Shingles, all you need is a herbal medicine!
Release time:2024-06-16 15:33:25
Word Count:6133
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Folk herbal medicine is a treasure that can be used for a lifetime. It can be easily picked, but it can solve many big problems, benefiting people and oneself.
Gangban Gui was recommended by an elderly neighbor. At that time, someone in the neighborhood had herpes zoster, commonly known as "raw snake" or "southern snake sores" in the folk, which often occurred on the neck or stomach. Although treated at the hospital, it was still painful.
After the elderly learned about it, they collected a stick board and pounded it into a mud paste in a stone mortar. They applied it to the herpes zoster and boiled the remaining grass and water to drink. The pain was greatly reduced the night they drank it. The next day, the herpes zoster had basically improved, leaving no scars after healing, and the effect was very significant.

And years later, my witness gave me a deeper understanding of the magic of this grass.

▲ Bar plate return
That year, when I was in the countryside, my cousin's husband suddenly developed shingles on his chest and back, which were large and far from the hospital, making it inconvenient to seek medical treatment.
That kind of neuropathic throbbing pain that lasted all night was unbearable. As soon as it was clear, I personally picked up the Chinese herbal medicine and applied it for less than half an hour. The affected area felt cool and comfortable, and within a day, the symptoms of shingles were basically eliminated.
When I use it myself, it is mainly for external use, such as frying soup and washing it outside, and the effect is still good.
Sometimes it is also used for anti-inflammatory treatment of wounds caused by cuts in skin and flesh. After the wound is hemostatic, the leaves of the shoulder plate are used to beat or knead out juice, and its juice is applied to the wound or directly applied to the wound. The anti-inflammatory and anti infection effects are very good, and the scar is also easy to close and grow.
In recent years, I have been recommending this herbal medicine to many patients with ulcers and rashes, and the symptoms have basically improved after one day or two days.
Gangban Guizhi Waist Wrapping Fire Pill:
1. Crush the fresh stem plate into a paste and apply it directly to the herpes zoster. The next day, the herpes zoster will basically improve. For severe cases, do it multiple times without leaving any scars, and the effect is significant.
2. Fresh stem plate with Gui Ye, mash and mash the juice, adjust an appropriate amount of realgar powder, apply to the affected area several times a day. (Jiangxi Folk Herbs)
In the Ming Dynasty, there was a medical book called "The Return of Ten Thousand Diseases to Spring", which recorded that when carrying a board, it was born in the fourth and fifth months, and when frost appeared in the ninth month, it disappeared. The leaves are sharp and green, like the tip of a plow head, and the vine has small thorns. You are round and black like your eyes.
Gangban Gui, also known as Plowhead Grass, has a certain individual named "Snake Backward". This herb is covered in thorns and has triangular leaves, similar to the plow used to cultivate fields. When snakes see this grass, they are afraid and dare not cross over, but instead retreat and detour because they are afraid that its hooks and thorns will puncture their own bodies and cause injury.
In addition to its vine like thorns, it also has a prominent stipe. Its stipe is very large, round, covering the entire stem. A very round and large stipe is rare in ordinary plants.
Another characteristic of its shape is that its leaves are shield shaped. What is shield like growth? The petioles of the leaves we usually see grow at the base of the leaves. And the petiole of the stem plate is long in the middle of the leaves! Like a shield.
The flowers of Gangban Gui are purple, usually harvested in summer and then dried in the sun for use as traditional Chinese medicine.
The most beautiful fruit is still the achene, which is round in shape and has stunning blue and purple hues, as if it is a natural gem left behind in the grass and trees. Every autumn is the season when the fruits ripen. The fruits are non-toxic and can be eaten after ripening.
The natural and rich sour taste will quickly stimulate every taste bud on the tongue, and the memory of this taste will be instantly retained in your mouth, unforgettable for years.
Bangban Gui has a tenacious vitality. It does not pay attention to living conditions and likes to grow on barren ditch banks, riverbanks, and grass on the roadside. As a climbing plant, it is not low-key at all and will not silently entangle with other plants like a morning ox,
Because there are inverted thorns on the stems and leaves of the Chinese parasol, it uses these thorns to hook and walk like hooks. Where it exists, this piece of land becomes its territory, making people feel that it is not afraid of the heavens and the earth, very domineering.
Its efficacy can be summarized in eight words: to break through mountains and build bridges when encountering water.
Atmosphere! How can we make our way through the mountains? Any sore or abscess in the human body, unnamed and poisonous, is called an explosive volcano. When it comes into contact with an explosive volcano, it has the ability to rupture.
Herpes zoster is believed by traditional Chinese medicine to be caused by internal emotional injury, leading to excessive liver and gallbladder fire, spleen dampness and heat accumulation, and external toxicity. It is called "snake string sore" or "waist entanglement fire pill" in traditional Chinese medicine.
In fact, don't be intimidated by the name of the disease when treating it. Modern people's thinking is too complex, and they casually think of the disease as too complicated. The main treatment for herpes zoster with Gangban Gui is to clear heat and detoxify, promote diuresis and reduce swelling, and dispel blood stasis and stop bleeding.
Kind reminder: The information is for reference and learning only, and should not be used as a basis for medical diagnosis. If necessary, please use under the guidance of a physician.