In summer and June, try adding some of it to your cup to relieve coughing and reduce phlegm, and your sleep may be better~
Release time:2024-06-15 16:55:12
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Everyone is familiar with dried tangerine peel. When we drink tea, we can put some dried tangerine peel into it. When we cook Congee, we can also put some dried tangerine peel into it, not to mention making sugared water and old fire soup. No matter what we cook, with dried tangerine peel, the taste will have an essential upgrade.

Some people say that one or two tangerine peels make one or two gold, and a hundred years of tangerine peel is better than gold.
Chenpi is also a unique medicinal herb, and its nature is very gentle. Basically, when used in any formula, it has a good assisting effect.
So, it's definitely not wrong to always keep tangerine peel at home. So, who is tangerine peel suitable for?
Likes to eat meat, has a sticky throat, a lot of phlegm, is tired and drowsy, can eat but cannot digest, is prone to bloating, and so on. If you are also like this, it is recommended to make friends with dried tangerine peel.
Eating dried tangerine peel
8 benefits included in the bag
Cough relief
Chenpi can regulate qi and dissolve phlegm, making it very suitable for those who cough with damp or cold phlegm (symptoms such as cough, excessive phlegm, white and greasy tongue coating, chest tightness, and lack of appetite).
People with bronchitis can also try drinking boiled tangerine peel water. Because the limonene in tangerine peel can stimulate the bronchi, increase glandular secretion, and thus achieve expectorant effects.
Chenpi can lower blood lipids
Fat people have more phlegm, while obese people have more turbid phlegm in their bodies. People like this can brew 10 grams of dried tangerine peel and 10 grams of lotus leaves into tea to drink. Dried tangerine peel can reduce turbidity, while lotus leaves can lower turbidity and increase clear qi. In the process of rising and falling, the wheel of the spleen and stomach will rotate, and once the spleen and stomach are better, they will have more power to remove phlegm and dampness.
This prescription not only helps with weight loss, but also lowers blood lipids because both are essentially the same thing, both related to phlegm and dampness. Phlegm and dampness block the blood vessels, which is called hyperlipidemia; Stuffed on the belly, it's called a small belly.
Moreover, modern research has also found that lotus leaves themselves have a very good effect on lowering blood lipids. After drinking lotus leaf and tangerine peel tea for a period of time, weight loss occurs and blood lipids gradually decrease.
Chenpi Huatan Jianpi
The main function of dried tangerine peel is to promote the qi of the spleen and stomach. The spleen and stomach are responsible for regulating water and dampness, so the qi flow of the spleen and stomach can remove dampness, strengthen the spleen, and dissolve phlegm. Therefore, dried tangerine peel has the functions of nourishing, awakening, and strengthening the spleen.
Treatment of loose and thin stools with dried tangerine peel
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the appearance of watery stool or frequent bowel movements is mainly due to spleen and stomach deficiency cold or the invasion of cold dampness and evil energy. Chenpi has the effect of invigorating the spleen, regulating the middle and removing dampness, and can dispel coldness in the body.
Chenpi tube indigestion
The volatile oil of dried tangerine peel has the effects of dispelling phlegm, relieving asthma, and expanding bronchi. It has a mild stimulating effect on the smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal tract, promoting the secretion of digestive fluid, and increasing appetite.
Chenpi Anshen
Many people do not know that dried tangerine peel can also soothe the mind, which may not be mentioned in most books.
Chen Pi emphasizes the character of Chen, which means it should be left for a longer time. After years of sedimentation, Chen Pi has a stale aura that can calm people's minds, and Chen Pi also has a unique aromatic aroma. People often use dried tangerine peel to make pillows, which are fragrant and pleasant, and have a good relieving effect on insomnia and neurasthenia.
Chest tightness and abdominal distension caused by dried tangerine peel
The components such as hesperidin, vitamin B, and vitamin C in dried tangerine peel can mildly stimulate the intestines and stomach. When feeling bloated or bloated, drinking boiled tangerine peel water will eliminate the feeling of bloating and stuffiness.
Dry skin of dried tangerine peel tube
Skin can nourish the skin. The skin is bad. You can use hemp seed and yam to make porridge, and add some tangerine peel. The hemp seed is moist and dry, which can remove the dryness of the body. The yam is white and can nourish the lung. The lung governs the skin. The tangerine peel leads the drug properties to the body surface.
Chenpi is beneficial for preventing arteriosclerosis
Containing pectin can reduce the deposition of lipid substances in blood vessels, which to some extent helps prevent arteriosclerosis.
Anyway, don't look at the small piece of tangerine peel, there are really many benefits~
Chenpi paired with it for better results
Many people only know how to soak dried tangerine peel in water and drink it. If you can learn some combination techniques, the health benefits can be even better!
1 dried tangerine peel+goji berries=invigorating the spleen and relieving cough
2 dried tangerine peel+red bean=clearing heat and removing dampness
3 tangerine peel+hawthorn=scraping oil to relieve constipation
Recommended Recipe: Chenpi Hawthorn Tea
Function: Disinfect and dissolve accumulated food, moisten the intestines and relieve constipation, regulate qi and strengthen the spleen
Ingredients: 2 grams of dried tangerine peel, 2 grams of dried hawthorn, 2 grams of stir fried cassia seeds, and 1 gram of dried lotus leaves
Method: Brew and drink the above ingredients together
When eating dried tangerine peel, two things to pay attention to
Homemade dried tangerine peel is not feasible
Many people believe that drying the skin peeled off from eating oranges can replace dried tangerine peel. This is actually a misconception, eating something wrong can actually harm one's health.
Medicinal tangerine peel has strict requirements for the variety, production process, and preservation of oranges. So don't make it yourself at home.
These populations are not suitable for consumption
People with stomach heat: often accompanied by yellow and greasy tongue coating, love to eat cold food, stomach pain and refusal to press;
People with hot cough: cough and wheezing with yellow white phlegm;
People with yin deficiency or qi deficiency: insomnia, frequent dreaming, and accompanied by dry throat.
After the introduction, do you have a better understanding of Chenpi? Make good use of dried tangerine peel and avoid misunderstandings in order to maximize its health benefits!