Adding something to plain water, the phlegm, dampness, and garbage disappear! Suitable for everyone!
Release time:2024-06-12 14:39:36
Word Count:10476
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Soaking goji berries in a thermos is the last stubbornness of a middle-aged person.
The body is undergoing changes, aging, and occasional discomfort due to external influences. At this time, we can add some seasoning when drinking water in our daily lives, without the hassle of doing anything, to achieve unexpected benefits.
Boiled water: add honey to moisten the intestines and relieve constipation, which is most suitable for yin deficiency constitution; Adding lemon brightens the skin; Increase the amount of jujube to nourish qi and blood, it is best to break the big jujube and soak it; Add red beans and Job's tears to dispel dampness, and drink less if your spleen and stomach are afraid of cold Everyone is familiar with these, what other good combinations are there for plain water?
1、 Boiled water+longan: Nourishing the mind and calming the mind, getting a good sleep
Zhang Xichun, a famous doctor in the Qing Dynasty, said in his book "The Records of the West in the Heart of Medicine": "Longan has a sweet taste, a fragrant aroma, and a calm nature. Its liquid is thick and moist, and it is a medicine for the heart and spleen. It can nourish the heart and blood, maintain the heart and qi, nourish the spleen and blood, and strengthen the spleen and stomach."
Nowadays, people spend a lot of time watching their phones and computers, dealing with a lot of information, engaging in mental labor, and consuming a lot of energy and blood. They feel tired every day and just want to stay quietly for a while. At this time, it is very necessary to use longans to nourish the heart and spleen.

Longan is also good for the spleen and stomach. It nourishes the spleen and stomach, promotes digestion and absorption of food, and generates more and more qi and blood.

Boiled water and longan are particularly suitable for: excessive brain use leads to decreased memory and forgetfulness; Unable to sleep, unable to sleep well, and having many dreams. Insufficient Qi and blood can easily lead to hypoglycemia, dizziness, palpitations, yellowish or pale complexion, and the annoyance of blurred vision after excessive use of the eyes.
Dosage: drink 3~9 dried longans in water every day. After soaking, you'd better eat the pulp. It's also good to make soup and Congee.
After all, it is nourishing. Friends with particularly high levels of dampness and heat are not recommended. It is best to clear the body first before supplementing.
2、 Boiled water+roses: Soothing liver and regulating qi, feeling better
I believe everyone is familiar with roses, which can be said to be the most suitable flower for women.
Today, I will mainly share with you a place to avoid pitfalls when buying roses: when soaking roses in water, you should choose flower buds, which are about to bloom but have not yet bloomed, and not fully open ones.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that roses can soothe the liver and relieve depression, disperse stagnant qi and blood in the body, promote blood circulation, and relieve pain. The best effect is the flower bud, which uses the power of the flower when it is about to bloom to open up the stagnant qi and blood in the body.
"Materia Medica Justice": "Roses have the strongest aroma, clear but not turbid, gentle but not fierce, soothing the liver and awakening the stomach, flowing qi and promoting blood circulation, promoting circulation and stagnation without the drawbacks of bitterness, warmth, hardness, and dryness. Among the medicines that promote the separation of qi, they are the most effective and docile, and their fragrances are unparalleled."
Roses relieve liver depression and promote smooth and regular circulation of qi and blood. Having a smooth flow of qi and blood makes it less likely to cause swelling and pain in certain areas, irregular menstruation, and a smooth flow of liver qi, resulting in a better mood.
Boiled water and roses are especially suitable for friends with high life pressure, always feeling depressed, chest and epigastric pain, menstrual disorders, and breast hyperplasia.
Usually, people can also soak roses, orange peel, hawthorn, chrysanthemum, and goji berries in water in a 1:1 ratio to drink
Roses+orange peel+hawthorn, soothing the liver and regulating qi, promoting blood circulation and resolving phlegm, making qi and blood more smooth;
Chrysanthemum+goji berries clear liver and fire, brighten the eyes, nourish liver and blood, relieve irritability, and make the eyes and liver more comfortable. Spring drinking is the most suitable.
3、 Boiled water+dried tangerine peel: regulating qi and resolving phlegm, making the body easier
The Compendium of Materia Medica states that Chenpi (dried tangerine peel) is used to treat nausea, vomiting, nausea, and noise in the stomach, as well as occasional vomiting of water, phlegm and diarrhea, coughing and malaria, obstructed stools, and breast abscess in women. It is used to feed and detoxify fish, and its ability to regulate qi and dry dampness is essential for treating various diseases
Chenpi is the dried fruit peel of citrus, which is aged for more than three years under natural conditions within the protected area. Otherwise, it is only referred to as the peel.
Chenpi has a bitter and pungent taste, with a warm nature. Bitterness can relieve dryness, spiciness can disperse, and warmth can harmonize. It has the effects of regulating qi, strengthening the spleen, and eliminating dampness and phlegm. In the humid and hot Guangdong, many people like to use it to make soup and tea.
Boiled water and dried tangerine peel are particularly suitable for friends with heavy phlegm dampness, bloating in the chest and epigastrium, frequent hard lumps on the body that take a long time to get down, poor appetite and nausea, excessive belly fat, snoring during sleep, heavy body and reluctance to move, white and greasy tongue coating with tooth marks, sticky throat, and high phlegm.
Dosage: 3-6g, Congee or soup.
4、 Boiled water+hawthorn: reduces digestion and accumulation, lowers blood lipids
In today's diet, meat and fats, which are delicious but difficult to digest, account for a larger proportion. Coupled with less exercise, the burden on the spleen and stomach is also high, making it easy to accumulate phlegm, dampness, oil, dirt, and garbage in the body, hindering the production and operation of one's own qi and blood.
It is easy to become overweight and greasy, but with insufficient qi and blood, and heavy dampness, making one feel very tired when moving. The best way to supplement at this time is to first clear the gastrointestinal tract, clean up garbage, and drink hawthorn soaked in water.
"The Compendium of Materia Medica" states: "Transforming diet, eliminating meat accumulation, treating symptoms such as abdominal distension, phlegm and phlegm, bloating, and pain."
The Compendium of Materia Medica: "Hawthorn has a neutral taste and helps to eliminate the accumulation of oil stains."
Hawthorn can help the body digest meat and fats, reduce gastrointestinal burden, and eliminate oil stains and garbage. Not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the dampness and turbidity in the blood vessels (high blood lipids) can be cleared by hawthorn.
Hawthorn promotes blood circulation and dispels blood stasis, and also helps to separate qi. It can help relieve qi stagnation, phlegm turbidity, and blood stasis. Therefore, it is also suitable for those with qi stagnation, phlegm dampness, and blood stasis. People who are often in a bad mood can eat it to soothe the liver.
Plain water and hawthorn are particularly suitable for: eating too much meat, greasy food, having a large and hard stomach, strong body odor, foul stools, high blood lipids during physical examinations, and children who love to eat meat but don't eat well.
Dosage: Drink 3-10 dried hawthorn slices soaked in water every day. You can adjust the amount according to your taste. It's better to drink after eating meat.
5、 Boiled water+American ginseng: tonifying qi and nourishing yin, the complexion has improved
Warming the body with temperature is also the source of energy for the body. Adequate qi is necessary to maintain metabolism, dispel dampness and slim down, and resist virus invasion.
Many people like to use ginseng to replenish qi, but ginseng has a strong strength and is particularly prone to getting hot. Moreover, many people nowadays have to stay up late passively, and their physical condition is mostly Qi and Yin deficiency, not simply Qi deficiency. It is better to use ginseng than to use Western ginseng.
According to the "Western Records of the Chinese Medical Canon", it can supplement the Qi and blood components. Its nature is cool and nourishing, and anyone who wishes to use ginseng without receiving its warm nourishment can replace it
Western ginseng nourishes qi and yin, and is most suitable for friends with Qi deficiency or Yin deficiency in physical fitness tests. Persisting in eating is like digging a sweet spring in the human body, continuously nourishing yin fluid, clearing fire and generating fluids. Remedy for the energy and blood loss caused by staying up late. Occasionally staying up late can also be beautiful, without looking haggard.
Modern research has proven that American ginseng has effects such as anti fatigue, anti-aging, anti shock, improving thinking, improving memory and regulating endocrine function, enhancing human immunity, and improving cardiovascular function.
Boiled water and American ginseng are particularly suitable for staying up late for a long time (staying up late after 10-11 pm), weak and prone to getting angry, dry mouth, and easily irritable mood; During the day, it is easy to get tired, lose energy, and speak weakly; I don't like sports, and when I exercise a little, I pant and sweat profusely, which makes me prone to catching a cold. My face is dark yellow and I look particularly haggard.
Dosage: Braise 5-15 pieces in a thermos and drink. The taste is sweet and warm, and after drinking, your energy will be enhanced and fatigue will disappear.
There are many best combinations of plain water, such as adding tartary buckwheat to clear the waste of the five organs, adding goji berries and mulberries to nourish the liver and kidneys, and anti-aging; Add chrysanthemums to clear the liver fire, and your eyes are bright, but you should drink less chrysanthemums if your spleen and stomach are afraid of being cold, and add siraitia grosvenorii to improve your throat discomfort