The prescription of Dr. Zhang Zhongjing can unblock blood stasis, resolve varicose veins, and regulate diseases caused by cold!
Release time:2024-06-14 16:08:22
Word Count:7702
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1. The veins in the calves are bulging, like earthworms, and some parts may twist together, forming clumps and blocks, which is called varicose veins.

The veins, which are visible to the naked eye, are the channels through which blood runs.
Varicocele, in simple terms, is actually a mass of blood stasis that blocks the blood vessels.
This kind of disease has existed since ancient times, as stated in ancient medical books. Muscle tumors are firm and purple in color, with green veins built around them, and those with severe curling are like earthworms.
So, the problem is, the blood is running well in the pipeline, why is it stuck there?
The main reason is getting cold.
In traditional Chinese medicine, Yang transforms Qi and Yin forms. Cold air is most likely to cause tangible substances to condense and accumulate. In winter, as soon as the temperature drops, rivers freeze.
After the blood gets cold, it will also be unable to flow and gradually form blood stasis. The blood stasis blocks the calf, making it difficult for the upper part of the blood to pass through and the lower part of the blood to flow back up. The more the blockage, the more severe it becomes.
Once again, the human blood vessels are originally soft and resilient, but when frozen by the cold, they become stiff and lose their elasticity.
When the two are combined, they eventually become visible to the naked eye, winding and expanding "bulging veins".
How can traditional Chinese medicine treat this situation? Traditional Chinese medicine draws inspiration from ancient prescriptions, such as Danggui Sini Tang, which originated from Zhang Zhongjing, a great physician of the Eastern Han Dynasty, in his book "Treatise on Cold Damage".
Danggui Sini Tang can not only dispel cold, but also enhance blood flow. With a dual approach, it is most suitable for treating varicose veins caused by cold invasion.
Danggui Sini Tang: 12 grams of Danggui, 9 grams of Guizhi, 9 grams of White Peony, 3 grams of Asarum, 6 grams of Tongcao, 8 large dates, and 6 grams of roasted licorice.
Angelica sinensis promotes blood circulation and replenishes blood. Promoting blood circulation is the process of dissolving and driving out stagnant blood; Nourishing blood is the process of generating new blood to nourish the affected area.
Guizhi, many people's understanding of it is mostly to warm yang and dispel cold. Guizhi is indeed a medicine with abundant yang energy, and after taking it, it can make people feel warm all over their bodies.
However, the role of Guizhi goes far beyond this. Zhang Zhongjing also commonly uses it to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. Because the color of the osmanthus twig is red, it actually has a hint of bright orange. Among the five internal organs, the heart gives a feeling of unrestrained and passionate, which sets the tone for the osmanthus twig to enter the heart.
As soon as Guizhi enters the body, it can cheer up the heart, which is the main blood vessel. The heart is the master of the blood vessels, and all the blood vessels in the body must obey the command of the heart. Once the heart is strong, it can push the qi and blood to the waist and feet, making the blood flow smoothly, so there will be no blood stasis.
However, the medicinal properties of Guizhi are scattered, so Zhang Zhongjing added white peony here. White peony is sour and collected, which is a medicine that needs to be recycled.
At the same time, there is also Asarum to dispel the cold. Asarum has a deeper medicinal properties, which means it can continue to move inward.
The function of Tongcao is just like its name, Tongcao. You can unblock the blood stasis and make your blood vessels open in all directions.
Finally, mix the herbs with licorice and jujube.
3. Danggui Sini Tang can not only treat varicose veins, but also regulate many diseases caused by cold, such as:
1. Hands and feet cold
Zhang Zhongjing said in his book "Treatise on Cold Damage": "If one's hands and feet are cold and their pulse is thin and wants to be broken, they should be treated with the Four Reversals Decoction."
The prescription of Danggui Sini Tang was originally used by Zhang Zhongjing to treat coldness in the hands and feet. Such people also have a characteristic, which is that their pulse is thin and they want to stop. That is to say, when traditional Chinese medicine combines the pulse, it is discovered that the person's pulse is very thin. What is the feeling of this? It's like hanging it on a strand of hair, very thin.
What does it mean? It indicates a lack of blood and cannot fill the meridians. When it comes to nourishing blood, traditional Chinese medicine does have many good soup formulas, but blood deficiency also has cold, which is easy to understand. People with blood deficiency lack proper qi and are more susceptible to the invasion of cold evil.
The qi and blood in the body itself are not very sufficient, coupled with the obstruction of cold air, resulting in a lack of circulation of qi and blood, which cannot effectively nourish the limbs, so hands and feet are cold. Combining the two, Danggui Sini Tang is the best nourishing formula. It can both nourish blood and dispel cold. After drinking this prescription, you will feel warm in your hands and feet.
2. Inflexible hands and feet
Everyone can think about it. In winter, the weather is particularly cold. In an indoor environment without air conditioning or heating, those hands are so cold that they can't even write neatly?
So if you find that you have suddenly become clumsy and less flexible in your work recently, and your hands and feet feel cold and cold to the touch, drink Angelica Sini Tang quickly. It can help you dissipate the cold air and then transport Qi and blood to your limbs. With just one foot of Qi and blood in your hands, you can easily start working.
3. Chilblain
After growing chilblains, the skin becomes blue, itchy, and painful. As the old saying goes, the pain can be tolerated, and the itching cannot be tolerated. The pain can be endured for a while, but once it itches, it feels like a hundred claws scratching the heart. So although chilblain is not a serious illness, it can be quite torturous.
Although chilblains are frozen, they are essentially due to insufficient qi and blood. Otherwise, why do some people grow while others do not in the same environment?
If you have chilblains every year, start drinking Angelica Sini Tang before the onset of deep winter and drink it for a week or two. This year's chilblains will definitely not grow, even if they do, they will be very small and not as aggressive as in previous years, completely overwhelming.
4. Shoulder pain, arm pain, lower back pain, leg pain
The various pains caused by cold, such as shoulder pain, arm pain, lower back pain, leg pain, etc., are also caused by Danggui Sini Tang. It contains Asarum, which is a long and thin medicine. It is a common cold medicine, and its medicinal properties may reach the skin, muscles, and organs. Asarum becomes powerful. As soon as it enters the body, it drills back and forth like an arrow, and can even penetrate into bones, dispersing the wind, cold, and dampness hidden inside.
5. Low menstrual flow, dysmenorrhea, and blood clots
Many women not only have cold hands and feet, but their stomachs also feel cold all year round. The cold has frozen the blood, making it difficult for menstrual blood to flow, resulting in a decrease in menstrual flow. Why is dysmenorrhea? Due to the obstruction of cold air, blood circulation becomes bumpy and painful. There will also be blood clots, which are also products of Yin formation.
After drinking Danggui Sini Tang, it can warm up your hands, feet, and stomach.