Wild vegetables that can prevent eczema have 16 times the vitamin C content of prunes! Be sure to eat it once in summer
Release time:2024-06-13 17:32:54
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Among the common wild vegetables eaten in summer, the one that cannot be absent is purslane.

It is a good ingredient for clearing heat, dispelling dampness, diuresis, and promoting diuresis. It is often eaten in summer and can effectively prevent common summer diseases such as eczema and urinary tract infections.
But did you know? Purslane is also a good nutrient supplement.
There are five good things about purslane
1. Sterilization
Modern pharmacological research has found that purslane has an inhibitory effect on Shigella, as well as certain inhibitory effects on Salmonella, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus. This is consistent with the use of purslane in traditional Chinese medicine to treat dysentery.
2. Hypoglycemia
Purslane contains norepinephrine, a substance that can promote insulin secretion and help lower blood sugar.
In addition, the polysaccharides in purslane mucus also help to slow down the rate of blood sugar increase.
3. Calcium supplementation
Portulaca oleracea is rich in calcium, with about 87 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams. Portulaca oleracea is also rich in potassium and magnesium, which can promote the deposition of calcium in the bones and make calcium supplementation more efficient.
4. Skincare
Portulaca oleracea has a high vitamin content, with about 23 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams, which is equivalent to the level of citrus fruits. It is 16.4 times higher than prunes, 7.7 times higher than apples and dragon fruit, and 5.8 times higher than apricots.
Vitamin C, as a powerful antioxidant, not only prevents various diseases but also benefits skin health.
5. Strong immunity
Portulaca oleracea is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for human growth, development, prevention of various cardiovascular diseases, and maintenance of a healthy immune system.
Generally speaking, this ingredient is mostly found in meat, especially in aquatic products, and is relatively rare in plants.
But the omega-3 fatty acids in purslane can even reach twice the content of hairtail, so for vegetarians, don't miss it.
It is best to choose artificially planted purslane to avoid picking poisonous vegetables contaminated by car exhaust or heavy metals.
In addition, purslane contains a high content of oxalic acid. Before consumption, it should be blanched in boiling water to ensure food safety.
Portulaca oleracea recipe
1. Cold mixed purslane
Ingredients: 150g dried purslane, 15g garlic puree, appropriate amounts of salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, and sesame oil each.
Method: Take dry Portulaca oleracea, remove impurities and old roots, soak overnight in water, steam thoroughly in a steamer, cut into small pieces, place in a basin, sprinkle with salt, add garlic, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, mix repeatedly, and let it taste slightly.
Efficacy: This Tonic Diet has the effect of clearing away heat and dampness, astringent intestines and stopping diarrhea. It is suitable for people with damp heat and diarrhea in large intestine.
2. Stir fried eggs with purslane
Ingredients: 120g fresh purslane, 3 eggs, appropriate amounts of refined salt, yellow wine, oil, soy sauce, and monosodium glutamate each.
Method: Remove impurities from purslane, soak in warm water for 10 minutes, rinse with clean water, and cut into sections. Beat the eggs, add purslane and mix well. Add salt, yellow wine, soy sauce, and monosodium glutamate to season. Heat up the wok and add oil to heat it up. Pour the purslane egg mixture into the wok and stir fry until cooked. Serve on a plate.
Efficacy: This Tonic Diet has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, supplementing qi and tonifying deficiency, and is suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach, who are prone to diarrhea in summer and autumn. This is a traditional famous dish in Zhejiang region. It has a yellow and green color, a tender and crispy taste, and a delicious salty and fresh taste.
3. Purslane and Coix Seed Congee
Ingredients: 60g fresh purslane, 30g coix seed, 150g japonica rice, appropriate amount of salt, scallion, and oil.
Method: Wash purslane, blanch it in boiling water, remove it, and chop it into small pieces. Heat up the wok in oil, add scallions and stir fry until fragrant, add purslane, add refined salt and stir fry until fragrant. Remove from the wok and set aside. Wash the japonica rice and coix seed, put them into a pot, add proper amount of water to cook, put purslane into the pot, boil them until they become Congee, and then out of the pot.
Efficacy: This medicinal porridge has the effect of clearing away heat and removing dampness, and is suitable for people who have bad breath, stomachache, loose and sticky stools.
4. Purslane Congee with Lotus Root
Ingredients: 30g purslane, 150g lotus root, 150g japonica rice, appropriate amount of brown sugar.
Method: Wash purslane, add an appropriate amount of water to a clay pot, boil, remove residue and extract juice. Wash the lotus root and dice it. Wash the glutinous rice thoroughly and soak for 1 hour. Boil the rice in the medicine juice, add the diced lotus root, boil it into Congee, add brown sugar and mix well.
Efficacy: This porridge has the effect of cooling blood and stopping bleeding. It is suitable for people with hemorrhoids bleeding and yellow urine caused by the accumulation of damp and heat.
5. Purslane buns
Ingredients: 300g dry purslane, 600g flour, 120g Oily bean curd, 6g yeast, and appropriate amount of salt, soy sauce, and oil.
Method: Soak purslane in warm water, remove impurities, clean it with cold water, squeeze out the water, cut it together with Oily bean curd, add salt, soy sauce and oil, and mix well to make steamed stuffed buns. Add yeast and water to the flour to form a dough, cover it with plastic wrap, and let it ferment until twice the size. Take out the dough and exhaust the air, knead it into long strips, divide it into ingredients, make buns, and steam them in a steamer until cooked.
Effect: This medication has the effect of clearing heat and removing dampness, suitable for patients with damp heat in the large intestine, soft stools, and burning anus.
6. Fresh Purslane Pancake
Ingredients: 120g fresh purslane, 180g flour, 1 egg, appropriate amounts of scallions, salt, five spice powder, and edible oil each.
Method: Cut the washed purslane and scallions into small pieces and put them into a basin. Crush the eggs and put them in. Then add flour, an appropriate amount of water, salt, and five spice powder, and stir until a paste is formed. Brush a thin layer of oil on a flat pan, heat it to 80% heat, pour in an appropriate amount of batter, and rotate the pan until it is evenly round. After one side is formed and brightly colored, flip over and fry the other side until both sides are golden brown.
Effect: This medicine has the effect of clearing heat and removing dampness, suitable for people with damp and hot constitution to consume.