The most effective food for tonifying the spleen! It is much stronger than Xiaomi. Eating it regularly can nourish the spleen, benefit the stomach, and enhance immunity
Release time:2024-06-13 15:08:22
Word Count:9890
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We often hear traditional Chinese medicine talk about "disharmony between the spleen and stomach", "spleen and stomach deficiency and cold", "internal injury to the spleen and stomach, and the origin of various diseases.". But few people know what the "spleen" in traditional Chinese medicine does and what is the difference between it and the function of the stomach?
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that, in simple terms, the stomach fully decomposes, dissolves, and transforms a large amount of sticky food mixture in front of it into chyme, and delivers the essential nutrients to the spleen. The spleen is responsible for absorbing and transporting nutrients from the food, metabolizing and transforming water and dampness in the body.
At the same time, the spleen is able to manage blood and fluid on normal roads, operate in a normal manner, and not run around randomly; It is also responsible for conveying the pure essence nutrition upwards.
From this, it can be seen that the spleen is the foundation of postnatal development and the source of qi and blood biochemistry. As the saying goes, a poor spleen and stomach can lead to various diseases, and the strength of spleen function directly affects the rise and fall of human life. Therefore, we must do everything possible to protect the spleen and not let it get hurt at all.
However, to protect the spleen, first of all, we need to understand which behaviors in our daily lives are harmful to the spleen. Next, let me explain in detail.
Four behaviors are very damaging to the spleen
1. Excessive appetite, rich and sweet taste
Simply put, it means consuming too much energy that the body cannot expend.
Reasons for energy surplus:
Some people may not have a large appetite, but they engage in very little physical activity and consume a lot of energy;
Some people have an unreasonable dietary structure and prefer to eat foods that are difficult to digest and absorb, such as deep frying, stir frying, fragrant, fatty and sweet, and thick and greasy;
Some people eat too fast, wolf down their food, and eat more than others in the same amount of time;
Some people can eat more and have a large appetite.
The spleen regulates energy input and output metabolism. In order for the spleen to be healthy, it is necessary to maintain energy balance. Either control your appetite, or choose foods with lower calories and increase your exercise to burn out excess energy.
2. Spleen injury caused by excessive satiety
Big satiety damages the spleen! You should know that if you eat too much, your spleen and stomach will bear a heavy burden. Not only will you not be able to absorb nutrients, but you will also lose your vitality.
Eating delicious food desperately and not eating anything delicious can cause damage to the spleen and stomach. Therefore, it is said: Seven parts full, surpassing the spleen regulating agent!
3. Emotional instability
Eating too much can harm the spleen, and thinking too much can also harm the spleen. Depression, anger, and anger are the most damaging to the liver. When encountering liver diseases, it is known that the liver transmits to the spleen, and the spleen should be strengthened first.
4. Prolonged sitting damages the spleen
From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, prolonged sitting can damage the flesh and subsequently the spleen. In traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen governs the muscles, and sedentary individuals lack exercise, causing the muscles to lose nourishment. The essence of the spleen's movement cannot be relaxed, leading to the accumulation of phlegm and the formation of fat, which in turn affects our spleen.
Therefore, in order to be healthier, we may as well sit less and stand up and walk every few moments.
A good food for nourishing the spleen
In short, if you want the spleen to slowly recover, there should be no more behavior of damaging the spleen. Taking care of the spleen, Lao Guo suggests that we can start with our diet and eat some foods that are good for the spleen and stomach in moderation.
Euryale can be called the "champion" of spleen strengthening, and it is also known as "chicken rice head". Compared with the slightly cold Coix seed, Euryale has a sweet and flat taste and high medicinal value, making it suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach to consume. Eating in moderation can help strengthen the spleen, remove dampness, and alleviate symptoms of spleen deficiency and prolonged diarrhea.
How to eat the fruit of gorgon: The best way to eat the fruit of gorgon is Congee. We take 30g of the fruit of gorgon and 100g of japonica rice, wash the fruit of gorgon, soak it soft, and then boil it with the japonica rice until it is cooked soft. Drinking a bowl every once in a while will gradually improve the spleen and stomach, making them stronger.
In addition to thicket seeds, there are also some foods that are good helpers for strengthening the spleen and stomach, such as yam, monkey head mushrooms, corn, chestnuts, tangerine peel, taro, etc. People with spleen deficiency can also eat them in moderation, which is beneficial.
According to the "Shennong Bencao Jing", yam is sweet, warm, and gentle, without toxicity. It nourishes the spleen and stomach of humans. Because it nourishes the spleen and stomach, it can heal the liver and kidneys. Therefore, it can not only nourish the five labor and seven injuries, but also strengthen the liver and kidneys when used daily, making it natural for hearing and seeing.
The spleen and stomach have improved, and the human body has a good ability to transport and absorb nutrients, metabolize waste, and use it for a long time, which can help reduce body weight and prolong life.
And it is very strong yin, which can dispel restlessness and heat. This is actually what modern people need the most.
Firstly, its usage: Take 120g of raw Chinese yam, boil 1000ml of water, use it as tea, and slowly drink it hot.
As the supreme tonic, it can be well received by people in all situations due to its calmness, and the goodness of yam can be applied to oneself.
Ginseng is good, and cordyceps is also good, but this kind of thing has a strong bias and cannot be used for a long time. Modern people have complex physical conditions, and if not properly replenished, it creates waste.
The truly better thing is like yam, a plain and gentle "harmony" that accepts and nourishes everyone, with no taste, a faint sweetness, and an ordinary appearance.
In addition to dietary therapy, there are also some spleen health preservation methods in traditional Chinese medicine.
Strategies for Spleen Health Preservation in Traditional Chinese Medicine
The "Shoushi Baoyuan" says, "Those who are good at health preservation take care of the inside, while those who are not good at health preservation take care of the outside.".
Nourishing the internal environment: It enables the natural flow of Qi and blood in the body, with unobstructed Qi movement. The organs follow their natural instincts and do whatever they need, without any worries or hindrances. They gradually carry out the life cycle of growth and aging, and enjoy the essence of life.
External nourishment: Focusing solely on sensory enjoyment and satisfying desires, overly emphasizing appearance and hardware. The sensory enjoyment of human beings, with various desires lurking in their hearts, quietly erodes our lives while providing many comfortable feelings.
Living - keeping the abdomen warm and warm from the cold
Upper protection for the spleen and stomach, lower protection for the uterus, and middle protection for the navel. Avoiding cold and keeping warm in the abdomen is the most basic way to nourish the spleen. Sitting for too long can cause muscle weakness and weakness. Exercise should combine aerobic and anaerobic exercise, as well as weight loss and shaping. Overthinking can cause spleen and stomach damage, which is most likely to occur in writers, secretaries, planners, and researchers.
Nourishing while paying attention to regulating qi
Three meals are scheduled and regular, breakfast must be eaten, and dinner should not be delayed until after 8 o'clock. The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon states that "those who eat and drink should not be burned by heat." Do not eat hot or cold food frequently, and do not scald your lips or teeth.
The best carrier of food tonic is Congee and soup. The method of stewing and steaming is also good for nourishing the diet. It is most easily accepted by the spleen and stomach, and they happily send the supplements to the areas that need to be replenished. Multiple salts and acids can help generate dampness, which is not conducive to the healthy operation of the spleen and stomach.
Medications - use less bitter and cold substances
Reduce the use of drugs such as clearing heat, detoxifying, cooling blood, and antibiotics. Overuse of such drugs can lead to significant damage to the spleen and stomach.
Meridians - mainly for strengthening the spleen
Strengthening the spleen and tonifying qi - Zusanli, Shenque, Zhongwan, Piyu.
Digestive stagnation - Neiguan, Zusanli, and Weiyu.
Dispelling dampness - Zhongwan, Shenque, Yinling Spring, and Sanyinjiao.
In summary, spleen deficiency results in half of the body being wasted! The champion of spleen strengthening is the thicket fruit, which can be eaten frequently. The above-mentioned foods can also be eaten in different ways, which is beneficial for the spleen and stomach.
In addition to adjusting your diet, before going to bed every night, you can also massage your abdomen clockwise and counterclockwise around your navel to promote digestion of the spleen and stomach, promote metabolism, alleviate bloating, promote blood circulation, and keep your abdomen warm.
Of course, it is also necessary to persist in exercise, sweat appropriately, and force out cold and dampness, which is beneficial for improving spleen and stomach function.