisturizing and whitening.
Finally, I will introduce a few tips for buying and storing honey to everyone——
Buy and store honey, smart people do it!
1. Three simple tips to buy good honey
① Check the moisture content: The lower the moisture content of honey, the better its quality (according to national standards, honey with a moisture content below 20% is classified as a first-class product).
② Looking at wire drawing: Pure honey has a sticky texture, and honey has the characteristic of continuous wire drawing.
③ Looking at crystals: Honey is extremely easy to crystallize, with soft and delicate crystalline particles that resemble oil and float on the top of the honey. Honey mixed with white sugar has a low degree of crystallization and is prone to the appearance of unmelted sugar particles at the bottom; Fake honey made from pure sugar cannot crystallize.
2. Tips for storing honey
① Container for storing honey: It is best to use glass or ceramic containers, not metal containers, to prevent acid substances in honey from corroding the container.
② The environment for storing honey should be dry, ventilated, and clean; Be careful not to put honey in the refrigerator.