A thousand year old ancient formula that has never failed to treat skin diseases. It has completely cured urticaria, eczema, and allergies!
Release time:2024-06-15 16:07:41
Word Count:5453
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Sudden changes in temperature, high levels of floating dust, as well as bacteria, mites, and willow catkins and pollen, can easily lead to dryness and allergies of the skin, resulting in a high incidence or worsening of skin diseases.

How to prevent skin diseases? How to solve the long-standing urticaria, which has particularly dry skin and is prone to occur in winter and at night?
There is a wonderful recipe called Angelica sinensis drink that may help you.
Angelica sinensis drink
【 Composition 】: 15g each of Angelica sinensis, Paeonia lactiflora, Ligusticum chuanxiong, Rehmannia glutinosa, Fangfeng, and Schizonepeta panicles; Prepare 10g of Polygonum multiflorum, 10g of Tribulus terrestris, and 10g of roasted licorice, and 30g of Astragalus membranaceus
[Effect]: Nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation, dispelling wind and relieving itching
【 Indications 】: Blood deficiency with heat, wind evil attacking from outside. Symptoms include skin sores and boils, swelling or itching, or red rashes and itching.
【 Fang Jie 】: Danggui, Chuanxiong, Bai Shao, and Sheng Dihuang are four component decoctions in the formula. They nourish yin and nourish blood to treat insufficient blood circulation, while also taking the meaning of "treating wind first by treating blood, and blood circulation will self extinguish"; Polygonum multiflorum nourishes the liver and kidneys, benefits essence and blood; Windproof, Schizonepeta panicle for dispersing wind and relieving itching; White thistle can soothe the liver, disperse wind, and relieve itching; Astragalus membranaceus nourishes qi, strengthens health and solidifies the surface; Licorice is beneficial to qi and harmonizes various medicines. The combination of various medicines plays a role in nourishing blood, moistening dryness, dispelling wind, and relieving itching.
The biggest characteristic of skin diseases is itching. What causes this itching?
There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine that goes, "If there is excessive wind, it will cause itching.".
Wind is yang evil, blood is yin, and yin can constrain yang. So this Angelica beverage is used to replenish blood with Angelica sinensis. Because blood deficiency leads to blood heat, which can trigger wind evil. Therefore, we use raw earth and white peony to nourish yin and cool blood. To activate the circulation of Qi and blood, there must be no blood stasis, which will hinder the circulation of Qi and blood and fail to achieve the goal of self extinguishing the blood circulation wind. So, Chuanxiong is used here to promote blood circulation and stasis, promote qi circulation, and promote the circulation of qi and blood. Chuanxiong is a blood qi medicine that is good at moving and moving. It can ascend the head and face, descend the sea of blood, and open the stagnation in the middle. It can also treat blood stasis throughout the body.
Qi and blood do not separate, once the blood is done, it needs to be replenished. Qi is the commander of blood, and blood is the mother of Qi. Qi can generate blood, absorb blood, and promote the circulation of blood, making Qi and blood more smooth. So, on the basis of nourishing blood, adding Huangqi to replenish qi.
As mentioned earlier, the main cause of skin itching is wind. In addition to blood deficiency leading to wind, there is also yin deficiency leading to wind. Insufficient yin can also cause wind movement in the body. Therefore, this formula also adds Polygonum multiflorum to nourish the liver and kidney yin, and works together with white peony to nourish yin, which solves the problem of yin deficiency leading to wind.
The above is to nourish qi, nourish blood, and nourish yin, which is the root cause. With the nourishment of qi and blood, the skin will not become dry. If the skin is not dry and moisturized, it will naturally not itch, and there will be no chronic urticaria.
Medical case: A certain patient, female, 40 years old.
Chief complaint: A history of hormone dependent dermatitis for 1 year. Despite seeking treatment from multiple sources at the West Hospital, the cheeks were covered in rashes, red in color, itching, and peeling. The facial skin was dry and sometimes had a burning sensation, seriously affecting work and life. It was extremely distressing, with a red tongue, thin yellow coating, and thin veins.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis: Blood deficiency and wind dryness. Treatment is suitable for nourishing yin and blood, dispelling wind and relieving itching.
Prescription: Angelica sinensis drink flavored.
10g Angelica sinensis, 10g Rehmannia glutinosa, 10g Paeonia lactiflora, 10g Ligusticum chuanxiong, 10g Polygonum multiflorum, 6g Schizonepeta tenuifolia, 6g Fangfeng, 10g Tribulus terrestris, 20g Astragalus membranaceus, 10g Sophora flavescens, 10g Phellodendron amurense, and 10g Glycyrrhiza uralensis, 10 doses, decocted in water.
Second diagnosis: After taking the medication, the symptoms of cheek rash, itching, peeling, and burning sensation have decreased, the tongue is red, the coating is thin and yellow, and the pulse is thin. Continue using the original formula and add 15 more doses.
Feedback: We are pleased to inform you that hormone dependent dermatitis has basically healed, and the rash, itching, and peeling symptoms on the cheeks have all disappeared.
The content of the article is for clinical reference only. Non professionals in traditional Chinese medicine are not allowed to try medication.