Fire in the liver, insomnia; Fire in the stomach, bad breath; Fire in the lungs, coughing; Fire is in my heart.
Release time:2024-06-12 15:13:13
Word Count:5567
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If there are symptoms such as red eyes, red eyes, dry throat, hot nose, dry mouth, bad breath, rotten corners of the mouth, nosebleeds, toothache, etc., traditional Chinese medicine believes that it is "excessive heat".
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that this is due to the imbalance of yin and yang, which leads to the loss of normal latent function and causes the symptom of "excessive heat".
No matter what organ is on fire, it is necessary to drink a lot of water (even if not on fire!), and it is best to add some honey. Honey is very good for nourishing yin.
Another way is to bubble your feet at night, rub your feet 100 times each, and press the Yongquan acupoint. This can achieve the effect of heart kidney interaction and yin yang balance.

If you have a fire, if you know which organ has a fire, targeted treatment will certainly have better results! Below is a long-term clinical summary of the "tongue observation" method:

The tongue is red, and there is fire in the body. Different types of fire also have different manifestations on the tongue.
Tongue tip red: Heart fire
Summer dominates the heart, so summer's heart fire will be strong!
If the tip of the tongue is red, accompanied by symptoms such as irritability, dry mouth, sores on the mouth and tongue, poor sleep and nightmares, hot palms and feet, night sweats, red and yellow urine, and dry stool, it may be a sign of heart fire.
The heart controls the tongue, so sores are most common on the tip and sides of the tongue in the mouth and tongue caused by heart fire, and the inner lining of the oral cavity can also develop sores.
Solution: Drink lotus seed heart tea, massage or moxibustion at Daling acupoint to reduce heart fire.
Red on both sides of the tongue: liver fire
When there is liver fire, the tongue is also red, but mainly concentrated on both sides of the tongue. In addition, there are: impatience and irritability, insomnia, dizziness and dizziness, red face and red eyes, bitter mouth and dry mouth, deafness and tinnitus, yellow and thin tongue coating, chest and flank pain, dry stool, nipple pain and itching, and large premature menstruation.
Solution: Drink chrysanthemum tea, massage or moxibustion the Taichong acupoint to reduce liver fire.
Redness in the anterior half of the tongue: lung fire
Lung fire is characterized by boils on the face, dry nose and sore throat, cough and chest pain, dry cough without phlegm or yellow and sticky phlegm, poor sleep, and redness in the front half of the tongue;
Easy to catch a cold, a cold can cause symptoms such as high fever, cough, thick and sticky phlegm.
A good way to clear lung heat is to eat a few raw white radishes; Eating pears also has the effects of clearing lung heat and moistening the lungs. There are many patients with pulmonary fever who have obstructed bowel movements on the surface of the lungs and large intestine. So it is necessary to not only clear lung heat, but also to promote abdominal qi; Rub your abdomen once in the morning and once in the evening, for 5 minutes each time.
Solution: Drink honeysuckle tea, massage or moxibustion at the Dayuji acupoint to lower lung fire.
Whole tongue red: stomach fire
Stomach fire is characterized by restlessness, stomach pain, thirst, bad breath, toothache, swollen and rotten gums, bleeding gums, desire to drink cold water, easy hunger, and a relatively red tongue (sometimes the tongue is red and covered with yellow coating), which is a manifestation of stomach fire. "The stomach fire is intense, causing thirst and drinking, gum decay, or bleeding from the teeth, and bad breath."
Solution: Drink Kuding tea, massage or moxibustion the Neiting acupoint to reduce stomach heat.
Tongue redness with little coating: Kidney fire
In fact, traditional Chinese medicine does not have the concept of "kidney fire", but the kidneys also exhibit heat phenomena. If the tongue is red with little coating, the waist is sore and the knees are soft, the hair is loose and the teeth are shaking, the mouth is dry, the ears are ringing, and sometimes the sleep is not good, it may be due to insufficient kidney yin. If heat disturbs the mind on this basis, causing restlessness, night sweats, and hot palms and feet, it is often a manifestation of yin deficiency and excessive fire. In severe cases, the tongue is redder with no or less coating, possibly a thin layer of yellow coating, indicating that heat has come out.
Solution: Drink honey chrysanthemum tea, massage or moxibustion at Zhaohai acupoint to reduce kidney fire.
Most of the fires in our organs are caused by our own lifestyle habits. For example, many people do not like to drink water and need to drink 1500ml -1700ml of water a day, which is equivalent to more than three bottles of regular mineral water! Summer has arrived, so it's even more important to drink more.
Many Ai friends also say that they get overheated after moxibustion.
In fact, it's not that you get a fire after moxibustion, but rather that your body already has a fire. It's just that the positive energy of moxibustion stirs up the deficiency fire in your body, giving rise to it. Persisting in moxibustion will ultimately achieve a balance between yin and yang.
In this case, soak your feet at night and then massage or moxibustion Yongquan and Taichong acupoints! You can't do moxibustion when soaking your feet!
Kind reminder: Everyone's physical condition is different. The formulas provided in the article should be adjusted according to the situation of the enthusiast. It is recommended to seek guidance from a professional doctor.
