A wonderful prescription for treating warts, one medicine can eliminate warts and corns on the body
Release time:2024-06-16 12:37:25
Word Count:6836
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My grandfather (a late local self-taught local doctor who used 8 doses of traditional Chinese medicine to cure a patient with dilated pulmonary tuberculosis in the 1950s and caused a sensation) once said, "What is a teacher? For doctors, patients are the best teachers.".

Why do you say that? The patient's reaction after taking medication is most convincing based on their own experience. Once the illness is cured, we can summarize our experience; If the disease is not cured, ask the patient how other doctors have treated it, and we can learn from the experience of others.
So, patients are the best teachers Grandpa's words have indeed been verified by me.
Two years ago, one morning at the clinic, a patient came and said, "Doctor, I have a wart on my leg. What medicine should I use?" I saw a dark area about the size of a palm on the patient's left leg, with several warts of varying sizes on it. The patient reported that this piece of skin had eczema six months ago, which may have been caused by applying hormone ointment.
I am an internal medicine doctor who is skilled in treating various internal medicine diseases.
Based on experience, for skin diseases such as flat warts, taking the traditional Chinese medicine formula Xiaoyou Tang (mulberry leaves, chrysanthemums, summer dried grass, Scutellaria baicalensis, purple grass, indigo root, motherwort, oysters, mother of pearl, and ochre substitute) internally is still very effective.
But most patients believe that flat warts are not a serious problem and are unwilling to take herbal medicine.
While I was thinking about how to communicate with this patient, another patient waiting next to me spoke up and said, "This disease is easy to treat! I have had this disease before. I have had several laser treatments and took traditional Chinese medicine orally for more than half a year, but the effect is not good and it is prone to recurrence. Finally, I heard someone tell me that one solution is to crush it with brute bruce, soak it in 75% alcohol and apply it externally, once in the morning and once in the evening, and it will be cured in less than two months."
The patient heard so miraculous and said, "Doctor, could you also give me some to try?"
I thought to myself, according to the book "Chinese Medicine", it is said that Brucea Javanica has a therapeutic effect on corns and can definitely treat warts. The patient has actually used it before, so why not give it a try. So I prepared a small bottle for the patient for free and informed them, "We won't charge you any money, it will be treated as an experiment, but there is a condition: if you recover from the illness, remember to tell me." The patient repeatedly thanked, "That must be, definitely..."
One day, six months later, I had forgotten about this matter and the patient suddenly appeared: "Doctor, that medicine is very effective. After using it for over a month, you see, not only has the flat wart healed, but even the dark skin left by the previous eczema has been wiped away..."
In the past two years, I have cured dozens of patients with flat warts using this simple, convenient, and practical formula alone. Grandpa is still right - patients are the best teachers!
Brucinia oleifera, mainly produced in Guangdong, Guangxi and other regions, is the mature and dry fruit of the bitter wood plant Brucinia oleifera. When used for medicine, remove its fruit skin and use its seeds.
The use of brute bruce as a medicine was first recorded in the "Supplement to the Compendium of Materia Medica" written by Zhao Xuemin in the Qing Dynasty. It is said that its taste is bitter, its nature is cold, and it has a small poison. Return to the large intestine and liver meridians. With its bitter cold nature, it can enter the large intestine, liver and gallbladder meridians and exert the function of clearing heat and detoxifying, which can relieve the dampness and heat accumulated in the large intestine, liver and gallbladder.
Oral administration of Javanica can relieve the dampness and heat toxins in the large intestine, liver and gallbladder, while external application can treat warts.
The famous modern doctor Zhang Xichun used bruce bruce to treat warts. According to the "Medical Zhongshen Xilu", "it has an extremely bitter taste and a cool nature, which is an essential medicine for cooling blood and detoxifying. It is good at treating hot dysentery and red dysentery, and can clear the heat in the blood and intestines due to heat. It can prevent corrosion and promote muscle growth, and has a remarkable effect." It is also good at treating warts by mashing vinegar and applying it to the boil. "
In addition, the "Ultimate Holy Pill" mentioned in the "Experience Formula" refers to the treatment of corns by pounding and applying 20 pieces of the same roasted wine of Brucea Javanica kernel to the affected area.
In contemporary times, there are also many medical reports on the treatment of flat warts with Brucea Javanica. It can be seen that the effective formula for treating "warts" is the external application of Brucea Javanica.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that warts are caused by external invasion and toxin, but the lack of proper qi is fundamental. The process of onset is:
Externally: Wind heat toxin beats on the skin. Internal symptoms include excessive liver fire, deficiency of body yang, liver deficiency and blood dryness, lack of vitality in the tendons, and loss of nourishment in the tendons and meridians. Causing the skin to be rough, dry, cracked, fluffy, and withered.
External pathogenic toxins take advantage of deficiency to enter the blood, internal qi and blood are out of harmony, and the striae are not dense. The interweaving of internal and external factors leads to the accumulation of dampness and toxins, and stagnation of qi and blood, resulting in chronic diseases.
Yadan Zi, with its bitter cold and ability to clear dampness and heat, as well as its corrosive effect on warts, not only treats the symptoms but also the root cause. With just this flavor, it has a good effect!
Usage: Mash 100g of Brucea Javanica (peelable), add 200ml of 75% ethanol, soak for 3 days. Dip a cotton swab in a small amount of supernatant daily and apply to the affected area. Usually, after one week, the warts will fall off without leaving any scars.
During treatment, the three earliest onset warts can be selected. After its disappearance, the remaining warts can disappear on their own.
Pain after application, numbness on surrounding skin, and slight redness, swelling, and burning sensation.
These manifestations are side effects, and those with conditions can undergo moderate skin anesthesia to relieve pain.
Kind reminder: Personal opinion, for reference only! Not used as a basis for medical diagnosis. If necessary, please use under the guidance of a physician.