Eggplant and it are a perfect match! Eating eggplants like this in summer is better than a few pairs of medicine! Unfortunately, many people eat the wrong food and throw away their treasures
Release time:2024-06-15 13:27:38
Word Count:4963
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The Six Benefits of Eggplant

1. Heat Relieving and Heat Relieving
Summer is the best time to eat eggplants because they have a strong effect on reducing heat and reducing heat. Eggplant is different from other ingredients such as cucumbers, which can also clear heat and relieve heat. It does not taste cool and delicious when eaten, but eggplant is an internal heat reliever that can prevent diseases caused by heat accumulation (such as prickly heat, ulcers, etc.).
2. Revitalization and lipid-lowering
The content of saponin compounds in eggplants is quite high, which can effectively refresh and reduce blood lipids.
3. Resist cancer transformation
In addition to the saponin compounds mentioned above, eggplants also contain high levels of solanine. Studies have shown that solanine can effectively prevent the production and proliferation of gastric tumors, thereby effectively preventing gastric cancer.
4. Anti aging and beauty enhancement
At the same time, eggplants also contain high levels of vitamin E, which can effectively inhibit the generation of free radicals, thereby preventing aging and antioxidation. Girls who love beauty must eat more eggplants, the more they eat, the more beautiful they become
5. Promoting blood circulation and tonifying qi
In summer, the temperature is hot and there is poor ventilation. Patients with hemorrhoids can consume eggplant in moderation during the onset or recurrence of hemorrhoids, which has many benefits
6. Protecting cardiovascular system
Eggplant is truly a treasure, and its vitamin P content is also quite high. Vitamin P can make billions of capillaries in the human body highly elastic, greatly reducing the probability of blood vessel rupture. Therefore, friends with cardiovascular diseases may as well eat more eggplants to protect their hearts and maintain health!
One eggplant is equivalent to 10 pairs of medicine
1. Hernia: 4-5 fresh eggplant stems, fry to obtain concentrated juice, and mix with sugar water.
2. Rheumatoid arthritis: 15 grams of eggplant roots, boiled in water. Take once a day for several consecutive days; Or 90g eggplant root, immerse it in 500ml Baijiu, and take it 3 days later. Drink 15 milliliters each time, twice a day, for 7-8 consecutive days.
3. Diarrhea: 15 grams of eggplant roots, 3 grams of pomegranate peel, boiled in water.
4. Oral ulcer: Dry the frosted eggplant, grind it into fine powder, apply it to the affected area, and it will heal after 1-2 times.
5. Mastitis: Sprinkle fine eggplant powder on Vaseline gauze and apply externally to the affected area.
6. Blood in the stool: Frosted eggplant with stem burning is the end. Take 10 grams of warm wine on an empty stomach daily; Or boil more than 10 pieces of eggplant leaves in water.
7. Toothache: Mash the eggplant roots with juice and apply it frequently; Or apply aged eggplant roots with ashes, rinse mouth with exposed honeycomb decoction first.
8. Nipple cracking: Bake the frosted eggplant flowers and apply sesame oil to the affected area.
9. Chilblain: 10 eggplant roots, 3 grams of Sichuan pepper, boil and wash the affected area with water.
10. Old Rotten Feet: Take the skin of fresh purple eggplants, apply locally, 1-2 times a day. At the initial use, local symptoms worsened and the reaction disappeared after about a week.
Eating eggplants like this doubles their nutrition
Tomatoes and eggplants not only complement each other in taste, but also in nutrition. Rich in carotene and lycopene, it can enhance beauty and immunity.
The biggest concern when making eggplants is that they are prone to oil absorption. And this dish can blend the acidity of tomatoes with the tenderness of eggplants, removing the greasiness of braised eggplants and neutralizing the acidity of tomatoes, creating a delicious and fragrant taste! Eating this dish during the dog days can also cool down, relieve heat, and replenish moisture. Add some garlic for a better taste.
Onions contain substances such as sulfides, quercetin, and prostaglandin A, which can help reduce blood viscosity. Eating onions and eggplants together has a better effect on protecting blood vessels and enhancing immunity.
The high-quality protein and unsaturated fatty acids contained in fish are particularly rich. Taking catfish as an example, it not only has fresh and tender meat, but also a delicious taste. Regular consumption can also have a good nourishing and beauty enhancing effect.
Stewed catfish with eggplant not only provides delicious food but also satisfies the body's nutritional needs while maintaining a healthy weight.
Eggplant+white thatch root
In addition to being used as a vegetable, eggplants can also be made into soup. Adding white thatch roots to eggplants and boiling them into soup can effectively reduce cholesterol, protect blood vessels, and clear heat and detoxify. For friends who have hot palms and soles, or often have nosebleeds, it is important to try this soup.