Black beans are actually a powerful traditional Chinese medicine!
Release time:2024-06-14 15:27:47
Word Count:5099
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In the world of traditional Chinese medicine, black beans are not only a common ingredient in daily diet, but also considered as a tonic with multiple medicinal values. Black beans are rich in protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, especially their isoflavones, which have antioxidant properties and are beneficial to human health.

There are many types of beans, red beans have a heart nourishing effect, yellow beans have a spleen nourishing effect, and black beans are considered the most beneficial for the kidneys.
The color of the kidneys is black, which is related to the kidneys, such as black hair and eyes. The energy of the kidneys is also reflected in the appearance of people, such as the appearance of black circles under the eyes.
Black beans are black in color and have a shape similar to a kidney, hence they are called "kidney beans". Zhang Shanlei, a medical expert in the late Qing Dynasty, once said, "Black beans specialize in tonifying the liver and kidney's true yin, and are the ultimate elixir of nourishing yin." The advantage of black beans is that they not only replenish the energy of the kidneys, but also expel moisture from them, providing nourishment without causing stagnation.
How to better
Utilize the medicinal value of black beans
There are various ways to consume black beans, including salt fried black beans, vinegar soaked black beans, and processed black beans. The so-called legal system refers to processing according to ancient methods.
We have previously shared the method of making vinegar soaked black beans. Today, we will discuss the method of making black beans, which involves using black beans in combination with other traditional Chinese medicines to enhance their kidney tonifying effect.
Black beans themselves are a type of food that can be used to satisfy hunger during times of famine, and they have a strong sense of fullness. Now we still use black beans to make soup, stir fry vegetables, and make soybean milk. The difference between vinegar soaked black beans and processed black beans is that vinegar soaked black beans belong to the category of dietotherapy, and their efficacy is more obvious after being paired with other Chinese medicines. Therefore, legal black beans are a combination of medicinal and dietary therapies.
What traditional Chinese medicines can be paired with black beans?
There are various formulas in medical books, and the one we currently use the most is the prescription of Mr. Lei Yulin, the inheritor of traditional Chinese medicine health culture.
Composition: 6g of Psoralea, Walnut Kernel, Sand Garden Seed, Stir fried Eucommia ulmoides, White Tribulus, Big Fennel, Big Green Salt, 500g of Black Bean.
Black beans have a kidney tonifying effect, with a focus on supplementing kidney yin. Most traditional Chinese medicines paired with black beans also have the effect of tonifying the kidneys.
The color of psoralen is black and enters the kidneys. Its medicinal properties are mild and it is good at tonifying the kidneys and assisting yang. It can be used to treat lower back and knee pain, frequent urination, and diarrhea caused by insufficient kidney yang. In addition, psoralen has a very good effect on tonifying the kidney and strengthening teeth.
Psoralea and walnut kernels are commonly used combinations, one belongs to fire, one belongs to wood, one starts a fire, and the other adds firewood, in order to make the flame burn longer.
Eucommia ulmoides is also a commonly used kidney tonifying medicinal herb. There is a saying that goes: "When you have pain in the waist and bones, boil Eucommia ulmoides with pork waist." The rubber thread of Eucommia ulmoides is like the tendons of the human body, and the tendons and bones are tightly connected, so Eucommia ulmoides can strengthen the tendons and bones. Salt fried Eucommia ulmoides has a better effect.
Sha Yuan Zi and Bai Ji Li also have the effect of tonifying the kidney and improving eyesight. Big fennel can warm the kidneys, dispel cold, promote qi circulation, and relieve pain. Daqing salt is a drug that guides its properties to better enter the kidneys.
Preparation method: In addition to black beans, walnut kernels, and large green salt, boil the above traditional Chinese medicine in water three times, each time for 30 minutes. Remove the residue from the three times of medicinal juice and mix them together. Then soak the black beans in the juice and soak for 4 hours. Next, add walnuts and salt, boil over high heat first, then turn to low heat and cook slowly. During this process, black beans will absorb the medicinal juice, and their color will become darker and brighter. Gradually, the beans will become soft and sticky. Be careful not to cook too much. Finally, put the cooked black beans into a bottle for storage, and this completes the production of the black beans.
Eating about 15 pills on an empty stomach every day and using it regularly can strengthen teeth, improve hearing and vision, and improve symptoms such as lower back and knee soreness, heel pain, frequent urination, polyuria, and early white hair.